Weigh In Thread 11/6-11/12

  • I guess I'm the first to weigh in for the week. I lost .8 pounds, which is exactly what I gained last week. I'm hoping for a bigger loss next week, since this is my TOM.

    Good luck to everyone!!

  • Stephaine that is great though! Way to Go!
  • Steph-Way to get rid of that -.8!! Next week will be a good one for ya!! Keep up the great work!!
  • Thanks!!
  • Down 1.5 back to ONEderland!
  • "weigh" to go, Misty!!! Fabulous!!
  • Yippy!! Oh Misty how does it feel girl??? I can't wait to get there! AWESOME!
  • Back to One-derland, Misty. I think you are probably back to stay, now. I really think you've found some motivation in saving for new clothes. Just think, If you "earn" the money to buy new clothes, you will actually need them!! Is that a great plan, or what????

    WTG!!! I'm hoping to be back with you in One-derland as soon as I can.
  • Hey ladies...WI was on Sat. -.6lb. Oh well better than a gain!
  • .6? that's great!!! I'd take it for sure!!! At our meetings we're not allowed to say "I only lost...". Like you said a loss is better than a gain!
  • Marcie,

    Just as long as the numbers are in the loss column, I would be happy with it. Get enough of those losses and they begin to add up. WTG, girl!!!
  • Thanks you guys!! Kitty you are right...they do add up.
  • WTG!!! They're all right...a loss is a loss is a loss!!

    I weigh in tonight, and I'm afraid that my scale is going to go in the other direction! I have a headache right now, and I'm actually hoping that it gets a little worse so I can't go and get the bad news. lol