Whipped topping?

  • This has probably been answered somewhere before but I can't find it anywhere.
    What kind of whipped topping can I have? If it's Cool Whip does it have to be sugar free and fat free? Or just fat free?
  • You should use light Cool Whip, and you're allowed 2 TBSP per day.
  • Oh, that's for Phase I, BTW.
  • Here's a thread from the FAQ section:
  • Thanks so much! I searched for this and nothing came up...must've not typed it in right or something,
    Anyway thanks a bunch!
  • I don't think they make a sugar free cool whip, do they?
  • I use Fat Free Cool Whip . No they don't make s/f cool whip,to bad I'd buy that also. Hugs BB