Phase 1 Start 10/31 (and Book Question)

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  • Hi everyone! I finally decided. I am going to start SBD Monday. I'm so excited! My doctor even recommended it to me (high cholesterol), so I think it will fit. I was wondering, do I need (would you recommend) that I get the book? I noticed that there is a wealth of information here about the plan. Is that enough? Does the book add a lot more? I probably will get it tomorrow, but I was just curious. I figure the book will help me to further understand the mechanics of how what I am eating will affect my body. Is it safe to stay on Phase 1 for more than 2 weeks? I have a loooonnng way to go. Any and all recommendations or ideas for how to execute Phase I are welcome.
  • The book will help you understand the how's and why's of the plan - the general idea behind it. It is out of date in some respects, such as the food lists, but it is still helpful to read it - especially if you supplement it with the wealth of information here!
  • Shannon, if you get the paperback, not only will it be cheaper, but you'll get much more updated information.

    DEFINITELY get the book and make sure you've read it before you start, okay? It's essential, IMHO. It looks long, but half of it is recipes. You need to understand why you are allowed to eat somethings and not others in order to plan your meals. It's really imperative.

    If you plan on buying it online, check the sticky in this thread about buying from Amazon...if you use that link, part of your purchase price will go back to the chicks to help them keep this site going.

    Glad to hear that you're joining us, hon!
  • Hi and welcome to SB I also suggest getting the paperback book. I carry mine around with me at all times. I am also starting P1 again today (10/31). I have been off the beach for a month now and feel that I need to go back to P1 until I can gain control again. Once you get started with P1 you will notice that your cravings for sugar and junk food will disappear. I find that this forum is also a big help for me. I am so excited to be starting back and I wish you much success in your efforts. I look forward to hearing about your progress.
  • Thanks everybody. I did buy the paperback and read it this weekend. Today is going well. I just had my version of a western omelette (egg whites and bell peppers cause I hate onion) and two slices of turkey bacon. I have one question, is it okay to drink diet coke or dr. pepper that is not decaffinated? I think the book said that caffeine will make you have cravings, but if I do not have a problem with it, will it be detrimental to my diet? By the way, I lost 3 pounds last week! Great way to start the week and new plan...
  • Dr. A recommends limiting to two caffeinated drinks a day for best results.
  • Thanks Barbara. I'll remember that. I just had a 2liter of regular Diet Coke left and wanted to know if I could drink it or not! Oh well, to the store I go tomorrow.

  • glad your first day went well. i restarted again today.
  • I'm starting today!

    I did SBD in July, and my, did I love the results. I hope to get a hold on my eating again.

    Salad here I come for lunch!

    Good luck to everyone that started yesterday and today! We can do this!
  • How is everyone doing so far?

    I feel really good today. I got up and got my exercise in, ate a couple of boiled eggs, had a chicken breast and salad for lunch....

    Not sure what's for dinner, but it will be P1 friendly.

    Keep up the good work how you are doing!
  • Have been on SBD for one month....I went to Phase II , but I really don't crave or want bread or pasta...will try to keep it that way. I recommend the chocolate shake very much, have used it for breakfast and lunch. It is very filling and gets the dairy, coffee, chocolate and milkshake craves all in one blow. Good luck, I am thrilled with the diet, it has worked for me as no other one has.
  • Things are going great for me thus far. I'm trying to figure out what I am making me and my sweetheart for dinner tonight. I saw a recipe for the taco bake. Does that really fit phase 1 criteria? Has anyone had it?
  • Taco bake is definitely phase 1 as long as you serve it over something like lettuce (or eat it alone). In phase 2, you can add it to a tortilla. Many of us have tried it and like it.
  • Thanks a lot! I am definitely cooking this tonight. Sounds yummy and I have been seriously craving mexican food.
  • It is just yummy! I divided the recipe into four dishes, cooked it and froze it. It made huge servings ready to microwave. A friend and I shared one with whole wheat pita crisps.