NEw here is there any groups for newly separated people?

  • Hello I am new to 3FC's, new to being separated (2/18/05), and now at 34 yr I find my self having to start over with two kids age 8 boy and 17 monthes girl due to my Wayward Husband not wanting to reconcile after he had an 4 month affair with a married co-worker. I edited this message because people were veiwing it but I wasn't hearing from anyone, hope I didn't scare anyone off by the who separation thing, believe me it wasn't my choice I wanted to try and reconcile, still do, but my husband doesn't. I am not asking for counseling advice on marriage unless you want to do that, I have another website I do that on. But what I do need and want is help with staying on track with dieting and I thought if maybe I met someone else in the same situtation or who has gone through this we could support each other better since we'd be going through similiar things.

    I need to lose 63lbs and was dieting/exercising before the separation. But now I am at a stand still and stress eating is starting to creep it's way back in after 3 monthes of being good on the South Beach Diet phase 2. I actually started at 218 but am now yoing-yoing between 188 and 190. I am doing good with the exercising part just not so good with the diet now. Thanks for reading I hope to hear from you.
  • bump
  • You hang in there. You have made a good start so just keep going!! I seperated from my husband in May and things will get better for you.

    I began the south beach diet last week. It hasn't been to bad so far. Any pointers you can give me on that would be much appreciated.

    Hang in there and come here for support on your way to weight loss success!!!
  • Hey, chickies, there is a whole Forum on South Beach further down the page. Please come and join us. There are lots of hints and ideas and it's a good place to get and give support.
  • Thank-you bhtech for talking to me and it's a good diet very similiar to weight watchers (phase2), but less counting. My only suggestion is reintroduce the good carbs back in slowly or you my tend to go over board and go for the bad ones. Even better try not to buy any bad carbs if you can, less temptation that way. Me with the kids it's hard not to have some tempting treat around.

    I am going to try and find the south beach thread Ruthxxx suggested.

    Good luck with your diet!