Anyone up for a St. Patty's Day Challenge??

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  • Anyone want to set some goals with me for St. Patty's Day? I'm looking to lose 15 pounds by then and have my heart set on getting back into some slimmer clothes by spring. March is perfect timing for me because northern Wisconsin is just starting to warm up around mid-March. Any takers??
  • I would love to join you on this challenge.
    I too am looking for 15 pounds by St. Patty's Day
  • Welcome Julie!! I look forward to cheering each other on. And you are a great inspiration... you've already had such great success. CONGRATS!!!
  • Hello I am up for the St.Patty's Day challenge I also want to lose 15 pounds by than
  • I'm in. I'm gonna set a high goal. I want to lose 20 pounds by St. Patty's day!!
  • Hi

    New to this part of the forum, I've been following ww for a couple weeks now and would love to join this challenge. My goal is 17...because I like round numbers and that will leave me at one

    Also? St. Patrick's day....I turn 30. Time to make a change and rock in the 30's
  • I'm looking for 12 pounds by the day after--my birthday!
  • 20 points patty's day goal
    Quote: I'm in. I'm gonna set a high goal. I want to lose 20 pounds by St. Patty's day!!
    Hello All,
    I would love to get in on this challenge. I also would like to lose 20, ( I would be happy with 15. )
    I have never really been in on these things, so fill me in.
    Will we have weigh in days, or just drop by and let everyone know how your doing??
    I sorta got started today anyway!

    starting weight: 195.2 lbs (just got the ww scale for christmas!!)

    patty's day goal: 175.2

  • :)
    Good morning everyone! WELCOME!! I didn't think I'd have so many takers, but I'm so excited!! My hubby's birthday is March 2nd, so I'd love to be close to my St. Patty's Day goal by then just because I have smaller clothes I'd love to be back into when we go out for his birthday.

    Welcome cryket & Jaaaacki!! I hope we can all push each other to meet our set goals!

    Merry & Mousie - this is a perfect birthday challenge. What great motivation to lose and perfect timing!!

    AMYC - welcome to the group. No real rules. Just drop in and check on everyone.

    If everyone could tell us when their weigh-in day is so we know when to be watching. Also, share a bit more about why you decided on WW and what brought you to these forums. Are you a meeting-goer, an online member, or just doing it on your own at home. And share any other info you'd like to add.

    I'm a meeting goer. I started 2/03 and lost 45 only to gain it back in a year. Then I re-committed 9/05 but have struggled to get the mentality I need to even lose 10 pounds. So... I stopped before the holidays and will re-commit after the first of the year. My bf, her mom, my mom & I are all buying the 17 week program they have been advertising. It's a pre-pay for 17 weeks that ends up costing about $8.50 a week instead of $11 a week. I'm excited to start back up with the company of friends and family. I'm going back to WW because I know it works and I need to make it work. I've been ttc for 5 years adn we're doing IVF this summer/fall and I want to be at an ideal weight before putting myself thru more treatments. I don't want anything standing in my way that I can control.

    GOOD LUCK GIRLS!!! We can do this!!

    P.S. My WI day is Tuesday evenings! LOL
  • Goal
    I joined WW in July and have lost 34 lbs since then. I felt it was time to do it. Nothing else worked and WW is great - the support from the members is awesome. I go to the meetings - which I feel is a great modivator. Seeing the scale weight makes me want to go home and walk on my air walker - since it is too cold in Northern Ohio to walk in the snow!!
    I weigh in on Tuesday afternoons - I lost 0.4lbs over the Christmas week - which a loss of ANY type I think is awesome - I even ate Mexician last week, plus Christmas Eve and Christmas dinners. I have stayed away from the Chocolate - which I love - so that has helped alot.

    Don't they say the average person gains 5 lbs between Thanksgiving and Christmas - a maintain or loss during this time for ANYONE is awesome.
    I love 3fc and the support or just the talking - keeps me in the right mind frame - I want to be able to wear a nice dress for Valentines Dinner Dance - so I am working hard for that!!
  • I'd love to get in on the St. Patrick's Day challenge, but am unsure of how much I should set my goal at. Any ideas?
  • Julie, I'm with you on the meetings! I love the support of the other members. I moved and had to change meetings, so I'm still adjusting, but I'm looking forward to re-starting with bf, her mom & my mom because none of us are the slightest bit shy, so hopefully we can get more people to open up!!

    Beatles... What do you think is an attainable goal for you? 5 pounds? 10 pounds? A new pants size? I DEFINITELY suggest taking your picture before and your measurements. Nothing is more inspiring. When I thought I hadn't had a good month, I got my pictures back and compared the first month to the second month and the change was unreal. You don't always see it looking in the mirror everyday, but when the pictures or measurements are right in front of you... they tell the whole truth!!

    Okay... I got off track. Sorry! LOL So, there are about 11 weeks till St. Patty's Day. It's not unreasonable to try for an average loss of 1 pound per week. So, how about you set a 10 pound loss goal? It's attainable, but difficult enough to really push you to TRY to get there. Welcome to the group!!!
  • Thanks Lyndsay! I'm going to go for 10 pounds!
  • Challenge
    Hey Everyone!! What a wonderful challenge to start the New Year with. I'm going to join you all if you don't mind. I joined Weight Watchers last week. My weigh in day will be Tuesday's. With the holidays though this week will be missed =( Oh well.

    I am putting my goal for 20lbs for St Patty's Day. My best friend got engaged on Christmas and has asked that I be her Matron of Honor. I am so excited and refuse to be fat in her wedding.

    So here we go!! Lets rock this out!!
  • Malpay... WELCOME!! And congrats to you on being asked to be the Matron of Honor. Honestly... weddings are the reason I joined WW the first time. I was asked to be in 3 weddings in one summer. I REFUSED to be the "fat bridesmaid" in all of them, so I started WW in Feb. By the time the first wedding rolled around in May I'd lost 18 pounds and had my dress altered from a 20 to about a 14/16. By the August wedding I'd lost 25 pounds and altered the dress from an 18 to a solid 14. Then the September wedding came around and I had surpassed the 30 pound mark and my dress was so cute and tiny!!! Altered to around a size 12 from an 18!!!!!

    So... I guess I'm sharing this to give you inspiration. I was so devestated when ordering the dresses because the ladies kept telling me I HAD to order the larger sizes because it was easier to shrink a dress than let it out. And that they'd heard the "diet speech" 101 times. So... I was beside myself with excitement when I got to go back and get INCHES taken off each dress!!!

    You can do this and you will look and FEEL beautiful!!!!