Monday Chick Chat 3/28

  • Wake up everyone! Thought I would start up this morning! Had a good weekend but really bad eating wise!!!!!!!!!!!! Back on track today. Not that I was any where near my march goal to start with! Off to make more coffee. What's happenin in your part of the sand today?
  • Morning Bamie just crawling out of bed and have my first tea of the day. I too was not a very good chick with my eating plan, not sure if I will be back on track today. Well must go and decide what it is we are going to do for the day. I will be back.
  • Morning chicks! DH's car just broke down. Why is it when you finally get ahead that something breaks? Anyways, I am hanging out at home today since he has to take my car! LOL! SO, it is cleaning house and playing with baby for me. I hope everyone had a good weekend with their families. We got some great Easter pics of Kylee! Have a good day everybody!
  • Good morning, chicks! I was good this weekend until the Easter Festivities yesterday. I feel like crap this morning b/c of all the sugar and carbs I ate yesterday! I am DEFINITELY back on track today and I am going to do phase 1 for a few days to get back on track. After all, the pageant is only 12 days away!!!!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • Morning chickies,

    I was pretty good this weekend. Yesterday was all OP but I did eat too much. We had steaks - I had a sweet potato the others had twice baked potatoes. I had hummus and red peppers for appetizers. The others had cheese and salami and crackers. So I feel pretty good about eating. I did not get enough water this weekend. That wasn't good.

    DS got his jr. blackbelt on Friday evening. We are very proud of him.

    I tried to post on Saturday but it was down. I missed you guys this weekend.

    Hope all is well on your side of the beach.
  • I stayed in bed this morning til 7:30 all snug and warm and listening to the rain, what a luxury! I don't really have much to do today except tidy up a bit from yesterday and change the sheets, which I have in the washer now. After reading all the raves you wrote about the 3 Sisters Trilogy by Nora Roberts, I bought it and am looking forward to curling up with the first book today. We had a busy but fun weekend. Jake and I went shopping with DS to put the finishing touches on his little one's Easter basket, then we went to Houlihan's where we ordered an assortment of appetizers and had a few drinks. It was really nice to have some time to spend with DS, just sitting around chatting. Sunday Jake and I had breakfast out, then I went to Mass with DS and his family, and later we had ALL the relatives here for Easter dinner. Everyone brought a dish, so we had quite an assortment of food, but hardly any of it was OP. But after a weekend of glutteny, I'm back on track today, and I'm not going to be the slightest bit tempted by the leftovers. Jake will be more than happy to finish them up. I hope you all had a great weekend, too. I need more coffee and the dryer stopped, so time to get some housework done!
  • Good Morning chicks
    I missed you all this weekend hope you had a Happy Easter,and that the scale will be nice to you after that Bunny visit. I went up a little but crossing my fingers that it will be OK for tomorrow : W-I.

    Have a busy schedule this A.M and I just finished breakfast. Yikess I better get going. Will post later.

    Hugs BB.
  • Good Morning
    I am so glad to be back to the beach and feeling better. That flu about killed me and DH.

    I am so happy to be able to be back on here with you guys and I really missed you. I am trying to get some stuff done here at work. Clearing out my emails and phone messages, so I can really get some stuff done.

    Everyone have a wonderful day!
  • Well, that was a strange weekend with no Beach Time! We were still not back in business at 6 this morning so I just carried on with real life until now.

    It's Gail Day and the two Girls are spending quality time with me while she does the kitchen and back room. They are both curled up on my bed with chins and front paws on the Irish mohair throw. I think they recognize it as another animal.

    I am definitely not going to make my March goal! It's my own darn fault. My ticker is lying at the moment by two pounds - guess which way? Crap! Yes, I have not been eating the right stuff although no chocolate since the bunny attack two weeks ago. I have to get my butt in gear and back OP!

    We had four adults and a two year old for a turkey dinner on Saturday. My neighbours, Liz and Joanne, each brought part of the meal and it was a really relaxed evening! I have tons of turkey leftovers and a huge pot of turkey soup which will make life a bit easier this week.

    Now I need to cruise the Forums and catch up on the Journals. Back in a bit.
  • Good Morning All!

    Well, I didn't do so well eating-wise over the weekend. I did, however, keep up with my exercise. I started out fine on Saturday before the wedding. Once I got there, things went downhill. After sewing up a bridesmaids dress that split at the seam, trying to make it so the poor little flowergirl didn't trip over her dress, pinning bras to dresses so they wouldn't fall down, and getting the wedding started on time, I didn't really think about what I was eating. I ate bad food and a piece of wedding cake. Then, yesterday we decided to go out for Chinese food. The food was heavenly but I know it definitely wasn't OP. DH also told me that the Peeps-a-Bunny came and gave me a basket full of my favorite....PEEPS! I had a few of those to top off the Chinese food. At least I kept up with my exercise. Only one more full week until my big Buffett week! I have to work on the raffle this week for our pre-concert party next Tuesday as well as do my taxes. I usually do them early in the year but I've had to wait for some business forms to come back to me. Now I can get them done and hopefully get a nice refund!

    Sounds like a lot of you were able to stay somewhat OP this weekend...CONGRATS! To the others, well, that's what Mondays are for. Let's get back on track!!!

    I've got to get going for now but I hope to check back in later!
  • I'm up a little this morning but I think it is water retention. I'll know tomorrow. I didn't eat bad this weekend. Last night I made Pork Tenderloin, acorn squash stuffed with apples, celery, Splenda and cinnamon as well as Soy Ginger Asparagus and rice. I did have a small piece of chocolate cake but it could have been so much worse.

    I'm still sore from Saturday's Powerflex class. The jump rope didn't bother me so much this time but that 5 minutes of deep squats is a killer. I'm still planning to work out tonight (Pain in the Butt class) but it all depends on work.
  • Gosh I didn't like it at all when I couldn't chat with you all this weekend. What am I going to do for 10 days? There has to be a computer somewhere in Panama City Beach, Fl! I'll find one. I know the hotel has access because I email the reservation manager to find stuff out. So I'm going to try. Now I just have to remember my 3fatchicks password. That could be a problem.

    I got my fingers and toes painted today. I'm mostly packed and ready to go. DS is mostly packed and ready to go. Trying to decide if I should pack a pair of socks for me or not. I'm planning on not wearing any for 10 days but if it got cold I could be in trouble. I just ate 2 low carb tacos - we are trying to empty the fridge before we go. We leave at 4 am on Wednesday. I'm going to try to weigh in and post before I go. I'm an hour behind you all but maybe I'll be the first one to start the thread for the first time ever!

    Hope all is well with you today!
  • Ok - I logged out and back in again - I remember my password and my username. That makes me feel better.

    Barb - you are an inspiration!

    CJ - Did you leave the peeps out so they would get stale? Love those that way! I'm peep free this Easter! And Chocolate Free too!

    Cottage - What a lovely day. I would love to lay in bed and listen to the rain. Haven't done that in a while. We are supposed to get T-Storms on Wednesday but I'll be out of here and on my way to Bami's by then.
  • Anchor-Yep....left them all out! Actually DH opened up all the packages and put them in a basket for me! He knows I love 'em stale! Now I figure that if I just leave them on top of the fridge, they'll get really stale when I feel like having 1. Of course it can't be this week :cross: so that I'm somewhat ready for next week but I'm already having problems today. I didn't eat any candy but I REALLY want it! Instead I've been snacking on WW bread and the SB cinnamon cereal (it's good and doesn't have a ton of weird ingredients in it).

    I'm off to tan and get some exercise done tonight! We'll miss you while you're gone but can't wait to hear all your stories!!!! I'm sure you'll check in tomorrow so I'll say bye then!

    Good night all......
  • Wow it has been a really slow day around here! I am so off plan and cannot figure out why!!!!!!!! I have to get my butt back in gear I can really tell the weight I have gained back! Just sew my mouth shut! I need to get all OP foods in the house for me and get serious again! I feel very out of control right now!

    Anchor... It's cold down here right now. High was 45 today! But Wed. is supposed to be partly cloudy with a high of 80*! No socks required there! Although I wear them all the time. Yeah headed my way to drive right on by me! :-( sniff sniff! lol Oh yeah I gotta talk with that lil black belt of yours about the Rocket! lol

    Well I gotta work on my order. I am ordering the things I want for my kitchen tonight. I love to decorate!!!!!!!!!!! I'll figure out how to post pics after I get that done!

    Sil...I saw you post somewhere today...How are you? How is your kitchen? Finished? Fingers crossed! lol

    Good night all! See ya in the morning.