newbie here

  • Hi All,
    First timer here at 3 Fat chicks, however I have been trying to lose weight forever!!!!! I can use any tips and tricks you have!!! I am currently doing weight watchers and have lost 35lbs before becoming pregnant 2 years ago. So i am back at it and need all the help I can get
  • Also a newbie here just found this site and fell in love with it ! I just started my life style change about a week ago so i haven't weighed my self agian yet lookin forward to that next month !!!
    I am a STAHM mom to two my 4 year old Meaghan and my 2 3/4 year old Dakotta I live in NEO with my husband sean who is also tryin to loose weight !

    I have been drinking slim fast and taking diet pills and drinking water and we just purchased a trampoline so i have been jumping on there !

    I am looking for a support buddy to share ideas with and tips and recipes anyone in the NEO are would great but not necessary !!!
    Good luck maycesmom i wish you all the best !!!!!! ps. Sorry to post on yours !!!
  • ????
    How did you get your scale at the bottom of your post? Good luck in your weight loss!
  • I went to userCP at the top of the page and went to edit signature and then you click on there example and it will take you through the steps of customizing one for your self then at the end it will give you a code you go back to editing the signature in usercp and paste it and hit preview and it should be there after that hit save an you will be all set !!

    and thank you !