Back To School Support Group!

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  • Hullo Ladies! (and gents?)
    I've been participating in an over-the-holiday challenged, and guess what. Holiday's just about up! I go back to school on the 9th, and that means its going to be super to hard to loose weight and keep it off (especially with my arch nemesis - the vending machine! ) In the last forum, people would pop in and say "Oh! I wish i'd seen this earlier! I totally could have used this"
    So here you are!! Back to school, a new year, and you probably have some resolutions to keep! Hopefully we'll get some people together here who are also students, and know how hard it is to find time to exercise, and eat well when you're in school! So join any time! On your first post, it'd be good to do an intro, like what you're studying, and what your goals are!

    I'm Maggie, Im 19, from Toronto, and a full time student of animation, meaning many future desk jobs! I dont get much exercise because school almost literally consumes all my time! I dont have a lot of weight to loose, but im concerned for my health right now, and im trying to be good to my stomach, which is having some problems (as of yet unknown!). No matter what it is, the doc said more veggies never hurt anyone, so there you go! Basically my main concern right now is staying healthy for my future, and getting in better shape than i have been in!

    Im looking forward to hearing from more people, and no matter how much people want to loose, or what their goals are, support is always good! Good luck, and Cheery bye for now!!

  • On the same track
    Hi Maggie:
    I am about the same weight (134 current) with a similar goal. I am also a student, although I am a third year grad student. Please send me a message if you think staying in touch would help us both toward our goal!

  • Hi I'm Lilly. Also 19 years old. I am a full time college student majoring in Criminal Justice. Im taking an immense amount of units so that I can get my degree faster. I have quite a bit of weight to loose, but im trying. Ive been excercising and tryin to eat healthy. Also my job right now is a desk job. So yeh I dont get much excercise at work.
  • Hey, my name is Erika and I am also 19. I'm studying French and Communications. I'm going to count calories and exercise. I used to be about 185 pounds, but now I am 164. I want to lose 34 lbs.
  • Hi all, I'm 21 and will be a senior this spring semester majoring in Philosophy. I was also doing pre-medicine, but I'm no longer sure if I truely want to pursue this or not. I'm taking 18 hours this semester, so I know I will be super busy, which is good and bad. Good because if I'm at school, I don't get cravings, bad because all the work will cause me stress and when I'm stressed I like to eat. However, I have plans and goals for myself, and I can't accomplish these goals the way I am. Anyways, good luck to you all. Hope you all have continued success.
  • HOly cow! These are way more responses that i was expecting over night! Very cool! Sadly, as i sit here reading, i am eating PIE. Good thing my goal doesnt start quite yet... lol

    Anyway, my plan for school is : Tupperware!!! One of my main challenges at school is that the school is in a rather desolate area of town, and the only places to eat are expensive gourmet food (which take too long and cost too much), and THE greasiest spoon in Toronto. At least in my opinion it is. *chuckles* Almost the entire school goes to this one place to pick up food, so the school at lunch hour is full of the smells of hamburgers, onion rings and poutine. BLECH! Even the teachers eat there! So yes i bought myself a nice violent purple theroms, and i have some lunch containers kicking around that i hope to put to good use! Me and my boyfriend eat out a lot, so hopefully we're gonna try and so some more cooking together, which we've tried before! Its pretty fun! Although he's not as patient as i am and i end up stirring the food while he checks his email. *laughs* Ah well.

    So geez when does everyone get back to school so we can start this beast?
    Like i said, i go back on the 9th of January, but if eveyone else goes back earlier, we can always bump the start date!
  • I go back the same time as you.

    Yeah, our dining hall doesn't serve the healthiest items... and the healthy stuff they do have is the same every single day, so it can get boring. But I might follow your lead and get some tupperware going so that I can snack on fruits and veggies instead of junk food inbetween meals.
  • I start back on the 9th also. My biggest problem is going out to eat wayyy to much. I go all day at school without anything to eat and when I get to my apartment, I'm starving. It's always easier to just pick up something. However, I'm planning to cook and freeze foods in advance and have things just in case I can't cook. I've already started on my journey, but I hope and plan to continue it when school starts too.
  • Yea I have the same problem, Freshstart! I could never go all day without eating something though, because you need so much energy doing art all day and you need to be able to focus, or perish! (My perspective teacher keeps a plastic flail in the desk just to repremand students! lol! its awesome) But yea thats why i got my lunch thermos. Im planning on preping some meals at home too, but i'll deffinatly heat em up and take em to school with me. If you dont have room for a big bulky thermos, zip lock bags full of stuff are always exelent for me - i usually try and take red pepper slices, or carrot sticks. They tend to get eaten by other people 0_o Hoard them! lol! Hey they even sell packets of pre chopped veggies in super markets! But for the love of god, try to eat during the day! >.< If i can im going to try and snack every three hours, not so much the big meals, but in school its kind of hard. No eating policy, because of rodents :P LOL! So there you have it! Im kind of glad to be going back because i havnt been doing any major drawing over the holiday! And im supposed to be drawing every day.. *hangs her head in shame* DOOoooom! *laughs* anyways tootles for now! Hopefully we'll nab some more people before the 9th comes round!
  • Oh yea, im totally going to post my shopping list for my meals the first week of school.. *chuckles* they we can all laugh and how many time those mini oreos taunt me into eating them. They're so tastey! GAH! Hey maybe it'll give people some (good?) ideas! It happens to me all the time... Someone says "brussel sprouts" and i go - Hey! I remember those! I LIKE those! Sweet!
  • I'm trying hard not to go a full day without eating. It's going to be hard on Tuesdays and Thursdays because I have three classes back to back. I will have a 15 minute break inbetween so I might eat something. We're allowed to eat in class because some teachers don't have a problem with it, but I hate eating in front of people. I just feel like all eyes are on me for some reason. I know I'm probably just overreacting, but I just prefer to eat in the privacy of my own home, but I am going to try and bring smoothies, and carrort sticks of something for inbetween breaks, and I also plan to have something waiting for me when I get home so I won't have be starving and wondering what it is that I'm going to eat.
  • Freshstart: yeah, definitely pack some snacks if you can't get meals in during school time. Carrot sticks sound healthy...
  • Ooo I kinda know what you mean about eating in front of people sometimes. I dont like eating when its super quiet because all you can here is this crunching, and of course eveyone turns around to see whos eating!Makes you feel really self concious... 0_o *chuckles* I try and eat when ohter people are eating, and i find it helps when i have food that isnt so crunchy, that i can eat discretly cherry tomatoes are good, and fruits too especially if its something thats still good when you cut it up (ie kiwis, strawberries, raspberries?). You might consider an energy shake of sorts if you can find a good one! It'll get you through the day, and its quick! I have a 9-9:30 day this semester too - i think its a monday.. GROAN! lol So i signed up for a six week intro to yoga course! Yay!!! It starts on sunday, and theres one class a week so it fits in decently well, and its on the weekend! Woot! Horray for mild exercise!
  • Holy COW i got my exercise yesterday. Let me just say that getting lost on foot if a fantastic form of exercise, especially after a day of shopping! *Chuckles* more like mall walking.. i didnt find anything! Im feelin pretty good about signing up for the yoga thing, because it means i not only have and two hours (almost) of light exercise schedualed per week, i have to walk to get there! *laughs* Does anyone else have ideas for exercise? especially the little things... Im always looking for little tidbits i can do in the day that will just make be feel good. I usually do a 10 minute quick walk every morning when its not too cold - dont get me wrong. Its only because im usually running late or trying to beat the bus. *chuckles* The bus system is Sooooo slow here sometimes, but at least it gets me moving!
  • Good to see you doing well Miggles. I'm the type of person who likes to schedule in exercise. I'm doing the treadmill right now, but when I go back to school, I'm going to be using the Walk Away the Pound tapes in my apartment. However, I live on the second floor of my apartment, so I'll be getting exercise walking up those steps. I also plan to use the stairs at school, it's going to be a killer, but I know I'll get use to it after awhile. Anyways, good luck to all you ladies when school starts. We can do this!