Remember me?

  • I just wanted to say hi I dont know if anyone remembers me or not. I was around here durring the summer of this year.

    Anyway, I havent had internet access for about 3 or 4 months now (its driving me crazy!) and am just at my moms house and thought I'd check in here.

    I havent been following WW or any diet or exercise plan since I stopped coming here. I have been maintaining my 25 lbs weight loss more or less (I've lost and gained the same 5 lbs for the past few months).

    I really want to get back into it, and hopefully I'll have internet back within the next month or so.

    I hope all of you are still doing great!

  • LIZ!!!!!!!!! How are you girl? I don't know when you will get this, but I hope you are able to come back soon I really miss having you! Please stop in when you can and let us know how it goes Great job on maintaining! That is a big accomplishment, way to go!
  • Hi, Liz!!! I hope you're back soon!! I had a dental question that I wanted to ask you a month or so back. Happy new years, and I hope to see you back here really soon!