I've come to you cause I failed and need support...

  • UGH.... I was on day 4 of phase 1 and it was my ds 4th birthday. All day I told myself that I am not going to eat it. But I had a sliver of cake and a couple spoonfulls of icecream. Kind of hard to not eat it when your touching it and serving it. UGH... I feel like such a failure. I still lost another pound though.. not that I deserve it. And I can't seem to stop nibbling on the cake today.... even though I told myself no-no-no!! I need slapped...someone stop me... someone give me some encourging words. I know I am going to go work my but off at the gym today. That will help a little..... I hope.
  • Momto6 as so many people say on here you did not fail and you are not a failure. You just made a poor eating choice.

    When you feel that cake calling go get 8oz of something to drink (preferable water) and drink it then go make yourself busy doing something. Hopefully the cake will quit calling your name (and you know they do call you the little devils ). Also if the water doesn't work try eating some veggies or something that is OP that you really, really like.

    Have you tried covering the cake up with something so you can't see it everytime you go by it? Maybe that would help.

    Hang in there and jump back on the P1 beach!!!
  • Emily, like Karla said, you're NOT a failure. Just jump right back on the wagon. And good for you for exercising, girl!!
  • Thanks Ladies!! I need all the support I can get and your kind words are very encouraging to me!!! (((((HUGS))))) to all!!
  • Me and cake don't get along too well...if it was me in your situation that cake would be in the garbage covered in Mr. Clean...

    It's okay to forgive yourself...and, yes, it's proven....cake really can talk
  • My 15 (turning 16) year olds birthday is August 17 and my 1 (turning 2) year olds birthday is August 19. The party will be on the 20th. I have been very stressed about the cake because that is my biggest weakness. Actually it's not the cake its the buttercream frosting . I have decided to make myself the chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting that is allowed on SB phase II (in the recipe section). That way I can have some cake but not cheat.
  • Aw, yes... cake does talk. BUT not anymore...it's gone. UGH.... And yes, I should make myself something I can eat next time, good idea!