Out due to computer troubles

  • If I ever get my home computer fixed, I will be blessed. *LOL* I just wanted to come here and update you guys. I just started on the 6 week body makeover this past Monday, and I've already lost 5 pounds. *yeah baby!* Our family reunion is coming up the first weekend of September, so I'm going to see how low I can go before that time. I'm following the diet and workout regime straight to the book, so we'll see how it goes. I'll try to come back in a few days if I get my home comp. fixed. See you all later!
  • Good luck with the new plan and hopefully your computer will be fixed soon.
  • Here's hoping to a speedy computer recovery!!
    Way to go on the 5lbs loss!!!
  • The darn computer totally went out at home now, so I'm over at grandmother's again. I lost a total of 7 pounds last week on that body makeover thing. It's awesome. I am back in the 180's again, I can see the 170's coming from the other end of the tunnel. *yeah baby!*

    Something that I learned at church today that seemed to really make me aware that I am pretty darn able to get myself to complete my weight loss goal before the end of the year: my Sunday School teacher (I went to my mother's class) said our "homework" for this next week is to get a piece of paper and now that the year is halfway over, right down 4 things on the piece of paper:

    Things that we've already accomplished this year, things that we want to accomplish before the year is over, how we're planning on getting them done, and how we're going to get started

    I hope those of you that are doing this or will do this will continue to be blessed
  • glad to hear the new program is going well.