Here we go again

  • HI

    Well I finally made that big loose the weight...I'm so tired of not being able to find clothes that are nice and fit. I'm tired of everyone saying they are worried about me, I'm tired of people looking to see what I'm buying when I'm out grocery shopping, I'm just plain tired of being over weight.

    I did WW a few years ago and lost 30lbs then gained it all back. Then I lost it again before I had my son, but gained it all back again. This time I want to loose it and keep it off.

    My hubby is also overweight, he's no suport at all, I say I'm going to start watching what I eat, he goes out and buys chips and pop....ugh. My mom is my only support but she can't do the exercise so she's no help there. (we go to the pool once a week)

    I have been diagnosed as clinically depressed (the weight doesn't help)
    So I hate to say it I need lots and lots of help and suport. I haven't decided what diet to do or just to not eat junk food and more veggies. any ideas

  • Hi there!!!! Love your screen name!!!! You've done the hardest bit, and that's come here and put your weight out there for all to see, well that was hard for me. I never ever told anyone (myself for that matter!!!!) what I weighed.

    The good thing is, it all works, whatever eating plan you choose (or develop for yourself), the exercise, if you commit to it, it doesn't matter what it is. The even better thing is it is YOUR journey, but you've got to own it. No one can do that bit for you. That was the hardest for me. I kept wanting to blame other people and make excuses. It wasn't until I sat down and said, right this mess (and boy was it a mess) was mine to make, and mine to clear up.

    I live in a strange country with no friends to speak of. I go to the gym on my own, my partner was t.e.r.r.i.b.l.e. to start with, but he is fabulous now. Once he worked out how serious I was, and how much better I was living a healthy lifestyle he got with the program!!!

    It's hard to live with depression, let alone live healthily, but you know what, once you start exercising and eating healthier foods, I can bet you that your depression will get better over time. There's heaps of support here, special forums for depression, a hundred pound club which is brilliant, and plenty more.

    Jump in, and try and stay positive, this is so much easier if you smile!!!
  • I know how you feel
    I am doing WW again. I find it works best for me to keep off the weight. It has been the only way I can lose weight. I lost a bunch of weight in 2000 for my wedding and told myself I would start again but never did so slowly I have gained the weight back.

    Now, I am at the point where it is hard to shave my legs and where my wedding ring. So, I must do something about it. I do not even try to buy clothes, I live in sweat pants. So your not alone and if you want a buddy I am here for you.
  • Hi All,
    I understand what y'all are going through. I can totally relate to the sweatpants thing. I live in sweats also. It's getting harder though now that summer is here and it's getting warmer. This is the heaviest i've ever been. I started today and am also looking for support to keep going. I'm trying Bob Green's Total Body Makeover. I believe that every diet works. You just have to find the one right for you. I have tried many diets but have never joined a support group. I'm hoping this is what will help me stick to it. I am here for anyone who needs a buddy.

  • I've lost 50 pounds 3 or 4 times I have lost count now. It is hard with depression I think 'what's the point I'll still be miserable' all the time. But I am still trying!
  • Thanks everyone....eating my strawberries and granola. Have my whole day planned as to what i'm going to eat and nothing else will hit these lips.
  • We got your back
    I've been diagnosed as being bipolar as well as being clinically depressed. My weight is a huge thing for me. I give it much more importance in my life than I should.

    Having "emotional issues" doesn't help, so I think we do experience things differently than other people who have never had to deal with depression. It's hard for other people to relate.

    My thing is that I tend to judge my own worth by a number on the scale, adn I'm about 20 lbs over weight. Just know that you are who you are and it has nothign to do with your pants size.

    It's tough, I know, but I'm trying to convince myself.

    I find this forum to be a huge,huge help.
  • Welcome!

    I'm bipolar, with a tendency to stay on the depressed side. From personal experience, taking control over your eating and activity will probably help with depression. There's nothing better than meeting a goal, even if it is just a daily goal.

    Wishing you much success.
  • Wow, another bipolar here. We should have a support group for us, too. *hugs*

    I tend to stay on the hypo-manic anxiety end of things, but since my doctor likes to keep me on anti-psychotics the weight is HARD to take off. Grr.

    Now I get to try Haldol <gotta love that ol' school medicaitin there> since I refuse to keep taking things that make me feel like the size of a slightly small hippo.