Finally Serious About This

  • Hi everyone,

    I have been lurking on this site for quite a while now, and I finally decided to become a member and start posting!!

    I have tried SBD before, but have only lasted a couple days. I am a big time self-sabotager!! Now I really want to stick to it and make it work. I know it can work if done properly! So no second thoughts about the diet. No switching diets after one day. No listening to other people about weight watchers, atkins, vegetarian, etc. For me, I am sticking to SBD (just had to say that out loud for myself!)

    Anybody else with the self-sabotage problem. It seems that as soon as I lose a pound, a diaglog begins in my head and I end up doing something stupid like binging or going off the diet.
  • Welcome DCW!!!!

  • I admit that I can sabatoge my diet with the best of them

    You are so right about having a positive attitude on it. Don't listen to anybody else about others plans and give it the full two weeks. Each week will get easier. You can do it Come here and post often~it really helps you to stay on plan.
  • Welcome Dcw!!
    I also am new to this forum and the SB plan...I keep trying not to call it a diet, I NEVER stick to "diets" this is a lifestyle change in eating!!! Thats how I sabotage myself by thinking I'm on a diet, if I think I'm on a diet I always crave the foods I cant have!! So far I have only craved fruit and I miss my glass of wine with dinner !! Thank goodness phase II is only 7 days aways, I'm already starting to plan my meals and will soon have a bottle of red wine chilling!!(I like my wine cold) Good luck!!
  • :raises hand: Me me me!!! I have started and stopped for the last two years, but I'm still in the game. One of these days it will click. I think by joining this board, you are taking a step forward. Good luck and welcome.
  • Thanks everyone for your support! I ate a veggie omelet for breakfast, and I just went grocery shopping for some SBD friendly foods! I am going to ignore the cookies, bread, pudding, crackers, fruit, etc that is already in the house. I can't throw it out because my hubby would kill me! I'm really happy to be in such a supportive online group!
  • Quote: Anybody else with the self-sabotage problem. It seems that as soon as I lose a pound, a diaglog begins in my head and I end up doing something stupid like binging or going off the diet.
    I am SO with you there.
    I hope you have great success here... welcome!
  • Welcome DCW! I KNOW that being in this forum is one of the Biggest reasons I am succeeding in the WOE! Lookin forward to getting to know you!
  • Welcome to the Beach DCW