Maintainers - Week of July 25 - 31

  • Good morning and welcome to the last week of July! Is summer racing by for all of you or is it just me?? Remember when you were a kid and days just dragged by (especially when you were waiting for something like your birthday or Christmas)? And now that we're grown-ups, the years are zipping by at warp speed! Maybe it has something to do with being crazy busy most of the time?

    This is shaping up to be a much better week for me since clients are starting to go on vacation. Hopefully NOT to return with an extra ten pounds! So I have a more sane schedule this week and DH may actually get some real dinners for a change. The only nutty part is that I scheduled three appointments for 8:30 pm this week for a special client - friend of DDs from high school and college who's leaving for law school at the end of the week. So I'll be done with regular appointments at 6 tonight but will go back for her hour later on, then fall into bed.

    I think I've got the late-night-after-work eating problem under control. Not surprisingly, it all comes down to planning and preparation. If I plan my day in Fitday and make sure that all my food is ready to go, then it's infinitely easier to stick to my plan. I've been taking emergency food in my gym bag and keep a packet of protein shake mix there too. We have a juice bar at the gym that sells incredibly high-calorie (but healthy sounding) protein shakes which I avoid like the plague, so I just take my own mix down there and they blend it up for me. I just have to keep an eye on them because they love adding in their usual 1/2 cup of PB!!

    We grilled salmon last night and had it with green beans and corn from the farmers market. Lots of leftovers. It's easy to eat healthy in the summer with the plethora of fruits and veggies.

    Looking at the calendar reminds me that Anne is due in August, if I'm remembering correctly? Just around the corner!! What's your official due date?

    to everyone else ... stop by and say hi and tell us what's going on in your world.
  • Good morning Meg! Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish I was due in August! I'm actually due early in October. But I'm getting there--just 2 months to go now. I'm sure it will be both the longest and shortest 2 months of my life. And I'm sure I will whine some more, but not today!

    You gym puts half a cup of peanut butter in people's protein shakes!?! Wow, that is, um, somewhere in the ballpark of 800 calories! Yikes! Sounds like you are wise to watch them closely.

    It is currently 75 degrees in Tucson! OK, it is before 6 a.m. but I think I'm going to take advantage and see how far I can waddle this morning before I have to find a nice, private bush to duck behind.

    Good morning everyone. Happy new week. How are you all doing?

  • Hi,

    I survived my birthday this weekend - when my hubby said: happy 25h birthday - I answered that I still feel like 20! Of course my DS, the perfectionist, asked right away how come Mommy is only 25 and not *** like she has to be according to her birth year A little bit of explanation of the women age and birthdays was in order and finally DS said: I get it, Mommy will be 25 till she is actually 50! How sweet! For my birthday we went to water slides - first time for all of us - and we enjoyed it so much and were running up and sliding down for 3 hours! it was so much fun!

    Today is back to realities day - planned gym today... And finally I got back to cooking this weekend - while I was away, my house was basically neglected and with 3 kids and 3 animals it looked like covered in fur and toys and dirt! Took awhile to clean and now it is back to cooking - yesterday was borsch and beets salad - which is waiting for me when I come home today too.

    Meg ~ planning is impotant and I noticed that as soon as planning bell stops ringing, weight starts climbing - so I would LOVE to have planning bell in my head.

    Anne ~ keep going, girl, it will be over soon!

    Have a nice week everyone,
  • Good morning all,

    Sandy, you and your family are in my thoughts.

    Anne, I don’t have any firsthand experience with pregnancy but from what I’m told I agree with what everyone else here says – how it “works” is not one bit rational! You’re doing WONDERFULLY and October will be here soon.

    Gina, enjoy your vacation!

    Mel, OMG, your story of the drunk “nekked” wrestlers sent me on a flashback to college. My senior house was on a busy street corner and my roommates and I spent many a Friday or Saturday (or Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday) night laughing at the stupid drunks outside after we got home from our nights out. Of course it was funny then, wrestling in the ER is a bit more serious.

    Meg, you are such an accommodating trainer! It’s nice (time-wise, if not salary-wise) that when your clients go on vacation you get a sorta-break as well.

    I’ve been a little busier over the past week b/c I’ve started dating someone new. I say started in the hopes it will last, which signs point to now. However “busier” is looking ok health-wise, because we’ve been doing a lot of water sports - canoing, snorkeling, swimming - and he runs a charter fishing service, which means he is very willing to cook me fresh fish. I need to juggle my workouts a bit, though, if I'm going to have more plans at night. It’s just too hot to work out anytime before 8pm w/ the heat index at 110 right now, so I just have to get up at 5:45 am to run, and quit whining about it.

    Have a great week ya’ll.

  • Hi Ladies,
    This is my first visit to the maintenance site! Finally, after diets that failed, exercise programs that I didn't do, and eventually going to a support group for overeaters, I can now include myself in the maintenance camp! My goal was BMI<25, today it is 24.8

    I would still like to lose some more, to hover in the 22-23 range. But I have to take my blessings as they come. Most important is that I mainain my current eating habits and attitudes toward food!

    That is the news from here, thanks for reading!

    Kim R.
  • PS, that signature is OLD and FALSE. I am not doing that exercise program or following WW points!
  • Welcome Kim & congratulations.

    Megan enjoy every minute of your new romance, it is wonderful and special. I'm sure you'll adjust your workouts.

    I am recovering from my lasiks procedure and can actually type this!!!
    All went well and my vision is improving by the day. Starting to get bored, with limited activity and limited reading & TV. I can not believe I am anxious to get moving!!!

    Take care,
  • Oh to be young and in love.... Much better than to be pregnant during the hottest summer I have ever dealt with! Hang in there Anne. All I can do is garentee you that come October when you hold that little girl for the first time, it will ALL be worth it!

    We had a great time camping last week. This week I have been going into school everyday to try to get things ready. I want to be able to relax my last few weeks of summer. It is always a bit overwhelming everything that needs to be done BEFORE the students get there. I've put a good dent in it now.

    I went a little crazy the last few weeks with food but I am on day four of doing great. Today will be a challenge as I am meeting some friends for lunch and then my DH is bringing home my all time favorite pizza tonight.
