Weight loss and Chit Chat #159

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  • Hello and to the Jaded Ladies!!

    We'd love to have you join us while we talk about our weight loss efforts and our daily lives. So come on in and chat away!!
  • Ran out of time while doing my Bio! I will be back another time.

  • I did my SLim-n-tone workout--there usually isn't many people there when I go but tonight was fun--there was a lady there that I have met before, a new really funny one and two the just joined and were getting their orientation--we all had a blast--
    SIDE NOTE--I truly believe the reason you lose weight while drinking water is the number of trips you have to take to the bathroom--it's a really busy phone time for me so I wait as long as I can and then almost run down a hall that keeps getting longer the more I drink!!!
  • HI ladies...

    Sorry, another quickie from me. I am feeling horrible...woke up this morning with a killer sinus headache. Felt better after I took something but have been in and out of it most of the day. Took a long nap but felt even worse when I woke up. I did however, force myself to get in a 3-mile walk, I almost didn't. But decided "I can do it!" sick or not. Anyway, so going to turn in early tonight and hopefully get a lot of sleep/rest and be back tomorrow feeling better to catch up.

    Take care ladies and nighty, night.
  • Susan I will eat my oatmeal with a fork in the morning. And my children ate all the bananas so I won't have any bananas in it either, and the worst part....we don't even have a starbucks to make my day any better. I hope the rest of your day was good. Eifel 65 is the name of the band who sings the song BLUE.

    Cristi I hope that you feel much better soon. Have a good sleep and way to go on doing your walking while you were sick.

    Jane have fun with the kids. They will be feeling great just because they get to come and see you. Take lots of vitamin c so that you don't catch anything.

    Marti When is the big move at work taking place? Do you work shift work or just straight days? When I am done here I will go and read your Bio.

    Jule Glad that you had a good time with your workout. It always seems to go much faster and easier when there are people around that make it fun. Tell them all same time tomorrow.

    Angie Did you enjoy your day off? Are people all stocked up on beer that they don't need to order it from you today? Are you still in the same house that you were in last year or did you guys move to a new house? How is your son feeling today? Hope he is over his sickness.

    Mel That must be a couple pounds of muscle, and when you weigh in next time your hard work will have paid off.

    Cristine so was it lean cuisine and wine again tonight?

    Katy So did you get all your knitting done? When does the little one get to go back to playschool? Hope you had a good day.

    I hope I didn't forget anyone, sorry if I did.

    I watched the show the BIggest Loser tonight on tv (while I was working out on the eliptical trainer.) Wow what a good show. It is the first time I have seen it. Gave me inspiration to work out harder. Well DS just came up and informed me that his friend is not spending the night as he has hockey in the morning so I must run him into town. Angie how do you do it???
    DD is also waiting for the boyfriend to phone...

    Chat later.

  • Hiya ladies...sorry I've been absent, got a bit overwhelmed with the holidays, I think. Santa brought me an i-pod and a Tinkerbell jewelry box, so I must have been a good girl We had friends over for an old fuddy-duddy New Year's Eve -- we all played Cranium and Scattergories with the kids, ate not-too-bad for us goodies, and toasted with champagne at midnight. All of us grownups could hardly make it to midnight. We were like, whoo hoo Happy New Year 'kay, I'm ready for bed It was fun, though -- Cranium is a blast.

    Didn't make it to WW for WI this week. Our meeting is 6:30 am Saturday morning (yes, I know, we are crazy, but at least it leaves the rest of our weekend free), and we did make it to WI on Christmas Eve...but woke up this Saturday to howling winds and pouring rain and said, oh no, heck with that. I am just so glad I didn't get called in to work this weekend -- with the horrible weather we had a lot of power outages. Fortunately, they had plenty of volunteers who wanted triple-time for the holiday. Anyway, hope not too much damage was done to my progress between Christmas and New Years. I made it up to Christmas Eve without gaining, but feel like I haven't been really in control since...a little nervous about what the scale will say this week.

    Julie, I am also a former Coke addict -- that's Coca Cola, not the other stuff!!! Seriously, though...I used to just have one with dinner. Then one with lunch, and one with dinner. Then one at about 3pm, and one about 10am, and then I started having horrible headaches if I didn't have one first thing in the morning. It was like coffee to me, and I realized I was easily drinking a 6 pack a day without batting an eye. I switched to Diet Dr Pepper -- didn't even used to like regular Dr Pepper much, but the diet stuff is really good. I drink 1 or 2 a day, on rare occassions maybe 3, but I'm not hooked like I was on Coca Cola. I didn't have any at all the week we were in Ireland, and missed it a little bit, but I drank a lot of tea instead.

    Jane, I'm thinking good thoughts that you stay healthy for your trip! I hope you have a wonderful time at WDW. We are really looking forward to Disneyland, even though it's probably crazy to go on Spring Break.

    Marti, I think gypsy hair is so cool, and such a compliment. Sounds exotic, and sultry, and sexy! Much better than my omg-what-a-mess-hippie-hair

    Angie, hope you and the boys liked Narnia. We loved it. Have you ever read the series? I've read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe at least 30 times since I was a little kid. The other books in the series are great, too.

    Hi to all the rest of you ladies, I'd post more but I am sooooooo beat. Fortunately I have tomorrow off. Erik, my oldest, is home on leave for a few weeks, and I have to pick him up at the airport tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing him again, it's been over a year.

    Talk to you soon,

    Mary Kate
  • welcome to all the new members!

    I am going off to update my bio......
  • Good morning, ladies!!

    Marti - I did my Gazelle yesterday. While watching Dr. Phil. One thing about the Gazelle - it's very quiet!

    Cristi - hope you're feeling better today. You are really dedicated to walking to have done your 3 miles yesterday. What an inspiration!

    Julie - as your body gets used to the water intake, your potty breaks will slack off somewhat. That's something to look forward to, right?

    Kathy - I noticed the Biggest Loser reruns are on some channel. Hey, I remember the days of being a taxi service for the kids. My son was so much older than the youngest, he was able to help a lot, thank goodness.

    MaryKate - I've wondered about the Cranium game. Looks fun! Our pastor recommended the Narnia author during one of his sermons, but I've never read any of the books. Now you've got me wanting to. Walmart (or Target?) has the box set, so maybe I'll get them. Enjoy your day off.

    Mindee - good to see you back! Oh now, I bet you'll have another baby next year! <Jane is doing a fast duck now!> Tee hee

    Neal and I both had trouble sleeping last night. Not sure why, but that's been going on for awhile. I think we're both a little worried about Katie leaving. Plus, post-menopausal women are said to sleep less. So I got up, ate some peanut butter toast that was NOT part of my calorie limit. What's wrong with me, anyway????? Today is a new day, though, and I'm going to do better.

    It's gloomy in Indiana, and I'll be glad to see the Florida sunshine this weekend!

    See ya' later, ladies.....
  • Morning Ladies--break time --already drank over 2 16 oz Dasani's and been down the hallway several times--caffienne headache still thumping but a little less intense.

    Jane--I can't wait for the walks to the bathrooom to slow down, but wait then I'll have to exercise more to make up for all those mini powerwalks!! Have fun in the sun. I think the trouble sleeping is trying to contain the anticipation of seeing Mickey! Florida sounds good in the middle of winter!

    Crisit--hope your feeling better--everyone here at work is sick and it's one of the old buildings from the 80's that are called "sick buildings" because the air is just recycled from one department to the next with very little fresh air included which just tends to circulate the germs and add to it that the filters are not changed as often as they should be.

    Marykate--It is the Coca-cola product not what used to be in it in the original formula (HeHe!) From what I hear if it was addicted to the other stuff--I wouldn't be the size I am !!! I too was going through more than I care to admit and I know there alot of points when you do WW. I tried doing the diet Coke and I actually like the Diet Coke with Lime, but they make me crave the real stuff---I'm such a junkie!!! I do like tea especially Chai. Enjoy your son!

    Marti--come back and talk to us soon!!!

    Kathy--actually the two new girls asked me if I would be back tonight! There are nights I go in and it's just me and the owner--but she is a blast to be around!! Treasure the days of driving your kids around and them on the phone constantly--mine are both out of the house and I am still sufferring from kid withdrawal on top of my Coka-Cola addiction!!!

    Mindee--your kids are too cute!!

  • Good Morning!

    I hope you feel better Cristi!! That you walked 3 miles not feeling well is awesome, take care of yourself though!

    Welcome back Mindee!! Logan looks adorable and Brandon is a cutie too! I am glad you are back posting , missed you.

    Isn't earing oatmeal with a fork the greatest Kathy?? Where do you live that you don't have a Starbucks though??? I made a pot of coffee this morning and it was horrid. I don't think I will ever get use to pot coffee- the taste is barfy!

    I had oatmeal and only walked 1.5 miles in my socks. I woke up with a cold sore, lovely!!!!

    Gave Gaby a bath last night and she was out of her mind tired. It was a bubble bath and she cried she wanted more bubbles!! It was up to her chin. I said "that is enough!!! You are too tired for a bubble bath!! Out!!" and she cried some more. Poor thing.

    I better get to work.Chat later
  • Mindi- your avatar is cute! Lokks a lot like my siggy pic!
    So I had a bad night last night! I was in the garage and slipped and smacked my face on the van! Twisted my knee pretty bad too. My face is all purple and swelled up. My glasses are bent . . . I look like I got into the bar fight or something! I'm just a klutz!
    Susan- walked in your socks?? Huh?
    All those Coke (a cola) addicts- I'm addicted to Diet Dew! Hard to quit! I think we need soda drinkers anonymous!
  • On the treadmill , not outside - lol I doubled them. Still have the sore on the heel for shoes.
  • Hi Ladies...

    Not much going on...sicker than a dog today, worse than yesterday. I even sletp till almost 11! I couldn't believe it when I looked at the clock but that's how bad I feel today. Still going to try and get my exercise in though...can't let a minor thing like feeling like I am going to die, stop me! Especially after reading everyone's posts, can't let my jaded ladies or myself down. Anyway, we'll see. I am definitely moving in slow mo. I did get my vitamins taken, and half my water down so far. Now...let's see if I can remember what everyone said on the last thread.

    MARTI...about the stamps...yeah they have the 2 cent stamps. As a matter of fact I got 100 2 weeks ago and still need more. I didn't get a lot of Christmas stamps but have a lot of others. Still need more I'm afraid. V said "You don't need that many, do you?" I pulled the stamps out and showed him! Of course I went to the post office Monday to mail some stuff and thought I would get some while there and they were all out.

    KATY...ditto here...I would have to average about 1400-1500 cals or even less to lose. For me I think exercise is the key.

    MINDEE... back! We missed you! How's the little rugrats doing? Took a gander at some of the pics and Logan looks big for just 2 months! He is a cutie pie though, as is Brandon! And...I like your hair in the one pic...did you get a perm? It looks good.

    SUSAN...I too would make a point of asking the babysitter why and where Gaby came up with that. You had me laughing, picturing you in the kitchen eating oatmeal from the pot with a fork! Silly girl. I'm glad I'm not a coffee drinker...it's smells really good to me but I can't stomach the taste. And we only got a Starbucks here last year I believe, and they are always packed so it must be good. Oh, and be careful walking on the treadmill without the proper shoes missy, you could do more damage than good. I forgot to put my walking shoes on the other day and started out with my thongs on and man did my feet hurt. I was just lazy an didn't want to go back upstairs to get them. So be careful!

    JANE...I like that song by Rod Stewart...and the sexy one too. Actually, I like all of his music and have been wanting to get his newest CD's, where he sings the old music. Just love his voice. WTG on being on POP! Sorry, you and Neal haven't been able to sleep good. I bet it is Katie leaving. When I knew Josh was leaving I was that way. In the beginning I was fine. But the closer it got to the actual day, I was a mess. And right after he left too, until I finally heard that he was fine. I don't think one peanut butter toast will do too much damage to your calorie counting.

    KATHY...my energy the other day was zapped by 4 p.m.! I had to take a nap because I was feeling exhausted. Love, PINK! I actually even liked her when she had pink hair, just thought it was so pretty. I have Just Like A Pill on my cell for one of the rings. I started watching Biggest Loser and got busy with other things I missed it.

    MARYKATE...I was wondering if you guys were affected by all that rain, hopefully not. Hey, you've done an awesome job so far so you shouldn't beat yourself up too much about the holidays. That is...if you have gained anything. I saw your ticker and noticed you've lost 25 pounds so you are doing GREAT! Keep up the good work! Enjoy your time with Eric! I'm not sure when we will see Josh again.

    JULES...hopefully you are not in the sick building! That just sounds terrible. Ditto about the trips to the potty! Geez, I keep waiting fo rthe trips to slow down but like you said, that's exercise there just going!

    ANGIE...I've not seen the movie, nor have I read those books. Never been into those kind of movies. I didn't even see The Lord of The Rings or any of the Harry Potter ones, and everyone said they were good. Hope you guys enjoyed it though. About the song...I am going to check it out. I am pretty sure I know what it is though but want to see if it would be a good exercise song.

    MEL...WTG on the 1.5 hour workout! WOOHOO YGG! About the stretch marks...I'm still waiting for mine to go away! Maybe when I lose the weight they will fade, either than or I'll have my own road map on my belly!

    Hi to everyone else!

    Can't remember who all were saying they are/were addicted to coke...I was addicted to Dr Pepper and now can't stand the stuff. I had gone to the laundromat years ago because my washer broke down. Wanted something to drink and went for a DP and they were all out. Tried to get my money back, nothing. So I started pushing the other buttons and everything was out except Diet Coke. Let me tell ya...I was so thirsty and it was cold I downed it. That was in 1997 and I have been drinking it since! Sometimes I would drink a 2 ltr bottle a day! I've cut back a lot but still have to have it. But now, I make sure I get my water in also. Anyway...need to go do something and then lay down I think. I hate sleeping so much, I feel like I am just wasting away but it's the only thing that helps. See ya ladies later!
  • I'm so frustrated! My computer is so slow right now that it's taking so much time to load the pages!! I'm going to have James look at it and when it's fixed, I'll catch up!

    (and here I was doing so well!!)

    I'll be back later if I can!
  • Susan--try Abbreva for your cold sore--it really works

    Mel--my DD is as klutzy as you...she currently has a black eye from playing with a friends ST Bernard

    Crisiti-- I hope you feel better soon!!! I hate sinus infections!!! Everytime I get one anymore it goes straight to my ears and I end up with an earache--not good to not be able to hear when 80% of my job is answering the phone...I am working in the "sick building" I went to a health food store and am taking a probiotic--it's supposed to be good for the immune system--I guess it's working as I haven't been sick except my allergies unless you count this stupid headache I have had for three days now! I also am on perscription Allegra 180 & Flonase.

    Hope to see you soon Marti!!

    Hi to everyone else!