Tuesday Chat - November 8

  • Grab a coffee and let's go see what those silly Girls are barking at! I was really hoping to get dressed while they were outside but it sounds like the terrorists or Paris rioters are attacking!

    Back in a bit! Lovely sunrise.
  • G'morning, Chicks~~

    I seem to be down another pound of the six I gained on that hideous BRAT diet. I've let myself graduate up to things like chicken soup and buckwheat noodles with cooked veggies and I think it's helping.

    Whatever nastiness had invaded my sinuses seems to have set up housekeeping in my chest. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was being constricted by an anaconda. Such fun. So, it looks like I'm back on the Azmacort for a few days. I hate that stuff--turns me into the Wicked Witch with PMS.

    I'm halfway done with the cuff of one of the purple socks. After that, it's just the heel and it's finished.

    Not much else going on. Gotta get my shower now. If I can't pop back in, you all have a wonderful day on the Beach!
  • A Terrrrific Tuesday Morn! My girlie girls are outside too Rth, surveying their kingdom ..all is quiet -- which means the squirrels must still be sleeping!!!

    Well I had a craptacular eating day yesterday... Bleah... but today is a new day!
    Finally finished one of my needlepoint projects...Sandpipers by the Sea..

    The colors in Nerth Caroliner finally changed and are just past peak.. so loverly! I will take the furkiddies for a hikette in the park close by here and get some exercise for my self..

    Have a FABU DAY ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Loverly needlepoint, Schatzi! I like the soft colours - perfect for the subject. Enjoy the hikette with your fur babies.

    Mamacita, I hope the shower loosens up that chest crud. You've certainly had a bad time lately healthwise.

    Well, there were no terrorists or rioters in the back garden but there were several deer who were just nibbling vines on the pergola as if it was NOT the deer hunting season! Dummies! I hate the thought of hunting those gorgeous critters but do know we have way too many of them and crops are being badly damaged. Half the village will have a freezer full of venison by the end of the week. Around here if they say steak or roast, they mean venison in the winter. Art will give me some which I'll stash in the freezer until next year whe n I'll feed it to the dogs. I do thank him nicely, of course, but can't eat it as I keep thinking of Bambi.

    On the schedule today? First a bath, some tidying upstairs, a bean salad, a trip to the Library before lunch and then an afternoon visit to Harry with Hershey. We had rain again last night but today looks sparkly. I just might get some leaves raked but don't count on it.

    I hope you have a radiant Tuesday and do something nice for just you - even if it's just a cup of tea or a hand massage with sweet scented cream!
  • Good morning, Schatzi, beautiful needlework there. I tried it once and it made me cranky so I stopped doing it.

    Ruth, you're right about the health thing and it makes me so b/c other than the asthma and fibro which I'm dealing with quite nicely, I NEVER get "sick". I can't remember the last time I had the flu and the last cold or virus I had was probably 3 years ago. ARRGH!

    I had to laugh about the deer. My sister used to live in a small town near a river in Oregon and there were herds of "urban deer" that roamed around town at all hours. If you had your back turned for 5 seconds they'd be eating your entire yard, and their favorite place to hang out during the heat of the day was under her next door neighbor's deck!

    I really enjoy venison if it's prepped and cooked correctly. I'm an animal nut, but I'm also a realist. I actually think it's more honest to eat venison than beef b/c at least the venison grew up free and had a fair chance at escaping the hunter--which is more than you can say for the poor cow.

    Okay, smoothie is drunk and I need to run a brush through my hair.

    HAGD everyone~~
  • Mornin' chicks! Well, I'm supposed to be doing a week of P1 but so far have cheated twice. The other day it was bananas and yesterday it was an entire bag of popcorn. How can one bag of popcorn have almost 500 calories?? That just doesn't seem right. My calories have been in a decent range so at least I have one thing going for me. I haven't been on the scale in a while as its TOM so I'm avoiding at all costs. Today will be better. I had some leftover Indian Chicken last night and it was delish. I love the new cookbook.

    This weekend I'll be camping and will stay mostly OP. I'm making a HOBO one night which is basically a foil packet w/ meat and veggies stuck in the coals of the camp fire. Simple and easy!! I think I'm going to do a chicken and mushroom one. The next night I plan to cook a pork steak. They are normally fatty but over the fire they lose all the fat and take on this delicious flavor. I'll just be sure to cook it well. And then there's the granola of course! Yummy, can't wait.

    Ruth: I've had venison once and it tasted pretty good. I used to be all firey about hunting. Then I got a biology degree and realized the ways of nature don't always follow my particular moral preferences. Imagine that !!! I still don't like it but I understand it more. Although secretly in my heart it thrills me that my bf is not one of those macho guys who thinks driving around with a carcass on his truck makes his u-no-what bigger ! He'd rather pet a deer than shoot and that's just what I like! One plus is that during deer season I have time off from the field!! Too dangerous to take air samples while men are out chasing their masculinity!! OK, I'm being mean!

    Mama: You poor thing! You've been sick forever. You need to take care of yourself. Drink some tea!!

    Schatzi: That's a beautiful needlework. I don't have the patience for it but my friend loves it. Have fun at the park w/ your girls!!

    Anyone I missed: !! HAGD!
  • Wow, I've tried to post 4 times, but my computer keeps going back to re-start

    Mamacita, I sure hope you start feeling better real soon! You've certainly had your share of the "sickies" lately. My allergies started acting up yesterday shortly after I got to work. They live on a huge horse farm, and there must be something in the air out there that bothers me. Thank goodness the girls were content to just play inside. They were busy most of the afternoon making me birthday cards and a birthday present. For just being 2 and 4, the girls are quite artistic!

    Deer are a huge problem around here lately, with all the new developing going on. You have to be really on the lookout for them, especially at night while driving. Last night 2 of them stepped into the road not 10' in front of me. Thank goodness I was going slow, or I would have hit them for sure! I do feel sorry for them with all their habitats dissappearing, they have no place to go!

    Schatzi, your needlepoint is really nice. I enjoy doing needlework, too, but it's been a while since I've worked on it. I have a couple half-finished projects I should get to.

    Well, I should be getting ready for work. Lunch is going to be a new soup by Campbell's, Blended Black Bean and Roasted Red Pepper, with a green salad. I haven't decided what to fix for supper yet, probably a chicken recipe from the new cookbook. See you all later!
  • Good morning!

    I'm feeling good this morning. I had an on program day yesterday and didn't feel like I missed out on anything. I got to add some minutes to my exercise log. I did 30 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of weights, abs and stretching. Yipee! I also walked up the hill to go home for lunch yesterday. (I didn't count that in my minutes. But, I know that my body took notice. I am thrilled that this hill used to kick my butt, but I barely breath heavier now! )

    I have started off my day with french toast made with ww bread and sf syrup along with two pieces of turkey bacon and a glass of milk. I am stuffed. I have two different choices for snacks thanks to a co-worker. Dinner is planned along with my step aerobics class. For today, at least, I am back on track. I'm even already drinking my water. And, what better way to start off the day than a co-worker coming up to ask what my total weight loss to date was b/c I look so skinny today.

    I hope everyone has a sunny day on the beach!
  • Morning Ladies
    I blew last night DH came home with a migraine and thats when I stuff him with carbs (oh yeah and me too) Since I was taking care of him I had no time to prep for today our 2 tupperwares that we can find are still dirty from yesterdays lunch
    Instead of buying food I brought Kashi Good Friends and a cheese and salad on real whole wheat sandwich this way I'm not wandering in the realm of white bread.
    I have my soup made for tonight I just have to add spices which I forgot in the migraine frenzy
    Shatz OMG thats gorgeous I don't have the patience for needlework. . .I used too but not so much now
    Mama aww hon Maybe get some menthol rub or one of those things that shoots menthol in the air?
    Ruth I've had venison once i don't remember what it tastes like but we're over run with them here. I couldn't hunt myself but I figure if you are actually going to eat it then it's ok if you are going to kill it just to put on your wall Not so much
    cottage that soup sounds nummy
    Dana thats AWESOME!
    ok Gotta run
  • I could have stayed in bed and cuddled with the kitties for a LOT longer. I LOVE going to sleep at night with a kitten attacking my toes.Didn’t know I missed it till the last 2 nights. 5 kids off to school. 4 preschoolers here.3 will nap at 1 woohoooo.DS had a hockey game out of town, another Dad is driving and DH will meet them there. Theyw int be home til 8pm. It will be a girlie night for me and DD!!!!!!

    Daily Journal
    1.My renewal statement for the day. I WILL do this.
    2. Weekly weight. 229
    3. Exercise-type, how long, what level. yikes
    4. % fat, carbs, protein.
    5. # meals and snacks. 3 meals,2 snacks
    6.# fruits, # of veg. 4 veg
    7. How many glasses of water.10
    8. Time of last food intake, time I went to bed. 8:30, bed 10:30
    9. Why and when I ate due to stress or emotions. still not feeling 100% , I had an evening snack but wasn’t really hungry
    10.General feelings about food, exercise, life. okey dokey
    11. Any really good events or feelings today. Of course, Rainbow is a joy, Clyde is great,good morning with DS, got a bunch of school council emailing done,went to storytime with kids -enjoyable, had a good Avon meeting with my district manager,I have only placed 5 orders and my total is over $400 already( looking at $1500)-woohoo,nice quiet afternoon, went to the rink for 4:30 for hockey practise, got 2 new Avon customers,DS had a fab practise, DD wasn’t whiney!!, came home and DH was peeling his potatoes, i had already cooked chicken so warmed it up, At 7 3 other mom’s came to put 250 covers on the Parent handbook, we finished it in an hour, had lovely convo the whole time, kids went to bed, I rubbed hubby’s side( pulled a muscle, will call massage therapist asap), he went to bed after doing the dishes!, I had a delightful couple of hours in my tidy house watcing the tube!!
    12. Overall, how did the day go. Pretty darn wonderful!!
    13. How can I improve for tomorrow. dont eat crap food!!
    Hunting season here too, 3 of the dad's I sit for hunt, we got lots of roast and steak as gifts, we all like it. I am also thankful that although a bumpkin my hubby is not a good ole boy, lol! No hunting, 4 wheelers or snowmobiles here.

    i will try for personals this aft. HUGS!!!
  • Good morning!!!

    I went to the grocery store last night and loaded up my cart with lots and lots of goodies. Today I am cooking beans in the slow cooker. I love that I can eat beans from the beginning on SBD! The grocery store we shop at is having their turkey sale, so I picked up 2 turkeys yesterday, and I'll probably go back today and buy 2 more turkeys (there's a limit of 2 per day). My mom bought me an 18-quart electric roaster as an early Christmas present that's supposed to cook up to a 18 pound turkey in 2.5 hours, I can't wait to start using it!

    Not much going on here. I stayed mostly on track yesterday. I veered off at dinner and ate some chocolate cake. Today I have planned better and all my meals will be prepared at home.

    Have a great day all!
  • Good Morning
    Rainy day here, I need to purchase some clothes that I can run in any kind of weather, not sure where to look for that. Any help? My dh is in Minnesota this week so I'm having an easy time behaving. I took my dd shopping yesterday after school and let her have some fast food for dinner on the way home. It's nice to stay out of the kitchen sometimes.

    Classes today, going to get a haircut and then driving an hour and a half to pick up my son who's been on manuvers in Washington.

    Schatzi, I love those colors! Beautiful work.

    Mama, hope you get feeling better soon, no need to sleep with snakes around your chest.

    Holly, sounds like a full day for you.

    djet, don't you just want to kiss your co-worker!!?? It's cool when weight loss is noticed.

    holidayboyz, I love my turkey roaster! The turkey is soooo moist.

    KO, I love Kashi, it is so crunchy!

    pearshape, I love those foil dinners when I'm camping. Try slicing up a sweet potato in one if you are on phase 2. They are delish!

    cottage, that soup sounds good, I'm adding it to my shopping list.

    Ruth, sounds like your day is busy. Give Harry hugs from us. Enjoy your fall colors.

    We should be getting snow this week, I can't decide how I feel about that. I usually like a change of seasons, but I don't do well with the extra hours of dark. If the roads are slick then I'm not running either. I'm too afraid of breaking an ankle or something.

    You all have a great day.
  • Hi Chicks

    Just go back from a busy day,with my singing club, first we had a luncheon for the Volunteers Our singing group was the one that had honerable mention.Than to the senior apartment s to do some singing. I did good at the luncheon had fish ,rice and vegggis,3 bites of dessert[chocolate mud cake] and coffee.Let see if the scale has something good to say.

    Hope everyone has a great evening,see you in the morning Hugs BB