Merry Meet and greet

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  • Merry meet and welcome to the Paganchicks forum!

    We are a diverse group of people who are following various earth based paths and would like to meet, chat and give support to/get support from others with similar beliefs.

    If you would like to join in then feel free to post a bio in this thread.

    Blessed be.
  • Mauvaisroux -french for evil redhead

    I am the moderator for the Alternachicks, PaganChicks and Vegggiechicks forums so any questions, compliments or complaints can be thrown my way and I will do my best to help you.

    I am married and raising one 3 year old tabby cat.

    I am Following my own mesh of Celticpagan/Eastern philosophies along with practicing yoga and meditation.

    Interests: bellydancing, reading (Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels), cooking, travelling, gaming, jewellery making and sewing. I enjoy watching sci fi, horror, fantasy and B-movies as well as Asian cinema.

    I listen to a lot of different music but mostly alternative (dark n' dancy ) World music (Celtic, Arabic, Indian, Asian) and I am not into rap or country - just not my cup of tea
  • I am Audri but you can call me flower if you want.

    36, married (he is 10 years younger), 3 sons (15, 11 and 5). I am a SAHM, but I am trained as a florist.

    Intrests/hobbies: books, crafting, wood working/burning, beading, making wreaths,sewing, cross stitch.

    Fav authors: Gosh too many, but love contemory and historical romances, fantasy and some mysteries. I also love atlas's, reference books and crafting books.

    beliefs: hodgepodge, consider myself a generic Pagan rofl

    I live in the subburbs of Reno NV, but a LV girl at heart. Pets-2 cockateils and an aquarium full of creatures that shouldn't co exist. lol

    music-instrumental new age, classic rock, hard modern rock
  • I'm Heather. A 29 yo SAHM for 3 kids and one hubby . I am a eclectic solitary wiccan. I have 2 cats, 1 dog, and some fish. I live in Virginia. Don't have a favorite author, I just like to read. Hobbies include painting ceramics, sewing, drawing. I like music. All kinds of music.
  • Im new to this group. I am 36 years old have been a practising pagan on and off for years. Lately I have more just been interested in being in tune with nature. I live in a forest and my hobbies are organic gardening and living naturally.
  • Okay, I am not really a pagan. More like a Deist (believes in a godhead but don't assign myself to a particular religion). However, I am a interested in all things Metaphysical (Native American and Ancient Egyptian spirituality), divination and Chaos Magick.

    More about me...

    I am mostly vegetarian, not because I hate eating animals but my Native American p.o.v. is that animal flesh is only suppose to be eaten when you extremely lack nutrients from eating a mostly plant diet. I don't like meat to be eaten all the time, treating flesh as produce. I only eat flesh on holidays and try to avoid it as much as possible during the year. I might be hanging around the Vegetarian boards around here.

    I am trying to lose weight by bellydancing. Being diligent about it by putting in long hours. I have 4 bellydancing dvd and I am going to learn all of the dance routines! I would like to become a professional caberet (turkish) and egyptian style bellydancer.

    I don't have much to say about myself, except that I am currently unemployed and don't know what to do with myself career-wise at age 30. Ha! I loved getting my Art history degree years ago, but there aren't too many jobs I can use that degree with now. My last job was retail in cosmetics and I hated it so much that it stressed me out terribly. I have a huge ezcema patch on my back because of it (ezcema is stress related skin ailment).

    Actually, if it wasn't for money issues, I like being unemployed. I love not having to go to work and I can visit my elderly family members anytime. I love being in the house. I can't believe it. Especially since I grew up being a hardcore "women oughta work outside the home" feminist.

    I think I want to become a housewife. *LOL* Be my own mini-Martha Stewart. I ain't kidding.
  • Oh, didn't expect to find a forum about this here! I consider myself to be pagan as well, and have for the past five years, though in the real world I'm not one to go advertising that about...

    I guess I don't really believe that god(s) literally exists... but I see the world very symbolically and have a very strong interest in magic of all sorts. I guess I identify the most strongly with chaos magic principles!

    Nice to see there are like-minded folks here as well.
  • Welcome!

    Nice to meet all the new folks! More the merrier.
  • wow- quite a few new folks here! Welcome!

    Hathor- I have been taking bellydance classes (cabaret and gypsy styles) for a few years now - I love it! I have also done some public appearances, mostly for charity events, and was on t.v.once too. Not sure if I will give up my day job yet though
  • Welcome!
  • Quote: So I found you all! ok, a little about myself. I see that so far I can be labled the crone of the group at 52 but with a new grandson that I babysit for from time to time I am still very much in mother mode and try hard not to forget the fun lovin maiden too
    Merry Meet! I was very happy to see this group. I have been following the pagan path since I was in my 20's. I am 53 (I guess we need a crone thread )

    I look upon myself as a green witch as I love nature and feel very connected to Mother Earth.

    Unfortunately, I've not been able to discover ways to keep weight undercontrol but with the cooler weather, I am out taking my walks and enjoying the weather and taking in nature around me.

    I look forward to sharing with others.


  • Welcome!!

  • Welcome to the group!
  • Merry Meet
    Hello all. I already said hi in the meet and greet thread, but then got home from work and jumped on the boards. I didn't even realize there was a pagan thread here. I'm back on the weight watchers bandwagon after loosing, then gaining it back during my cross country move, merry meet to all of you, and looking forward to talking to everyone.

    if you're interested in my wiccan site (hasn't been updated in many a moon, but it's still up) it's at
  • OOOOOOOOOOO look what I found!! *waves hi madly* I'm pagan and have been most of life. How is everybody? So what do we do in here?

    Hmmmmmm my path? *shrugs* who knows? LOL I hate labels and for the most part refuse to give myself one. Im into that natural, do your own thing, believe your own thing vibe and just be spiritual and the best person you can be in this life because its the one that really matters.

    *holds head... OMG EARWORM!*

    Song of the South just came out of nowhere and got stuck in head... what the heck? Thumps head on desk...too early....too early... losing mind.
