Daily Goals: Aug. 8-14

  • Sometimes I know I focus too much on the big picture (i.e. getting to my goal weight), that I forget the small, daily things that I need to do to get there! So, let's post our goals for each day. I'll do the same goals for the entire week, but if you have different goals daily, post those -- or if you have a special event that needs a goal (ex.: not eating/drinking too much at a party), put those down. Let's keep each other accountable and come back and report on our progress. Good luck, everyone!
  • Goals
    (1). Drink at least 64 oz. of water.
    (2). Exercise at least 60 min. daily.
    (3). Stay under 30 grams of carbs.
  • Monday's report:
    Accomplished all goals!

    (1). Drank 96 oz. water.
    (2). Went to the gym -- 45 min. cardio, 20 min. weights.
    (3). Carb count: 28 grams.
  • Good Idea!!!

    For today...

    1~ get 1 jug of water in
    2~ 30 bike ride or walk
    3~ no more than 20 carbs
    4~ eat 1/2 the amount of cheese I have been eating
  • Tuesday's report:

    (1). Drank 128 oz. water.
    (2). Exercised: 60 min. of cardio on the treadmill and elliptical.
    (3). Carbs definitely over 30 grams.
  • Wednesday's report:

    (1). Drank 160 oz. (!) of water.
    (2). Exercised for 75 min.: 30 min. arc trainer, 25 min. elliptical and 20 min of weights.
    (3). Carbs at 21 grams -- not the best day nutrition-wise, though. I'll work on that.
  • Thursday and Friday:
    Met all goals!

    Saturday and Sunday:
    Didn't meet any goals. (But, overall for a weekend, still not too bad of days.)