hey I need a friend!!

  • im currently 273, i was 282.. my 1 goal weight is 260 then ill set it from there.. i really need a friend to help me through everything i have a very long way to go and i want to reach it by the time i go to college. Im currently a 11th grader so i have a few months plus another school year, i dont care how old my buddy is, i actually find my aunts are better dieting buddys since they arent already thin like my friends so if youd like to help me id really appreciate it!! thanks
  • Hey Pop Princess! How is everything going? What ever you do, keep going and don't get discouraged. I've been doing Weight Watchers for 15 months, I think the slower I loose it the better it is for me in the long run. What program are you following, if any? I see your weight tracker, 9 pounds is great!! Have you ever picked up a 10 pound bag of potatoes? Its pretty close to 9 pounds, if you get discouraged go and try to carry around a 10 pound bag, its exhausting. I usually only get to get on-line on the weekend, I'll try to keep in touch though.
    One more thing, keep your mind strong and great things are possible.........

  • Hello
    You are doing great keep going....you can do this. I am very proud of you for doing this at a young age.
  • I'll be your dieting buddy, but a word of warning.. I'm not actually dieting, I'm just eating properly and exercising.

    PM me if you want!
  • Hey we can chat a little if you would like. I Just turned 19 last month and I graduated last June. I am 235lbs and have been since my Junior year. For wanting to do it so early. I never should have waited. Now that Im working its harder to motivate myself. Use the people at your school as motivation. If I had decided to lose weight in highschool, I would have had a lot of people to prove myself too. I know its not a good reason to want to lose weight but sometimes people being cruel can be a "good" thing. good luck and let me know if you wanna chat.
  • Thanks for all the comments!! Send me a message sometime
  • I need a buddy too!

    Just officially started my 'spring' exercising today. I'm going to need the extra push to make sure I exercise everyday.

    PM me!

  • hey sorry i cant message you because u chose for people not to be able to.. if you can message me go ahead.. how old are you??

    Quote: I need a buddy too!

    Just officially started my 'spring' exercising today. I'm going to need the extra push to make sure I exercise everyday.

    PM me!

  • Hiya

    Sorry about the pm - I'm going to have to try and figure out how to change that.

    I'm 23 - travel agent in Canada.
  • hey there.. good luck on your goal!!.. I too need a friend.. I'm 25, and I weigh 267.. I just lost 3 lbs since Saturday.. my long time goal is 140, but I'm taking it pound by pound and day by day.. email me any time...