Friday Chat 10-21

  • Lacey: Stick away I'll be back on track on Monday for sure and ready to kick some weight loss butt with you And that sounds like a reasonable goal!! And I don't exercise like I should.

    Robin: I'll be back on the wagon with you on Monday Start out slow so you don't re-injure your back!!

    Well, I'm pretty much packed for the weekend but now I don't want to go!!! I never realised I'd miss DH and DD's so much! Well, it'll be good for me but dang I'm a sap!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!! See you all Monday and I'll be ready to get back on track!!!
  • well shucks, I was hoping to be the thread started this morning LOL I'm always MUCH later in getting here than you all!

    Brenda, not sure where you are going but have fun! I know it's hard to be away from the kids and dh, but look at it like a mini vacation...try to pamper yourself if possible while away

    Walked 2 miles again yesterday, ate good though I know I'm not eating enough, I'm just not hungry. Still haven't weighed myself even though I REALLY want to! 8 days left until my official weigh in I'm such a dork sometimes.

    Have a terrific day, girls! It's Friday!!! woohoo!!

  • Lacey- I know what you mean about the weighing in...I haven't in two days and it's killing me.

    Guess what guess what guess what!!!! I'm wearing a belt today!!!! And it doesn't hurt!!!! Woo hoo! And I also went and bought a pair of size 10 jeans! I'm starting to freak out about taking two babies on an airplane and then when we land we have to drive an hour and a half to get to the hotel. Yuckamuck!
  • AUDREY!! Size 10!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! WOW WOW, I'm so jealous!!!!

    Good luck with those babies, take some fave toys and yummy snacks!!

    wow, a 10...I can't wait LOL
  • Good Morning!

    Brenda~ have a great time. I know how you feel, I always miss my dh and dd when Im away....makes the "baby Im home" sex really good tho! Thats my fav part about going away!

    Audrey~ here I thought you had just the new baby, and you have 2! You'll be fine on the plane....bring suckers for them. My dd has been flying since she was 3, and suckers and jolly rancher candies work great for her ears. If you can save feeding the baby until your taking off, and landing, that will work great. Bring stuff for them to do....they will be will you

    We are heading out today to see the fall colours. Its suppose to rain tomorrow, and for about week I suspect today will be about the best day to go and appreciate the wonder of nature

    Lacey~ good job on the 2 miles!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • to you lovely ladies
  • I have been doing sooooooo good.. until work today.. I wanna kill whom ever stuck all the reese's minis on my friggin desk.. THEY ARE ALL DOWN THE SHOOT! but. damn were they good!

    I will kick some but for the next 2 days.. I swear I will be good! SORRY>>> I just felt so guilty and needed to tell someone! So.. hopefully.. you gals don't charge much for your services.. ha ha ha ha!
  • lol we're free!
  • Aw, that sounds so good! I'm staying strong though!!!! I don't think I've cheated yet. Maybe unintentionally gone over...well I had that one bun with my grilled chicken, but it wasn't chocolate or ice cream...nothing I think that counts towards cheating anyway LOL.