300+ And Ready To Try Again.. #797

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  • WELCOME !!!

    We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

    Motivational Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

    We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
    we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


    I know you'll all agree that we are really thankful for the free services here at 3FC. The sisters offer all of this support and information with no charges to us. There are a couple of ways though that we can help out.

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    Also, BTW, in case you didn't know it, you can view the message boards "ad free" for a minimal charge. I think it's like $15 for 6 months. A very small investment to be rid of the annoying ads and make your pages load quicker.

    There have been some concerns expressed by the powers that be about copyright infringement. So please, if you are directly quoting someone else or printing an article in whole or in part, please give credit where credit is due!!!!
  • Regarding WLS: I agree that there are far too many people who see it as the easy way out, and there are many who do cheat and end up gaining the weight back. You have to deal with the mental aspect of it in order to truly be successful - whether you have WLS or not. I'm doing everything in my power to be able to lose the weight without having it, but if I have to, I will not have any regrets because I will do anything I have to do to be a healthier me.

    I hope everyone's well and moving downward this week. I haven't had much luck, but there are many reasons why so I'm not kicking myself too hard. As long as I'm not gaining, I'm okay with it.

    I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to do individual posts. I'm exhausted and am on my way to bed. Maybe this weekend I'll get a chance! Until then, be well and keep on movin' =)
  • Sheri C - Thanks for the great reading list! I don't know when I'll get to it, but several books you mentioned sound interesting. I hope this subject comes up again when my time isn't so crazy and I can soak up that info. I haven't taken it as far as you have yet, but I do eat good fats and try to eliminate sugars and starches which give me cravings like you wouldn't believe... or actually, you probably would.

    Catherine - more great insight on losing weight, and I really appreciate the reassurance about the ability of our skin to readjust! It's something I worry about a lot.

    WELCOME WATERLILLIE!!! This group has been one of the best things I could have done to support my weight loss. I understand how isolating this extra weight can be, and how frightening. I'm 45 and have escaped Diabetes so far, but my BP was up to 170/114 last May. I've lost 40 pounds and started exercizing, and last month it was down to 128/78, so it CAN be done. YOU can do it, and we're here to cheer you on!

    Brenda - your post struck a chord with me. It sounds like you're struggling with the huge challange of the season, but it also sounds like you're determined, positively charged, and on your way to success in spite of any temptations you encounter!!! yesssss!

    I did well with my diet today, finally getting back on track with food as well as exercise. Hope everyone had an OP day!!
  • New Post that was at the end of the last numbered post.
    Username is: Waterlilly

    Hi everyone! This is my first post in the 3FC forums. I'm 37,5'6 and weigh my highest at 330 pounds. Luckily I have kept Diabetes (which is a family legacy) away but High Blood Pressure has caught up with me. I'm the Queen of Excuses and Procrastination. But now Im just plain scared. Many times I've visited the forums and looked around then left. I thought now would be a good time to start. Single and currently inactive with a gym only about 3 blocks away. Really need some support. I've really shut myself off from friends and family. Thanks.

    I coppied Waterlillie's post so we can all welcome her here!
  • Welcome Waterlilly: We love to have you join us. We all are at different parts of a journey that you are on too. Talk with us as often as you like.

  • I had my works christmas party last night, it was fun!


    Photos above, I am the one in the stripy jumper!
  • Thank you. Today is Day One and the hard part is I have a nasty chest cold so exercise is pretty much out of the picture but I'm watching everything that is going to go into this mouth.
  • Dogpal ~ I am so very proud of you! I remember when you first came to 3FC. YOU HAVE COME A LONG WAY, BABY!!!! What an accomplishment!!!

    Sheri ~ I am the same way. I don't want something unless I can't have it ~ then it becomes a battle to get it. Apparently, a lot of other people have the same issues because you hear about people with the surgery who end up with hernias because they kept eating anyway. I also have been doing research and have learned a lot (now if I can just apply it).

    Brenda ~ (Is any one else feeling... deprived? Sometimes I want to throw a temper tantrum and stomp my feet because I feel like I am not "like everyone else".) I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!! It seems unfair, doesn't it? I can relate! You're not alone. (P.S.: If you make the burger at home and limit it to about 4 ounces of meat and use low fat mayo, you should be able to have it! You could have them three times a day as long as you count them/keep an eye on what you're eating.)

    I have come to a point where I generally hate food. Sometimes I can't stand to eat at all, sometimes I can't stop. It's very messed up. About two years ago I became a vegetarian. I have gone back and forth at least five times now and am eating meat again (I just can't make up my mind because I keep craving meat). However, now I find that there are times when I can't stand meat and times when I can't stand vegetarian meals, and times that I can't stand either. Food has become my enemy and I hate it most of the time, even while I'm eating. I will work on improving this in the new year. It shouldn't be that way.

    Alison ~ Thanks for sharing your Christmas party photos.
  • Waterlillie -- WELCOME!! If you like, you can join our exercise challenge when you feel better. Several of us feel like it has been motivating. We set goals for the number of minutes we will exercise (whatever exercise and minutes you choose). We're also keeping track of our group minutes, which makes it interesting. Think about joining us in January (I'd say today, but I know you're sick).
  • Welcome waterlillie! You are going to love it here.
  • Hey there waterlillie! I know you can do whatever you set your mind to! (As you can see, I'm in a POSITIVE mood today). Last night, I slipped, and had 5 chocolate covered raisins...dang it! But today, I've just had my usual turkey bacon and cheese omelette. And my exercise today will be pushing through the crowds at Walmart searching for toys for my friend's daughter! Hope you all have a good day!
  • I forgot to ask...do you all weigh in once a week, or a couple of times a week?

    Now I'm really off!
  • Kayley -- 5 chocolate covered raisins isn't much of a slip. Note it and move on! As for your question: I officially weigh once a week, but I get on the scale a few times a week to see how I'm doing.
  • Thanks for making me feel so welcome. Today was Day 1....not too bad for being sick. Went to the doctor for my cold and to check my blood pressure. Blood Pressure was 130/98. Not exactly what the Dr. wanted to see, but I explained what I was about to start (joining a gym and cutting out ALL processed foods) she seemed willing to watch my progress. She has me coming in once a week just for a BP check and I'm going to have them weigh me too until my next appt. in about 2 months. I have no kids and basically I'm an Eater...Not a Cook. So this is going to be a new experience for me too. Please bear with me because I do tend to babble a lot.
  • When losing weight isn't a good thing...
    My body hates me...every time I decide to 'get healthy' & treat it right, it throws me a major curve ball. Maybe its just to much of a shock or something- who knows? This time it looks like its pancreatitis so no Christmas dinner for me this year I'll find out more tomorrow when my doctor gets my latest test results- I had more blood work yesterday & a CAT scan tonight...on top of the HIDA scan last week (which was perfectly normal so I have a happy & healthy gall bladder). My liver enzymes have been slightly elevated for a couple months, so my doctor ordered more detailed testing for iron levels in November, expecting it to back high...but no, my iron came back low, so now I also have anemia on top of everything else. I have to be somewhat thankful that I have the gastroparesis & have a feeding tube that bypasses my stomach so I can go back on that for 100% of my nutrition- I'd been weaning off it for the past year or so & was relying on it for about 50% of my nutrition. If I didn't have the feeding tube, I would more then likely have to be hospitalized for IVs....I spent last Christmas in the hospital for occipital neuralgia & I really don't want to do that again.

    The only good part is that I'm losing weight- a lot faster then is healthy...about 10 pounds in the past week. One part of me is so happy to be losing weight- health problems have added to my weight problem or at least made it more difficult to lose weight, so its only fair- right? Another part of me thinks its so wrong to be happy about it- like I'm cheating or don't deserve to lose the weight because I'm not actually 'doing it'- if you know what I mean. And yet another part says screw worrying about weight loss in general (other then to monitor daily for health reason of course) & just deal with the medical stuff. Ugghhhh- I'm so confused...and in a lot of pain. I just want a semi-normal Christmas for once...I think I'm going to have to switch to celebrating Christmas in July- I never seem to have major medical crisis then.

    I'm not up to writing individual replys- I try to read here when I can to keep up with everyone