Simple goal: 10,000 Steps A Day (Fitness Article)

  • Simple goal: 10,000 Steps A Day in the Arizona Daily Star, Thursday, May 19, 2005

    The goal of walking 10,000 steps a day is an easier, more effective fitness program for sedentary people than counting minutes walked.

    In a new study women asked to take 10,000 steps a day exercised more than those given the goal of walking 30 minutes on “most days of the week.”

    Easy to measure
    1) Obtain an inexpensive pedometer; no need to calibrate it for your step length.
    2) Wear it all day; ignore its reading on calories and distance

    What the numbers mean for people with sedentary jobs:
    2,000 steps - very little walking; day spent mostly sitting and driving
    4,000 steps - short walks, stair climbing; perhaps an extended walk
    7,000 steps - several extended walks, many short walks
    10,000 steps – 30 minutes or more of steady walking, frequent short walks

    Source: Medscape Medical News
  • Thanks Kel for posting this. Timing was good. Your stats look great! Any secrects to your progress?

  • Weight Watchers is selling a new pedometer that is the most accurate I have ever owned.

    I am working on over 10,000 steps daily.It is amazing how they add up!

    Of course if you walk 3 miles for exercise that alone is about 7,0000.the other 3 or 4 come easily with normal activity! Very motivating to log it daily................. I have for the last 3 weeks.................kinda fun!

    Kinda like a new toy!
  • CIN, I agree! I too bought the WW pedometer and very impressed and hoping this is the toy (motivator) I need to get me moving. Yesterday was my first day to truly attempt to track and I think while I was stooped over bathing the dog it accidently got reset. It was mid-morning and I was already up to 2,000. So a lesson learned and I have repositioned for today and excited about seeing my steps increase.

    Oh, the games we do play!

  • Pedometer
    I bought the new pedometer too, and I love it. I don't even look at the miles or timer..just trying to reach 10,000 steps. I have been doing this for a while and I find it easier to set a step goal for the week, instead of by day because some days I don't have the time. For instance, today was my 'muscle pump' class at the gym. It is one hour of lifting and toning...but it doesn't register on the pedometer.
  • a tip
    A word of advice about the new pedometer:

    You know how you reset the Miles Steps and Minutes? Well leave it set on the minutes...the minutes do not have to be recording..I leave the clock off as a matter of fact....but I leave it set on the minutes so if I accidently hit the R or reset button it will not reset my steps or mileage!

    I learned the hard way too!

    It is an awesome pedometer.I wear it all day..................................& love it! very motivating to record the info daily! I am on about Day 21 s far!

  • I found a Sportbrain pedometer at Walmart for less than $30 that uploads to your computer via USB. Even if reset there is an internal memory. Lovin it!.