another newbie here!

  • Hi everyone,
    I just discovered this site and thought that the support may help me lose the rest of my weight. I am 26 years old and just got married in July. I am trying to lose the last 30 lbs I need to reach my goal weight. I am 5'5", and my highest weight was 190 lbs. I lost about 25 lbs over the last two years by exercising. I wasn't trying too hard to lose weight, but now I am motivated to lose the rest of the weight I gained during college because my husband and I want to have a baby. Currently I am following the weight watchers diet, am jogging/walking on my treadmill 4 days a week and doing strength training 2 days a week. So far I have lost 4 pounds in the last month. It seems to be coming off kind of slow, which is discouraging as I am working so hard. Anyway, that is my story! I am looking forward to joining you all in the weight loss journey!
  • Welcome Maya! I just wanted to let you know that you will find the support & motivation you need here on this board! and if you ever need an extra push or a kick in the pants, let me know and I'll be here for you!