Post your shopping list

  • Maybe not the most interesting of threads but I'm shaming myself into keeping to the diet. This will be my first diet shop and should hopefully have enough stuff for a couple of weeks. THis is going to cost me a small fortune I can tell

    Breakfast foods
    Ready Brek
    Yeo valley fat free strawberry yog 500g

    1 carton innocent smoothie
    1 carton unsweetened soya milk
    1 2 pint semi skimmed milk
    1 litre diet coke
    1 bottle of orange squash

    Already have herbal teas and tea and the like in

    Lunchtime stuff - am going to have soups which I make from scratch lentil and tomato because they are quick and easy and take them to work in a flask and sandwiches

    1 tin of beans
    2 onions
    hot pepper sauce
    2 tins tomatoes
    3 carrots
    Bag of red lentils
    1 lemon

    wholemeal bread

    Evening meal stuff
    Wholewheat pasta
    wholewheat rice
    salad bag
    2 peppers
    2 baking potatos

    Bag of quorn fillets
    Quorn mince
    quorn sausages
    Lasagne or cottage pie

    Tin of tomatoes
    onion - 2
    mushrooms - 6
    2 peppers

    Sacla tomato pesto
    3 carrots
    bag frozen peas
    6 new potatoes
    small broccolli
    4 small Yorkshire puddings
    veggie stock cubes

    1 block plain chocolate
    white choc harvest chewie cereal bars
    6 apples
    3 bananas
    2 packets walkers french fries (am going to ration these very carefully)

    Why is diet shopping so bloody expensive grrr.
  • Ok I'm nosy .... How long is this gonna last? How many people are you feeding? and what's quorn?
  • Quorn is a vegetarian substitute its made out of mushroom protein stuff (doesn't sound good but tastes nice). Just me and whoever visits me
    the staple stuff like rice and wheat and the quorn stuff cos it's all freezer stuff will last about a month. The soup will last about a fortnight I'll get bored with it after that anyway and want to try something new. Drinks will last about a fortnight too but I'll prob need more milk. Fruit and veg about a week and a half would buy more but if I do I'll only eat it so the idea is to just have what I need.

    The snacks will last a couple of weeks for the choccie stuff if I bought more i'd eat it all. And I'll just get more fruit at work at lunch time instead of buying chocolate. Or thats the plan.

    I normally do my shopping every 2 weeks and then just get odd bits in between.
  • You vegetarian? What's your plan?
    I am nosy aren't I?
  • My shopping list...

    vitality yoghurts
    big bunch of bananas
    8 cox's apples

    baby carrots
    corn on the cob
    baking potatoes

    pork medallions
    quorn sausages

    cottage cheese
    fully skimmed milk
    ryvita minis, worcester sauce flavour

    Pepsi Max
    orange squash

    Wholegrain bread
    wholegrain brown rice
  • Quote: You vegetarian? What's your plan?
    I am nosy aren't I?
    Yup I'm veggie. I'm sticking sort of loosely to slimming world I keep to the max end of the points and tend to lose 3lbs or so a week because I walk so much, I walk at least an hour and a half a day and do 2 gym classes a week. I did it like that before and did really well but I've been working stupid hours and its ruined my eating habits. I was at uni all day and then 3 days a week going to work straight from uni til almost midnight so ended up eating loads of junk food again takeaways for dinner and grabbing chocolate on my breaks at work and the weight has gone back on and xmas hasn't helped oops.

    So new years resolutions and all that are to control the eating. Cut back on the alcohol and be in control of what I eat.