Gettin' together -- May 2005

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  • Hey, Ladies,

    May is here! I went to the gym this morning. Since it's Sunday and raining, the place was practically empty. Rob said I should call it the YMCA-Marge. Well, it was funny when he said it. I see a guy there on Sundays who gets on the elliptical and works out until he is literally soaked and drips a puddle on the machine. I wish I could say I'm exaggerating.

    I have a good feeling about this week. Have a fantastic Sunday, gals. You deserve it!
  • yay, It's MAY!!!! Love the Spring...Wtg marge, you are doing great, well, this week, I will be right on with ya...I would love to take the train down, but have never been to NYC and DH will have to come too, or else he won't let me LOL...Maybe for the Holidays, I have always wanted to go to NYC for the Holidays, to see the decor! Well, am off, have fun ya'll
  • Okay, so Im a little slow--apparently, I skipped over the FIRST sentence of Marge's post in the last thread, so here's the whole message I just posted in the April thread :

    Happy Sunday, all! It's almost 11:30, and I'm still waiting for my turn in the shower. His cousin made us breakfast, though, so at least we don't have to go out for one meal this weekend (mmm...pancakes, sausage, and potatoes). I think the plan for today is to go to the park and walk around the pond and feed the ducks, then to lunch at Luigi's (one of his favorite restaurants that happens to be near the park), then to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with his younger cousin. Then, of course, we have to watch Animation Domination on Fox tonight--brand new episode of Family Guy--woohoo!!! I do love me some baby Stewie. No PA Dutch Market today--apparently, it's only open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so we missed our chance.

    Yesterday, we went to the Orioles game, but we left before it was over because it was very wet, and they weren't winning, anyway. So we took the train home, and then Jeff and I had a minor spat, so that took up most of the evening between tears and trying to talk and silent treatments, but it's all good now

    Yes, Aimee, alcohol=bad. I have completely stopped drinking--haven't had alcohol since last July. I wouldn't say I was an alcoholic or anything like that, but I definitely couldn't stop when I'd had enough. I never had just a few drinks, I would always at least hit the double digits. My view was that if I'm going to drink, I was going to make it worthwhile and get totally trashed. So, yeah, some interesting things happened as results of my drinking in college (and a little after college), so I have decided to just stop before it does become a major problem. Jeff also does not drink a drop of alcohol, so it's easy for me not to as well.

    I guess being semi-active on the weekends is what keeps all the restaurant food I eat on the weekends not catch up to me so badly. Limiting my calories during the week helps to balance it out, too, so my body is definitely not stuck in a monotonous diet rut. When I go to the doc's on Monday, I'm also going to request some blood work. I'll have them check my iron and cholesterol and do a FULL thyroid test. I have been sluggish even after 12 hours of sleeping on the weekends, and, like I said before, I have been cold much more frequently (I'm usualy almost NEVER cold). Also, I have been dieting since January, and just finally lost a total of 10.5 pounds?! I usually hear people talk about how quickly it comes off at first, but 3 months for 10 pounds? ARGH! I know it's good that I am heading in the right direction whether it be slow or fast, but if there is a reason it's so slow, I would like to know so we can maybe fix it. If not, then I guess I'm just not doing what's right for me and my body (which will be equally as frustrating, since I don't really know what else to do). Alright, off to wait for my turn in the shower. Have a great end to the weekend, ladies! OH, and are we starting a new thread for May?
  • I almost posted on the April thread! Whoops.

    My mom and dad are coming over at 2pm and we're all going to the YMCA together. They're having an open house this weekend and mom's going to turn in their application for financial assistance. Shoot, if my MIL and her best friend were both approved for a discounted rate, I sure can't see where my folks won't be. My mom would benefit so much from the arthritis water class.

    Well, gotta scoot. WTG on being in a new deca of pounds, Aimee! More soon, y'all --
  • Goodmorning, I have about 30 minutes left to my morning. I am working today, but got to sleep in a bit.. unfortunately the kids upstairs decided they didn't want to sleep in, and wanted to jump up and down right above my bed. Gotta love that!

    So it's May, closer to the summer! It feels like summer here today, the sun is out, and it's warm! And I'm heading to work, aren't you all jealous? Whoops, and if I don't leave now I'll be late! Have a great day

  • Ugh. I need help, grrrr! I don't know what to do, and it's not *really* my problem, but it just feels so complicated. So I started this new job, with the title of part time 3rd key holder, it's on the thing I signed and all that jazz. So today I was working with this girl Gemma, and for some reason it came up about my title and what I was hired for. I told her I was hired as the above position, and she informed me, thats her job title right now. This all came to be because I answered the phone and was chatting with another staff member I hadn't met yet, and I told her about her shift this week, and how she had a meeting with the manager, and the girl told me she thought she was going to be fired. I know nothing about this though. I just listened to her. Gemma was standing right beside me and knew about the conversation, and we looked at the schedule, and the girl who thinks she's going to be fired has been written off it. What a crappy situation!!! Almost the entire staff is in the position of being fired, or forced out, I'm getting more hours than them, more responsibility. I told Gemma I didn't know what was going on and hoped she wouldn't hold this against me, and that I was just hired for this position not knowing. Does this crap follow me? Is it a product of crappy retail jobs? Or... is it me? I'm starting to feel like drama follows me!! I just don't know, and really hate being in the position of being the "new staff" and watch as the old staff gets slowly picked off, one by one. So far only 3 staff members have quit since this manager started March 29th-ish. My plan thus far is to keep my nose out of this stuff, listen if people have concerns, and be myself. Also, not let anyone know that I feel the manager is being incredibly sneaky with how she's doing all of this... oops I let that slip?

    Okay enough venting.. on to food porn!! I had the WORST dinner/dessert of all time! I had perogies for dinner with sour cream, and then had 1 chocolate chip cookie, and 1 cup of ice cream. I didn't stop there, I had coke and pringles as a snack. lol. It's pretty funny how bad I ate really.. bad to being good tomorrow Have a good night gals

  • GM ladies....So tired this morning, but am off to CURVES in a few mins...Funny thing, but I think that your plan, Aimee, is a good one to stick with. You have only been there a cpl of days, so the situation is new, and you have no idea how terrible the employees' attitudes may have been or may be, and she feels this is the only way to get fresh faces...There must be a reason why she is hiring new ppl and firing old ones. She could have filled you in on the plan so as to not be clueless.
    Women....they can be hard to work with and deal with...
    I filled in my food intake into Calorie King yesterday, and even as terrible as I thought I had eaten, It was below calories, fat, and carbs...I am so surprised...Shocked, that is good I guess..I just need to be more consistent and drink more water..Okay, am off...HAG1!!
  • Whoa, Diane beat me to the early-morning post for today! Silly me, I came in and did my work first for a change Now it's done, though, and I have nothing to do, so here I am!

    Aimee--I think it's seriously a retail thing. I don't think you'll find a much better situation in almost any store. I always had problems when I worked retail, and I have almost never had a friend who worked retail and didn't have to deal with the drama. It always seems the managers are quite immature (and the mature ones who do work retail are too smart to want to deal with the drama of becoming managers!). I did work with one really great manager at a store once, but the other managers in the area were such pains that there was drama anyway, especially since a lot of the employees worked in more than one store (I worked in all 3 in our city).

    So, yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. We ended up not going to the movies at all. Instead, we just went and fed the ducks and went to Luigi's (mmm...cheese ravioli). Then we came back, and Jeff's cousin made everyone barbecue chicken salads for dinner (lettuce, canned corn, crumbled tortilla chips, chicken tenders w/bbq sauce, bbq ranch dressing--sooo not good for you, even though it's a salad ). Of course, as if the pancake-sausage-potato breakfast, Italian cheese-smothered lunch, and bbq salad dinner weren't bad enough, we then went out for ice cream. Did I get an itty bitty little sundae? Oh no, my friend, I went out with a bang--banana split! And it was GOOD. So yeah. I have to serve at the restaurant tonight, so lots of running around, and I have only about 1330 calories packed for today to help make up for the ridiculous weekend I had

    Doc's appointment is at 11:50am today. I get to leave work early (Yay!). I will hopefully have my dang toe fixed very soon so I can stop wincing every time I put real shoes on (I wear flip-flops to the office job every day). Hopefully my blood pressure will be okay (no caffeine before the appointment, and my breakast contained a total of 420mg of sodium, which was already about an hour ago, so I should be okay having a kiwi and some string cheese for snacks before I go in), and hopefully I will get all of my blood work done today so I can get my results ASAP (iron, cholesterol, thyroid, yadda yadda yadda).

    Oh, so I don't know if I mentioned, but my sister has pretty much put me in charge of picking out my own dress for her wedding (I get to be her maid of honor--again). She has also pretty much left it up to me to decide if her bridesmaids (3 of them) will wear the same dress as me, or different but the same as each other, or all different, or whatever. She basically just said they need to be a burgundy-wine kinda color--have fun. So, I have decided on the dress I want to wear. If you care to see it, it's at

    and I will get it in Wine (if you click on the color on the right, the dress changes to that color). I know my sister's tastes, so I think this will make us both happy. It's a very dark color for her April 22 wedding on the beach, so I was thinking the tea-length and spaghetti straps make it look a little Springier. I think I'm just going to tell the other ladies to pick any Alfred Angelo dress, as long as it's in Wine (since there are over 100 styles to choose from). That way, we'll at least all be the same color (possibly a hint of a shade off from different dye lots, but close enough, and easier than trying to match from different manufacturers). I also LOVE the Alfred Angelo dresses because almost all of them go up to a size 28W, so no matter how far along I am as far as weight loss is concerned, I should be able to find one that fits properly.

    Alright, well, I guess it's that time--time to look busy even though I have no work. I think I'll search for apartments for Jeff and I to share come November when my lease runs out. Since I've done the apartment-hunting thing before, he has left it up to me to find a place, which is fine since I am pickier I like having more time to find a place and think and research--when I moved into where I am now, I had only had 2 weeks to find a place, sign the lease, and move in--it was quite the whirlwind, but I lucked out cuz I LOVE my place. Too bad it's almost 50 miles from where Jeff works so he can't just move in here. Ooooh well--I'm off. Have a great one, all!
  • hey there~ Jill, I beat ya , Na na na na noo no :~ lol...Anyhoo...That dress is just lovely...I personally would not wear spaghetti traps, not with my flabby and stretch marked arms, LOL but that is just me...You are going to look beautiful, just beautiful...I had Wine and dark green in my wdding though we only had a bout 30 ppl total at ours. and had to wear a misspiggy dress since I was too fat to wear a normal on. We plan, on our tenth 4 years OCT 9, to have a renewal, and I WILL WEAR the gown of my dreams...and my best friend HEATHER will be my MOH...I had no choice last time, his sis was, Heather and I had not gotten back in touch yet...We have already planned it, and know what we will do after ( a huge pig roast)...we are getting new rings too, mine is nice, I am keeping the rock, but getting new settings, we want platinum. Anyhoo, just wanted to tell u I like that dress. Have a great day!!!
  • Diana, you'll love Christmas here, definitely come. They have several markets that I go to usually, at Union Square, Grand Central and Bryant Park. The Bryant Park one isn't all that great, but it's still fun to see, and near the Grand Central. Lots of great decorations on 5th Avenue/Rockefeller Center. I was going to say it gets cold, but lets face it, where you are it's much more arctic in the winter time!

    Jill, that dress is HOT! I love it! Hope you post pics of you in it.

    I can't believe how much running around you do, I got tired reading your two posts (Been there with the evening wasted to relationship drama. Rob doesn't drink either, btw, or he'll have a couple of sips. It's funny, after I turned 21, drinking wasn't exciting anymore, heh. Now it's a beer or glass of wine and I'm done.) Good luck with the doctor's appointment. Glad to hear you're having your toe looked at! If you really feel frustrated with the diet routine, maybe he/she can recommend a nutritionist. At JC the counselors are nutritionists, and that helped me.

    I've lost about 11 lbs since January (March was a big bust for me, I actually gained a 1/2 lb that month! grrrr). Hang in there. We'll do it. It's going down, right?

    Aimee, I agree with what's already been said. Majorly sucks that you have to be in the middle of the drama. I'd say have a plan for yourself and try to keep your head above it all. Usually it's a power issue for a new manager to come in and replace the staff. Think of this as a learning experience

    Did you see that Oprah episode where the husband was harrassing the wife for gaining 50 lbs? Oprah said she thought every heavy woman 1) feels she doesn't deserve to be loved, and 2) a lot of heavy women feel that if they get a hot body, they'll end up out of control (sexually). Interesting...

    Well, Mondays are always my busiest day, so I'd better get to it. Of course today is gorgeous since it's MONDAY! Have a good one!
  • Quote: We plan, on our tenth 4 years OCT 9, to have a renewal, and I WILL WEAR the gown of my dreams...and my best friend HEATHER will be my MOH......we are getting new rings too, mine is nice, I am keeping the rock, but getting new settings, we want platinum.
    I meant to comment on this, that is wonderful! Your first wedding sounded so romantic too, bet you this one will be even more special, to renew after 10 years! And you will be HOT! (is Marge pushing for an invite??? heh heh).

    not to mention a fall wedding upstate, going to be gorgeous. sigh.
  • Heh, I, too, have jiggly and stretch-marked arms, but almost all of the bridesmaid dresses nowadays are sleeveless anyway (many even strapless, which I would so do if I could pull it off, but I have no chest ), so I figured what's the difference between a strap that's 2 inches wide and a string holding up the dress? Neither one will cover my skin wings, so might as well go with one that fits the season
  • Diana, your redo wedding and new rings sound so cool!!! I just had my ex wedding ring reset a month ago so I feel comfortable wearing it again. It looks nothing like it did before and I was able to design it so it's extra special to me now... I love diamonds!!!

    Jill, that dress is very sexy and you will look amazing in it no matter if you don't lose anything more than you have already... although I *know* you're gonna lose at least another 80 pounds by then just to be extra hot! I love that color... It looks really good with all skin tones (even pasty!).

    I am sitting in work now... boring. I lost only 2 pounds this week, but I went over my measurements from beginning of Feb to yesterday I lost just under 30 inches!! WOW! That made my day just to see that number! Saturday I did a benefit walk, it was 4 miles and I did it in 1 hour and 10 minutes. about 15 mins better than last year! AND my mom who's 125 pounds, was sore and complaining after about 2 miles!!! I love it! I know that's mean, but she really has gotten on me for being out of shape in the past, so to show her up like that is really a good feeling...

    Well ladies, have a great day!
  • Well, just got back from my doc. My blood pressure today was 145/110. NOT good! However, I have had 3 dr appointments since November and had my bp checked at all of them, and the highest it ever was until January (which was my most recent appointment) was like 110/90 (the other two both had my bottom number in the 70s). That is REALLY good--he even said it was on the lower side of normal, not even close to high! In January is when I switch bc pills, so he thinks there's a possibility that has something to do with it, but it's unlikely since it's so similar to the pill I had been on previously. He asked me about a million times if I was taking and other medications or supplements. NO! He asked about salt--I don't add salt to ANYTHING I eat--I don't even own a salt shaker! I did mention that I know I eat a lot of prepared foods, which I know contain more sodium. He said that could have something to do with it, but that at my age, even that shouldn't affect my bp so drastically in only 2 or 3 months time. So, I go back on Thursday for a re-check of my bp and some fasting blood work. It's just so frustrating that I have bp issues when I have been eating healthier and getting more physical activity--should be the other way around! Alright, enough of my rant for now. We'll see what they come up with on Thursday.
  • Howdy, y'all. Read everyone's posts, but for some reason just this thread at 3FC is loading really wide for me. I have to scroll sideways across the page to even view it all. My eyes are tired now!

    Aimee, it's hard being in the middle of the weirdness at a job, I know. I think your plan's a good one for listening if people want to talk, but keeping a distance.

    TFT, two pounds is a really *good* loss -- nothing "only" about it. If you lose too quickly you can end up burning muscle tissue not just fat. It's healthier all around to go slow and steady. The diet industry is who pushes big numbers, not dieticians and trainers.

    Jill, I can relate about the BP. To be eating healthfully and have such high readings really stinks! I didn't get mine tested at the doctor's today, but at the YMCA open house, it read 128/86 on the wrist-cuff the nurse used on me. My pulse rate was 89, though, not good considering all I'd done was ride over in the van and walk inside.