Monday Chick Chat

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  • Hi chicks sorry I have been MIA for a few days but things have been crazy around here. I will fill you in when I have more time. I have to work this morning so I just wanted to pop in and say "HELLO" I will pop in tonight. Have a great day.
  • Hi Little Chick! I hope your new job is going well, hon!

    March Break is OVER!!
    I picked up DD and mom at the airport late last night... they'd spent a week in BC. DS is going to be so excited when he wakes up this morning and sees she's home... he really missed his big sister.

    I'm getting ready to see my psychiatrist... I haven't seen him for three weeks... I'll have to drag something out to talk about with him.

    Have a great day, girls!
  • Thanks for starting us up, Little Chick, and I hope you do get a chance to peck in during your busy day. How's the new job going?

    Ellis, I bet you are delighted that March break is over. It's nice to know your DS will be excited to see DD. Those two have a great relationship. If your'e stuck for a topic with your psychi, you can talk about my strange relationship with my dogs!

    It's official, Chicks, Spring is arriving in Delta! The sun is streaming thorugh the window once again and more ice and snow will disappear today! I have some daffodils that have pushed their way up through the snow on the bed beside the walk. They are tough dudes.

    It was a busy weekend and this week is shaping up the same. I will be working in the Greenhouse tomorrow morning which will be just great! Nothing like handling little green plants to make you feel "springy".

    Today I need tot tackle Mount Laundry again and will spend a lot of the day working on the baby quilt. I have another week until the shower but want to get the darn thing done so I'm not still doing it Easter Weekend!

    Weight is STILL the same! Grrrr! I may have to go back to Phase I to get it started again but that does give me some problems with my blood sugar levels.

    What's on your plate today?
  • Morning everyone!!! I've been up for a little while, but like Ruth - I have a pile of laundry. I'm doing 2 loads now & I "assigned" a pile for DBF to do when he gets home from work. Ruth, shall I send DBF over to help with your as well =)
    Yesterday I was a slacker, not much exercise & a lot of food, so the scale has not moved. I should be happy, at least it did go up!
    I work a crazy shift today - 12-8. I have to do a training class tonight - boring! And the weather is not fun either!
    Little Chick - hope you have more fun at work than I do!!
    Ellis - Have fun at the doc.
    Ruth - Enjoy the greenhouse - I'm jealous, I like the smell/feel of a greenhouse.
    Everyone have a super great Monday!!!
  • Morning chicks

    I over did it at the driving range yesterday. I don't think it was hitting the balls that hurt my back - I think it was carrying DM bag up the stairs and down the stairs that did it. Why can I bring only one club and DM and DS had to bring their entire bags? Any how - I woke up in the middle of the night to pee and couldn't get out of bed. This presented a serious problem. Once I did get out of bed - I couldn't stand up straight. Then I couldn't walk without being hunched over. I eventually made it to the potty in the nick of time. I'm moving very slow this morning. Same routine. Couldn't get up - then couldn't walk - so I waddled to the freezer and grabbed a cold pack and sat down for awhile. I'm moving now but I'm pretty sore. Mind over matter on this one. I'll just keep cold packing and hot packing all day.

    Ellis - Maybe you should talk about the wonderful relationship between you two kids?

    Ruth - Have fun today - I'll bet you are very excited to get gardening again.

    Little chick - HI

    My helper comes in at 10 am so I will peck back in later on. Have an OP day!
  • Hi SoontobFab!
  • Hi everyone. Spring is officially here, but you would never know it where I am. It has been snowing since Thursday...will it every stop? I got to work this morning and the grounds crew are busy clearing sidewalks, roadways and parking lots. I realy don't envy them at this time of year.

    I was at a fundraiser a week ago and purchased some gardening books by Lois Hole. She spoke at the fundraiser last year and donated autographed books before she died. I thought it would be the last chance to get some autographed books, so paid a lot of $$$ for them. Their farm is just down the street from where I live, and we owned a business for years close to the farm, so we have seen lots of the family over the years. It was so sad when she and her husband became sick. It will be a long time before our community has a champion like her again.

    We woke up this weekend to a caved in ceiling in one of our closets. We have known for a long time that we have had a tap leaking, but we were planning to do a reno - evenually - so have just left it. Well, it finally decided that it needed to be fixed, right now. We spent the weekend gutting one of our bathrooms and pulling down the drywall in one end of the house. WHAT A MESS!!!!!. Oh well, when that bathroom is done, we only have 2 left to renovate.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Must go and get some work done today. Take care everyone.
  • Good Morning Chickidies

    Its rainy drab day, so I can't walk along the beach,but I will still get my exercising in today anyway. Had a good weekend food wise so I'm hoping for some kind of a loss on Tues W-I.

    LITTLE CHICK Thanks for starting us off,and have a nice beachy day.

    ELLIS I guess things are getting back to norn with Spring Break over.

    RUTHIE The snows gone on the Cape also,but it was heavy enough to break my lilacs and burning brush I tried to nurse them back to health,but I don't think I going to have any blooms.

    SOON Have fun with the laundry. Thats exercising lifting and carrying the basket to the laundry room. Congrats for maintaining

    ANCHOR You had too much exercise, sorry to hear about your back OUCH!!! The ice packs will help along with the hot packs should work. I've been there also. TAKE IT EASY TODAY Sending : [[[healing vibes]]]] : your way.

    Have a nice day Hugs BB
  • A quick drive by this mornin. DH is off today so busy busy! We have a soccer game today. I'll try to check back in later! Have a great day all!
  • HI BB, Anchor & sweeth tooth!
    OK, so usually I'm a really good cook, but today I had issues. I tried poaching an egg & it was awful. I watched a cooking show that suggested to add vingar to help the egg stay together. So I added a few splashes & my egg did not stay together! The white floated to the top, while the yokes when to the bottom. What did I do wrong? Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
  • Soon2Bfab - poaching eggs, what I do.

    Once the water is at a slow boil (boil then turn down slightly), take a wooden spoon (or plastic, whatever) and stir the water in the center of the pot, to create a mini whirlpool (that make sense?) then remove the spoon and quickly but gently slide the egg (pre-cracked into a small bowl) into the middle of the vortex (whirlpool). The spinning water helps keep the egg in a roundish shape.

    I hope that made sense (and I write instructions for a living ) I need more coffee.

  • Hi kids!
    Well, it's rainy/snowy here! I'm fed up with the cold. Worked the weekend then crashed last night. Did a fall from the wagon on Saturday night and yesterday. I had chips and salsa, then more chips and salsa.............need I go on? Well, at least it wasn't sugar. Been discouraged with the weight staying the same for the past two months so I binged. I'll make friends with the scales in a few days.....maybe.

    Hope you are all doing well

    Ruth, I'm envious of the greenhouse..................I need to touch some dirt.

    Soon2b, can't give advice on the egg thing. I use a microwave and enjoy the rubbery texture...NOT.

    Sweet tooth, sorry about the demolition mess. I hate remodeling!

    Anchor, tylenol and motrin! Do some of those exercises where you are on all fours and arch your back like a cat. That will help stretch out those achy muscles.

    Ellis is the kitchen done yet? When are you having me over?

    Little chick, welcome back.

    Everyone else, love and hugs to you.
  • Hi Chicks!

    I'm in a rush right now but just wanted to say HI and to have a great day! I'll try to get back in later!!!
  • Anchor, sorry about the back and hope it loosens up real soon for you. Such a pain and every time you move a little the wrong way it threatens you with another pain!

    I piled all of our laundry out of the suitcases last night so will be tackling that mountain myself.

    Spring break is this week for us here and it started raining on Friday, the first time since January 1 I think. Yesterday we drove down the coast and it was blowing and raining so hard there was no hope of seeing any whales migrating. We will try again next Sunday maybe.

    My nieces wedding was beautiful and we danced the night away (drank a little bit too) and yesterday she and her new dh were exhausted. They are leaving on Tuesday a.m. for their honeymoon to Victoria for a few days. I hope the weather clears up some for them. My sister and I bet on who would cry first at the wedding cuz we both started crying when they practiced walking down the isle with dad. I don't know who won because first her middle daughter came down the isle looking all beautiful then the third bridesmaid was her youngest daughter looking all grown up in her bridesmaid dress. Then the flower girls were my granddaughters (9 and 4) looking so beautiful in their dresses carrying their bouquets and of course, here comes the bride. One of those occasions when you are so happy you can't do anything but cry I guess. There were about 250 guests and then we had the reception dinner and cake. My niece did an outstanding job planning everything and then carrying it through. Of course, I kept telling everyone ahead of time that Megan would make a beautiful bride and her dh cleaned up pretty well himself. My bil panicked though when my middle niece caught the bouquet and then her boyfriend (who has already threatened to propose) caught the garter. He asked her long before the wedding what her perfect proposal would be. Looks like daddy better start saving some money again!

    The damper on the whole weekend was that my dil's father had surgery on Friday and it did not go well, he almost bled to death then they had to do a trach tube. This would have been his fourth or fifth surgery for cancer but the doctors said there is no more they can do now because they cannot risk anymore surgeries. My dil was quite the trooper sitting through the groom's dinner and wedding when I know how badly she was hurting. He is in his early 50's.

    Well, off to work and see what happened while we were gone this weekend. There seems to always be something you know. Everbody have a wonderful day today and stay OP.
  • I've been so swamped today (I'm even on a teleconference right now). I didn't even get lunch until after 2 so it was great that I could munch on my afternoon snacks while waiting to be able to get away and heat up my lunch.

    The garage sale was a huge success! We even had people there to buy starting at 6:40 when we were still unloading the cars. We sold over $400 which will really help the Cub Scout Pack. I wasn't the least bit tired as long as I was keeping busy. It was also very windy and a bit chilly which probably helped. I did pretty good on eating on plan except for a couple of donut holes. Toward evening, I really started to get tired so I crashed at 7:30 and slept for 11 hours straight!

    Sunday was busy as usual but totally on plan. Last night was whole wheat lasagna rollups stuffed with ricotta, broccoli, red onion, and kalamata olives. Tonight will be a mixture of penne pasta, ham, zucchini, asparagus with a creamy sauce made from fat free evaporated milk. We had it last week and it was so yummy we needed it again.