I met my goal!!! YES!! I'm in the 100's!!!

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  • Hi guys! Well, when I started in January, my major goal was to get down from 286 pounds to 200 lbs. Well, I did it!!
    I weighed myself this morning and I was 199lbs.!! It's been over eight years since I've seen the scale say one hundred something instead of two hundred something!! This is the most fantastic thing EVER!! It only took me 5 months too!
    *does a happy danceI*

    Best feeling EVER!!
  • Welcome to "ONEDERFUL" 100s Siren!
  • Thank you, thank you! :P
  • wow way to go! congrats! that is an awesome thing to lose so much in such short time how did you do it??
  • YEA!!! I am so happy for you. YOU have just proved it can be done. I can hardly wait. YOU have just giving me more hope then I have had in the last 10 days since I have started to eat right!!!!!! YOU are now my inspiration!!!!! THANK YOU!!
  • congrats
    hey just want to know how you did it. I had a baby 4 months ago and I still have all my pregnancy weight plus I gained some more.
  • CONGRATULATIONS cemetarysiren25!! Your post made me smile
  • Great job!!! Incredibly impressive -- you must feel great (and you should!)

    You're such an inspiration (really!)
  • Alice is back in ONEderland *woohoo* Congrats chica!

  • Siren Good For YOU!!! You should feel so proud!! I am not there yet but trying!! 3 cheers for you Please do tell us what you have done I am all ears I know you must feel great!!
  • Yay Cemetarysiren!! Welcome to ONDERLAND!!!

    Make sure to reward yourself for doing such a fantastic job and take a moment to truely enjoy the success you've achieved because this is a major accomplishment! Doesn't it feel great to know you're really doing this? Congratulations, I'm sooooo proud of you! Keep up the good work!

  • YEA GOOD JOB! WHOOOHOOOO!!!! How did you do it??!!
  • Congratulations!!!!!!!!

    Reading through the other posts to congratulate you----WOW HIGH FIVES coming from me to y'all! It's so awesome to see real people losing weight!

    Thanks for the motivation and again Congrats!!!!!! I am happy dancing for you in my neck of the woods!!!

    (I don't know how to do the fancy graphs)

  • Congrats! That weight came off really fast!
  • WAY TO GO!! I just made it there last week! It feels wonderful to be in One-derland!