Wednesday's Menus - April 6

  • So very hungry lately!!!

    Breakfast: 1 banana, 1 packet plain oatmeal, decaf w/light cream

    Lunch: 1 broiled lean hamburger, 1/4 baked acorn squash, 1 cup mixed frozen veggies
    1 apple

    Snack: yogurt or cottage cheese w/fruit, green tea

    Dinner:?? not sure - have to remind dh to put roast in oven around 3 pm if he's home???
    sweet potato, zucchini/onion/mushroom stir fry in garlic olive oil

    Going out to a meeting tonight w/my ladies group - usually lots of GOODIES around there - during (jelly beans, chocolates, chips, etc). and after the meeting (cake, cookies, sweets, etc) - should be able to find at least some fresh fruit and tea/coffee/diet coke if I am in dire need!

  • Harumph!

    B: Shredded wheat, ff milk, strawberries and banana
    L: Core chili with core cornbread
    S: 1/2 banana
    D: Chinese chicken with spag squash
    S: Strawberry-kiwi pie
  • Breakfast: Oatmeal made with skim and 1/2 cup homemade applesauce

    Lunch: Core Polenta Pie

    Snack: Chocolate Banana smoothie

    Dinner: Some kind of lean steak, mixed field greens salad, green beans, ww shells with Smart Balance

    Snack: SF/FF pudding
  • b: malt o meal, banana, milk
    l: something very light and not salty (I have weigh-in tonight)
    d: twice baked chicken, salad, milk
    s: maybe popcorn if I'm good

  • Not a good day (again) -- I woke up late, couldn't do anything with my hair so I decided to go get it shampooed and dried. I called the office saying I would be out, went to tan and came home to sit in the recliner. Here's what it's looking like so far:

    B: nothing
    L: 95/5 HB patty with a slice of FF cheese
    Sn: banana
    D: going with the inlaws but I'll try to stick to grilled chicken and salad

    If I'm hungry before bed, I'll drink some milk.