Newbe needing a buddy

  • Hi to all, I am 41 and my eating is out of control. I lost weight from 270 to 160 in about 2 years,but since Nov.04 I have gained over 25 back. I hate my body, I have no self worth. I have a throid problem but I can't blame that. I eat all the time,even though I am not hungry. I am looking for a buddy to e-mail and support each other. I am ready to get off my butt and get my life together. I just got Dr. Phil's book and have been reading that. My goal is to lose 52 pounds over time. Taking each pound off will be a step in the right way. Anyone needing a buddy feel free to write, I am in Virginia..good luck to all..Deb. [email protected]
  • I'll be your buddy!
    Hi Deb! I don't have a thyroid problem (that I am aware of, anyway) and I don't know too much about them, but I'm willing to be as supportive, encouraging and motivating for you as I can be if you'll be my buddy! No pressure on your part to accept my offer, though. I just want somebody to be accountable to for my eating and exercising, and also for advice about exercise. I have exclusively done cardio (in the form of brisk walking) as a means of exercise thus far, and I want to begin to use weights and do strength training to develop muscle/tone up. My family has a Y membership, so I'm thinking my mom and I should start to take advantage of their weight room. I have NEVER been to a gym before though, so I'm kind of intimidated.

    I gotta go - my sneakers are calling my name!
