WOW...I just realized....

  • I hear alot of people saying they don't notice any difference after losing there first few pounds and I was sitting here thinking about these 9lbs that I have just lost this first week of my own journey...and I realized something....I DO notice a difference.
    now..mabey not so much in the body lol...BUT...little things like...

    I can walk over to my neighbors house and back without being out of breath

    I don't walk around feeling like a stuffed bear any more. (ya know that feeling like you have just come out of an all-you-can-eat -buffet and your stomach is about to burst wide open)

    I can turn my watchband around my wrist without loosening it and my rings are no longer tight on my fingers.

    And....I am more energenic (perhaps not as much as the energizer bunny lol...but getting up there)

    I guess....even though we may not notice the changes when we look in the mirror...these other "little" changes make up for that.

    I'm sure I am not the only one that has noticed these "little" changes....I would love to hear about other members "little" changes too...
  • OOoohhhh...and one more thing (this might be too much info for some lol)

    Since giving up ALL regular soda's (I don't much care for the diet soda's either) I find myself visiting the "little girls room" more frequently...which in my case is a very good thing....before..I would retain excessive amounts of water (severe edema) and swell up like a balloon.
    So...that is definetly a big "little" change lol.
  • I can run up my flight of stairs without being out of breath!
  • since embarking on a healthier diet, i no longer feel dead tired every day around 4:00 PM... even though I haven't really lost any weight
  • The dog gets tired long before I do...