~~Weekly Goals~~ What Are Your's This Week?

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  • Hiya everyone,
    This is week 2 for me and it's time to "KICK IT UP A NOTCH"......BAM!!
    I am going to use this thread to post my goals that I want to accomplish each week. I'm am not going to start of with huge unobtainable goals, because I don't want to set myself up for failure....so..each week I will post my "baby" goals and if I have been able to accomplish those goals, I will then "kick em up a notch" the following week and so on...
    Here are my goals for the upcoming week...

            Well, those are my goals for this upcoming week...I am going to try my best to accomplish them.

            I hope some of you will join me and post your own "baby" goals.

            *** Don't forget...these are "goals"...a list of thing we would "like" to accomplish this week. If for what ever reason, we don't meet our goals, it's no biggie, we just keep trying until we do!! ***
          • What a great idea! I definately have some mini-goals for this week!

            - To strength train 3 times this week
            - As much water and herbal drinks as I can - I'm trying to cut back on caffeine
            - Natural foods wherever possible
            - Most importantly, to continue trying to develop a healthy body image and healthy relationship with food. This is the hard one!

            Best of luck to everyone with their goals - lets make this a GREAT week!

          • Hello
            My first weigh in.
            Must do some exercie.
            Off to pick mushrooms.
          • Definitely a great topic for me -- I start back up teaching again this week. First big change in my routine since I started getting my health back this summer.

            Simply put, my goals are to exercise (walk) every day -- preferably in the morning. AND to bring a healthy lunch and snacks so I don't end up eating at the vending machines!
          • Hiya Bliss, Yellowsub & Wyllenn,
            Glad you could post your goals along with me and you all seem to have very reasonable goals. I am going to be posting my "baby" goals each week on this thread and I hope you will join me in doing the same.
            Well...I better get off my butt here and accomplish one of my own goals for today and that is too take my doggie for a 20 min walk. WHoooHOooo
          • Yeahhhh...
            I have completed one of my "baby" goals for today...
            After laying on the couch contemplating whether or not to venture outside and go walking..I grabbed the dog leash and off me and Cody (my 12 year old collie mix) I walked....1.8 miles (I know this cause I took the car out afterward and clocked the miles lol) in 29:52 minutes..(9:52 minutes more than my 20 minute goal) Whoooohoooo!! Yippeeeee...
            When we got home my doggie headed straight for his water dish and I headed straight for the fridge and had a large glass of icy cold water...best water I ever tasted lol. (my dog is giving me weird looks as if too say "Were not doing that everyday, are we?")
            And get this.....330ish caloried burned..OHHH YEAhhhh...
            I have to say..it took me a while to get into the right frame of mind lol (my couch is evil and too comfy at times)...but once I got outside and started walking, it felt great. Bring on tomorrow, cause I'm ready to go...
          • My goals for the upcoming week are:

            To go one week without a big binge (I have never done this... so it might not work out but I am at least hoping for a few days *fingers crossed*)
            To bike to and from school every day (about 15 minutes each way)
            To drink 2.5 liters of water every day
            Keep drinking ONLY water as a beverage (hehe... getting over my diet coke addiction)
          • Hi dietcokeaddict...
            those sound like some awesome goals you have there...If you find yourself having a hard time going a week without bingeing, you might consider setting even smaller goals for that particular problem, like instead of "weekly goals", perhaps a daily goal or 48 hr goal..."My goal for this week is to go 3 days with bingeing" and see how that goes OR even making that a daily goal, for example...when you wake up in the morning you tell yourself that "today, I am not going to binge" and keep reminding yourself of that daily goal throughout the entire day.
            If you can accomplish that goal, then you can bump it up a notch to the next level.
            Good luck with this weeks goals....let us know how you do..
          • This is an awesome idea!

            I want to work out 5 days this week and drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

            I also want to be at 199 or under by September 23rd.

            Those are my mini goals for now!
          • Hi Haley...
            Congrats on those 18lbs you have lost..WTG...I am sure that, with some determination, you will accomplish your weekly goals...hope you can check back with an update of how your week is going
          • Hi everyone...I am new here...but I will put up some goals for myself this week as well.

            I would like to lose 3 pounds this week started at 262
            I would like to start riding my bike again this week
            I would like to add more water and herbal teas to my drinks...instead of caffeine
          • Hi ~whitedove33~
            Welcome to the thread and thanks for posting your weekly goals.
            Congrat's on losing 13lbs so far...YEAHHHH!!! That is an awesome accomplishment and I am sure you will have alot more on your journey...
            I firmly believe in making goals, not just in weightloss, but in everyday life. It's what gives us the drive to get up in the morning.
            I am hoping that by posting our goals, it will give us that drive we need to keep at it, for as long as it takes, so that we can accomplish our overall goal of being a healthier and happier person inside.
            You can do it!!...We all can
          • I want to exercise every day for at least 30 min and keep within my 1200 calorie range every day and go to the gym 2 times a week for my strength training !!!!

            also want to drink more water and less diet tea!!!!!
          • Now this is a great topic! Great for accountability!

            My Goals:
            1. Lose at least a half of a pound again this week.
            2. Continue to exercise everyday - minimum 2 miles.
            3. Drink more water everyday.
            4. Drink less coffee everyday.
            5. Keep thinking positive.
            6. Stay between 1400 and 1600 in calories each day.

            This is just a start. However, I have to say, since I have started to exercise everyday I have slept better at night and felt like a thousand bucks by day! It is awesome! To think I thought something was wrong with me before I got back into exercising! My muscle felt like they were running marathons all day.. and all I could do was be lazy and sleep all day and night! Started execising every day and my muscles feel great and I am only sleeping at night!

            Healthy food choices and exercise everyday really does make such a difference!
          • Thank you Lisa...I feel very welcome here....I lost 218 pounds before...and I will lose these 120 pounds as well....