New at this, needing a buddy :)

  • Hello everyone!
    I'm 21 years old and I decided I need to lose weight and become fit and healthy by the end of the year. I was bulimic for a couple years during highschool and I lost loads of weight and then I started seeing a therapist and was put on anti depressants. I have been 'good' for about 3 years now But I've recently started to binge again, except I'm not throwing up so I've gained about 35 pounds that I would like to get rid of. I went on Atkins for two months last year and lost some weight but my body rebelled and I gained it all back.

    Anyway, I decided I am going to do this the healthy way this time. And I guess that by joining the forum and trying to find a buddy that I really am dedicated to it this time. I know its going to be very hard, but right now I don't work so I can't use that excuse anymore! I just want to do it the right way and keep the weight off.

    I would really like a buddy so I can have someone to discuss this with and share stories and support because I KNOW I'm going to need it! My girlfriends are all horrible-y supermodel-ish so that doesn't help much at all!

    Anyway, I'm sorry this is along post, I just wanted to give a little background on myself. I would really appreciate replies. This is my first post and I'm a bit nervous Thank you!
  • Aseya,

    I too am new to this site I am 35 and a mother of 3 I've really just been skipping around these threads to try to find a buddy also. I think there might be a forum for people with eating disorders I'm not sure. But my bio is in the LA weight loss forum under roll call. I also need support as I am just starting back on my weight loss trail. I don't even know how much I weigh right now. I will find out tomorrow when I go to weigh in, I am very nervous about that. I keep thinking ok just don't break down crying in front of everyone. But I will get back with you tonite to let you know how it went if you would like to continue to chat. (tonite meaning wed. nite since I guess it is 1:14 in the morning) Yikes I gotta get some sleep! see ya.

  • Hi Ohmomof3!
    Good luck with the weigh-in. I've always used Kgs to measure my weight and yesterday I converted it into pounds and almost gave myself a heart attack! It just kind of put everything into perspective for me. I guess because I had always thought of myself as 75+kilos, I got used to it and thinking of myself as 170lbs really shook me up!
    Anyway good luck with the weigh in and remember weight is something you can change. That's what I keep telling myself. So even if it seems like a lot now, you can only make it so that it doesn't stay that way!
    Let me know how it goes!
  • Aseya,

    Well I went to the weigh in and got shocked, I weighed-in at a whopping 263!!! Yikes I can't beleive that. The problem is I don't feel that fat and I really don't think I look that fat. I'm big boned and can carry my weight well. Whatever that means right! Well I have a long long way to go but I know I have to stick to it because I am so unhappy with the way I look now. I know I'm fat I just don't feel that fat. I wear a size 18/20 yuck!!!! I really want to get down to an 8 or even a 10 would make me happy. My 10 year anniversary is in Oct. and I wanted to go somewhere nice. Possibly somewhere that would require a bathing suit.(very scarry thought right now) I did get up this morning and exercise though and stuck to my plan today. So 1 day down and the rest of my life to go. How did things go for you today? Where do you live that you use kgs to weigh yourself?

  • Hey Donna!
    I know EXACTLY what you mean by not feeling or looking that fat. I've always been busty and not so big in the hips so I've never felt or looked as big as I really am. It's weird, huh? I'm totally kicking myself for only starting to lose weight now that summer is here when I could have started earlier and been closer to wearing a bikini this season!
    Yesterday I worked out, hopefully I will be able to get off my butt and work out today too! I just get side tracked, like 'hmm I should work out, but first I'm going to read a magazine that I've read 20 times before
    I live in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. I've been here for about 17 years, my dad is a native and he met my mom when he was at school in the US.
    Anyway, I hope everything went well with you, I'm sure you'll be looking great for your anniversary!
  • Hey Aseya!! Welcome to the site!! I'm new-ish too! and have just started my excersize regieme!! Anyway i am looking for a buddy too! Was also wondering how tall you were?

    Anyway good luck to you and Donna!
  • Hi Bella!
    Congrats on starting the exercise I started this week and its been kinda hard to get motivated, but I love how good I feel afterwards. Anyway, I'm 5'5" and would love a buddy!