new & in need of a little help.

  • [SIZE=2]I am looking for a little bit of help here. I need to lose about 50 lbs but am not sure how to go about it. I have no self confidence and feel very... "crappy" about how I look. I am tired of having to shop in the plus size section and would like to be able to look at myself in a mirror without hating my reflection. If someone could be my "wieght loss buddy" I would be most appreciative. I'm sure this all sounds kind of silly, but I have delt with problems with my weight for my entire life and I was tormented as a kid for it. I am about 5'5" and 220lbs and would like to end up weighing about 160. Once again, I would really like for someone, anyone, to help me with this process as I have attempted many times to diet on my own and I never end up sticking to it. Thank you to the creators of this web site. I hope it helps me out as much as it has others. also, the listed website has pictures of myself and my boyfriend on there so that you have a hint as to where I'm coming on beach pictures [/SIZE]
  • Hi oxKendra86ox
    I'm so sorry you're feeling bad. Listen, we can only feel bad when we are not doing anything about it. I'll be here to hold your hand, be a sounding board, and generally be as supportive as I can.
    Your friend in this quest,
  • thank you for being so supportive
  • I to feel the same
    I know that it is hard to loose weight alone. I am doing WW and it really is a good thing. It does cost money but it is worth it if you are willing to commit to it. You need to remember that you didn't gain the weight overnight and you can't loose it overnight. I am 5ft 8 and weigh 219 pounds. I would also like to be around 165 lbs. It will be a long journey but with help you can do it. I don't weigh myself accept at the meetings. I do have bad days and this is my 5th time with WW but I am committed and even if I have a bad day I keep on trecking. I would love to be in contact with you. You can email me if you click on my name you can put me in your buddy list. the more friends the more support.
  • I'd love to be a weight loss buddy for you! If you want to hit me up on AIM, my screen name is iiiLiLiLi and we can chat. I am always on a diet, I lose weight but then I end up gaining it back. grr...must not do that anymore!