My lightbulb morning

  • I'm new, so I hope it is ok that I post here, I count my calories (finally realized this is the only way I can lose the lard) so I jumped in.
    I got up this morning starving , ate my breakfast, an orange, some soup, an apple and some chili. I ate all the chili because I had wanted it from the time I had woken up, even though only the first few bites tasted good. I should have just eaten the chili for breakfast but instead I ate what was "right" for morning and ended up eating waaay more then I would have if I had just listened to myself. I added up how many calories I had eaten already and almost said forget it, I will just be a pig all day and restart tomorrow, but then realized that that was silly, Just because I slipped a little doesn’t mean I have to fall all the way. Instead of bingeing for the rest of the day I got on my treadmill and walked. I am so proud of myself because this is the first time I have caught myself before I gave up for the whole day!! !!YAY ME!!
  • Just wanted to say WAY TO GO Bravelilchicken. This eating part is the hardest of all. I love to exercise and have no problem doing it . . . I need to get back into fitday and counting my calories again. It never made a difference for the two + years I did it but ever since Thanksgiving, I'm making bad choices again. I was going to try and stop diet pop all together (I have one diet root beer every day) and haven't swung that one either. Plus I have all these weight loss books to read and haven't finished. That doesn't help matter either.

    So my point - feel good about the good things that do happen - just like you did and it will keep you moving ahead. One slip up is better then a whole day of slip ups and we are human - we are going to have them.

  • Brave -- WAY TO GO!!!! That's a hard lesson to learn!! I used to give up too, but now I try to learn what I did wrong so I don't do it again. You won't be perfect doing this, but we can all learn to be better. Oh, and WELCOME!!!!

    Rachelle -- For me the eating is the easy part (so to speak... easier perhaps a better word) and getting into the exercise groove a LOT tougher.
  • OMG...I just the "plucky clucky" tag on your name! That totally cracks me up!

    AWESOME job today (so when the chicken crossed the road she got on the treadmill!). This is something I'm sure working on too--the ability to write off the mistakes when they happen and move on without giving up, or beating myself up too bad. It is what I definitely have NOT been able to do in the past.

    Keep up the great attitude!
  • Heyyy..
    Proud of ya!!! I'm new too... 3rd day for me. Whewww...I keep thinking I should have thought about all of the xmas goodies to come! lol. But my determination and willpower seem to be stronger so far . Keep it up and don't let that voice, ya know, the one that says "ohhh I blewww so I should just quit or start another day" get the best of you .
  • I know what you mean, CONGRATS on that "light bulb moment". I think we all have had them. It is sooooo easy to say "well I screwed this day up so why not enjoy the rest of the day and eat whatever.." It takes a BIG (emotionally that is) to say, well I can fix it and not let it mess up my WHOLE day...CONGRATS again