Howdy and stuff

  • Hi there! Since I've only been posting pretty much everywhere, figured I might as well say hi and introduce myself.

    I'm Kate. I'm just under 32 years old (I have to say it that way to get used to the number before it gets here ), engaged, no kids, three cats, and a mouse.

    It seems like I've been overweight my entire life, but I know from pictures that this isn't the case. Once upon a time, I was grossly underweight. I have to say, I prefer the extra pounds to what I was back then. I think I got "chubby" when I was around 11 or so, when I stopped growing taller and started getting wider. I always assumed I was fat, because people told me I was, except it turns out that I wasn't. And that doesn't make sense, but there you go.

    Now, though, there's no doubt. I'm fat. At 5'2" and 202 lbs, I don't think I could really claim otherwise. I tend not to gauge by weight, though, because (as we all know) muscle weighs more than fat, and I tend to to build muscle pretty easily. So I go by clothing size. And, currently, that would be a 22. And that's just way too high for someone my height.

    I'm relatively healthy, so my weight never really bothered me until I was on a medication that caused me to gain for no reason. I'm off the medication now, but the pounds are still there, waiting to be dropped. And I figure if I'm going to get rid of the little extra I put on in the past year, I might as well see about getting rid of the lot extra I've put on in the past ten years. :P

    And so, here I am. Oh, and I tend to ramble on. I do try to put the important points first, so it's usually safe to skip the majority of whatever I'm saying.

    So, yeah. Hiyas!
  • Oh! And nearly forgot to mention my latest motivation:

    Just got back from England, hate flying to begin with... and found that I was wedged into my seat on the plane, and almost needed a seatbelt extension! For fluff's sake, I'm short, I'm meant to be small, not to be squeezing into a seat on an airplane!

    In addition, while we were there we took coaches (like charter buses) to each of the coasts... the first one I was on, I bruised the heck out of my hip before I realized I needed to turn sideways just to walk down the aisle.

    While there, we did a lot of sight-seeing and shopping, walking between 5-15 miles each day, depending on where we were. It was really hard on me at first, but after a week or so, it wasn't so bad. I never would have thought I could walk the entire length of the beach front at Scarborough... and back again. But I did it. And did the same at Blackpool. It made a walk in our local park look like... well, like a walk in the park! I figured if I could do that there, I could certainly do at least half that here. And so I'm back, and ready to be a big loser.