Help . . . I have a question (frustrated)

  • Hello everyone and good friday morning! I have been doing phase 1 for two weeks and about 3 days ago i was down to 205.8 pounds from 216. This is awesome, happiness happiness right? Well the past two days I have gone up a little over a pound (206.2 yesterday and 207.2 today) . Now on Tuesday I started working out with Denise Austin's Ultimate Metabolism Boosting workout. It is 30 minutes of cardio using a resistance band, 10 minutes of upper body strength training with the band, 10 minutes of lower body strength with the band and 10 minutes of ab work. Tuesday I did almost the whole dvd. Wednesday I just did the cardio and yesterday I just did the strength training segments. Do you think I'm just gaining some muscle and that has caused the stop in weight loss? I'm the type of person who gets frustrated easily and I really am feeling better with exercise, but I want to see results too. . . I don't know if there is something else that I could be doing wrong? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!!!!
  • Jessi,

    I would not worry about this. When I first went off phase 1 I had a little gain a couple of days and then lost it. You are working out and eating healthier your body is saying "Hey girl, what are you trying to do to me!"

    Trust me, it will all level out and you will be on the road to lean and mean.

    Also, I posted a minute ago that I just moved from Pittsburgh to WV. I am originally from WV, but lived in Pittsburgh (Dormont) for about 10 years and worked at the Girl Scouts. Welcome aboard and keep up the good work!

    Also, I would love to be your weight loss buddy if you want one!
  • sunnymae, sunnybunny is totally right. In time, this will work out. If you measure your fat percentage (a trained person using calipers is best, but you can use an electronic measure, if you want) regularly, you will know when weight gain or stall is due to muscle growth. That will help. Measuring yourself will help too, as will watching what happens with your clothes (are they tight or loose?).

    That said, what are you doing for Phase 2? A lot of people start eating several servings of starches and fruit right away, which isn't a great idea. Just try one thing, either a starch OR a fruit, and do it for a whole week. See how your body reacts. If all is well, add something else and do that for a WHOLE week and check again. If at any point things go wrong (you get cravings, you gain a lot of weight), try something else instead or try eating it at a different time of day. It's different for each person, but it took me about three weeks to figure out that I can have one starch and one fruit a day, and I can't eat them before lunch or I get cravings. Each person is different. During those three weeks, I gained five pounds, but I lose them and 90 more pounds after that, so it was definitely worth it.

    Adding exercise is a GREAT thing and it will definitely help you lose your weight. Don't give up girl!
  • That is great that you lived in dormont . . I live in Carrick. Yeah i'm hoping it's just a crazy body thing . . . Thanks for your encouragement though!
  • Correction to all . . . I am in my 3rd week of phase 1 . . . I had a big slip up at the end of the first week, so decided to go for 2 more weeks.

    So I'm still in Phase 1, on monday i start phase two and plan on adding a fruit for the first week. I'm thinking a small grannysmith apple with natural peanut butter as my afternoon snack. (3:30pm) every day. We'll see how that goes. I'm up for all kinds of menu help . . . I plan everything out ahead of time, which I find to be really helpful for me so I can always post my menues for critiquing.
  • I think that most of us experience a bit of weight gain, or at least a stall when moving to Phase 2. Personally, I discovered that I could not have a starch or fruit everyday, so adjusted to one every second day. Eventually my body adjusted so that I am able to have 1 or 2 servings everyday without showing a weight gain.

    I think your observation about the muscle mass is good, also. As you are exercising, you will be building muscle mass. Watch for a change in how your clothes fit as well as the weight on the scale.
  • Jessi-

    SunnyBunny (all these sunny people!) is correct. It's muscle gain. I get frustrated easily too and well, when I stop exercising, I lose about 4 lbs. The only problem is getting back to my routine!

    So don't stink like me. Keep going with it. Your body will catch up and you'll see the loss again!

    Great work!
  • Hey Jenne, when did you start SBD? You are doing great!
  • I'm going to keep working at exercise . . . I have been sleeping so much better!!!! I really like SB . . . I just am an inpatient person, and I like to see results. I'm a daily Weigh in kind of person. So my goal is to go the entire weekend and not weigh myself until Monday morning, when I do my official weigh in. It's really hard since the scale is in my bathroom. I think I'm going to hide it until monday morning.
  • hey Jessi-

    I actually havent started yet. Well, I tried SB this time last year and lost 13 pounds. I didn't know what to do on Phase 2 and got frustrated and gave up. I lost about 50 pounds over the past 2 years doing other things, but have been stuck around 200 for a year or so.

    I want to lose the last 40 or so pounds so back to SB I go, only now I am wiser with having been here for a while now...

    Or at least, I hope
  • I quite often gain when I am exercising at a higher intensity than I have been. But I know that the exercise is good for my health and I try not to get hung up on the idea of pounds. South Beach has become a way of eating for my health. If you keep exercising and eating right, the pounds will come off. Try not to stay on phase 1 too long. Your plan for how you will move to phase 2 sounds like a good one.
  • I gain when I have a change in exercise intensity. It is only temporary but it can be frustrating I'm enduring that right now as a matter of fact Just keep going and the scale loss will follow