New here~ trying to conceive, PCOS, and starting South Beach

  • (Xpost-- I couldn't delete this from the PCOS forum where I originally posted it!)

    Hi, all~
    I'm new here, and I was very excited to find a forum specifically for PCOS and in a place where people support the South Beach diet. I've just started learning about the diet and plan to start it in another week or so-- after I've gone grocery shopping!

    My doc has prescribed Avandia for my insulin resistance, but did not suggest a diet plan. I've found South Beach on my own and think it might work for me if I can get past my soda withdrawls.

    My doc gave me a three month prescription for the Avandia, and said if I'm not pregnant by the end of that time, she'll put me on Clomid-- a fertility pill. I am "borderline" PCOS according to my lab work, but, she feels I have the symptoms.

    I'd love to chat with anyone else who's been through this or is there now!
  • Welcome
    I'm new to this site also (a few days now). I also have PCOS and am considering the SBD. I would love to have another baby someday, but that's not top priority right now. Although it would be wonderful if the SBD allowed me to conceive!

    Anyway, I'll be starting my diet next Wednesday. (I too must go grocery shopping first ) If you want an email buddy or just to chat, I'll be here.

  • Amy- I read your post on the PCOS forum first so I decided to come on over here to reply.

    I have had PCOS since I was about 13 but wasn't officially diagnosed until 3-4 yrs ago. I went to the fertility doctor for the first time when my oldest was 2yo. He basically gave me some clomid and told me good luck, I didn't get pregnant. I finally got pregnant on my own when he was 3 and now I have a 5yo and 1.5yo and wanting #3.
    We have been trying naturally for #3 since the youngest was 4mths old. I am now seeing another RE (reproductive endocrinologist/fertility doc) who has advised me to lose weight and finally diagnosed my insulin resistance. He put me on Yasmin (birth control) and Fortamet for 2 mths and I go see him again next Thursday. My next step is to continue losing weight with the Fortamet and south beach diet until I get pregnant. I plan on using Clomid again and am hoping to get a perscription for that at my next appointment.

    About SBD- I have lost about 20lbs in the past 2 mths with the fortamet and following the south beach diet. I hope it works as good or better for you.
  • Wow, thanks.... I can't tell you how good it feels to find people who are in the same situation, medically, as I am.

    It took us three years to get pregnant the first time, and then I had a rough pregnancy that ended with an emergency c-section at 33 weeks. I did get pregnant naturally, mostly because I was just too stubborn to go to a doctor. One child, one gallbladder surgery, and two years later, I'm much more interested in getting whatever medical help I need as soon as possible. It's funny how your (my) attitude can change after you've been through a few things, isn't it?

    We (DH and I) probably won't completely start SBD until next weekend. As I think I posted somewhere else, I just can't financially justify throwing away the perfectly good food that we have in the house right now-- fresh white potatoes, flour tortillas, and such. So, after we've used up the rest of the food that's forbidden in phase I, we'll start in for real.
  • We've got a thread going here somewhere about the effects of green tea with a diet. I dunno about how well it works diet-wise, but we've discovered what might be a trend in that it seems to boost the ability to conceive. I mean, at 40, I certainly wasn't planning on another one. LOL
  • Quote: We've got a thread going here somewhere about the effects of green tea with a diet. I dunno about how well it works diet-wise, but we've discovered what might be a trend in that it seems to boost the ability to conceive. I mean, at 40, I certainly wasn't planning on another one. LOL
    Hmmm.... I'll be looking for that thread! I like regular unsweetened iced tea, and I like some herbal teas with honey, but I've never had green tea. So, if there's any chance that green tea might help with conception, I'll try it!
  • Found the thread.... now I need to find some of that tea.... LOL!
  • I take green tea capsules rather than the drink. It helps create more friendly cervical mucous Have you ever charted your BBT? I am taking a break while on the bcp but I will start charting again as soon as I am off of them. I also use OPK's so I can try and see the best time to have fun with DH. I don't know how much you know about TTC so if you have any questions, feel free to ask
  • Yup, the capsules were what I was taking. I wish I'd known about this cervical stuff beforehand. ::sigh:: I'll be 58 or 59 when my son graduates high school.
  • Quote: Yup, the capsules were what I was taking. I wish I'd known about this cervical stuff beforehand. ::sigh:: I'll be 58 or 59 when my son graduates high school.
    That's not bad at all. My mom is 52 and has 3boys and 4 girls; my oldest sibling is 30, youngest sibling is 3. She wasn't taking anything, she's just very fertile, wish I got that gene LOL
  • Oh~ I hadn't thought of capsules.

    Thanks flmom for the offer about the TTC info, but I think I know a lot about that part-- it's the PCOS/IR I'm just learning about. I feel like I've done it all while TTC.... charting BBT, mucous checks, rhythm/calendar method (ha ha, I've never been regular in my life!), herbal suppliments, etc, etc. I strongly believe I got pregnant the first time through lots of prayers and faith-- in fact I have a whole website devoted to that story. PM me if you're interested & I'll send you the link.

    This time around, however, the medical issues are bigger and so I'm going with the prescriptions my doctor recommends. Still praying, mind you, but also doing what I can to help my body's chemistry. Even if I wasn't trying to get pregnant, I still need to get this PCOS/IR and weight problem under control.