diet secret for the sweet cravings ..shhhh

  • ok i know i'm new but i thought i'd share this with you all, you know when you get those cravings for something sweet ...... well did you know jelly beans are really low in fat and calories ???

    not sure if you have jelly belly brand in england but they are only 4 calories each !!!

    i suck a couple and hey presto craving satisfied, and i think you could work in 20 calories to almost any diet .

  • i knew when i read this thread it would be something i didnt like
    i hate jelly beans and jelly babies
    anyone else got any more low fat/sugar but taste good tips?
  • I love Jelly Belly beans! They even make a sugar free variety that has even less calories, lol.

    Have you ever tried the "other" flavors they make, like earwax, vomit, and sardines? For only 4 calories, you get a natural appetite suppressant
  • on my word, you aren't kidding...and here i thought their Popcorn flavor was out of this world disgusting (it actually tastes like popcorn too...)

    I cannot stand jelly beans...i hate the consistency and i hate the jelly taste as it melts in my mouth...yick!
  • suzanne!!!!!!!!! youve been watching too much harry if only you had posted this earlier i wouldnt have visited binge city
  • mmmm
    we live about an hour from the jelly belly factory, you can go on free tours and you get free jelly beans, and buy flip-flops (the seconds that have two stuck together or arn't the right shape) really cheap.

    and yes weve tried the harry potter jelly beans, my son actually likes the vomit and booger flavored ones .... boys go figure !

    and the sardine flavored ones actually do taste like fish... blech (i wasn't brave enought to try most of the other ones !)

  • just for you
    Quote: i knew when i read this thread it would be something i didnt like
    i hate jelly beans and jelly babies
    anyone else got any more low fat/sugar but taste good tips?

    have you tried making your own merangues (sp?) with a sugar substitute ? those are really low cal and you can flavor them with a couple of drops of vanilla or almond essence or go for the gusto and do coconut or pineapple essence.

    i don't think they are that high in calories even if you use regular sugar, its mostly egg whites. and you could make little bite size ones.

  • ill try that tomorrow thanks kate
  • I buy meringue nests (50 calories each) and crush them, mix them with strawberries and wee bit of low fat creme fraiche, gorgeous!!!

    Now I don't normally buy branded items, however the Rosemary Conley low fat Belgian chocolate mousse has saved my life!!! It's wonderful, tastes like real food, and is just over 100 calories.

    My last tip is I buy individually wrapped chocolates (sometimes Amedei or Valhronna, more recently the Free Trade ones at Tesco) they are only 20 calories each (you have to stop at one though) and satisfy the chocolate cravings.

    Oh and if you are ever passing Harvey Nicholls (hold the Bollie darlings) there are some fruit gels called Medway, less than 20 calories each, made from real fruit and pectin, no gelatine so they are vegan friendly too.
  • you could always try sugar free jelly.
  • Oh Gross wonder how they make the vomit flavour
  • cat!!!!!!! theres some things you should NEVER think about!
  • he-he-he