Oprah's 12 week Boot Camp

  • Looking for anyone doing Oprah's 12 week boot camp or doing Bob Greene's Total Body make Over?? I would love to chat, I am doing it too.
  • Hey there! I just started today. Did the cardio this morning and will do the weights tonight. Pretty cool plan, but MAN is that a LOT of exercise by the time you are done! (esp on the long cardio day!!) I like how she makes the diet so easy to follow.
  • Hey
    I am on day17 of it! I am still struggling with a couple of the requirements. Hadn't been consistantly working out prior to starting it, so I am increasing my endurance.
    I have been able to fit into some clothes that I hadn't, but have only seen a 4-5# wgt loss. Of course I want it all gone now, I have worked out LOL!
  • Great glad to get together with you guys!!

    The diet seems pretty easy to follow especially since I am just coming off a year with Atkins and I am used to that, I really think the exercise is key, thank goodness I love to exercise!!! (The only problems is finding the time since I have 2 little ones) but i am just working it in wherever I can and building up endurance. I am trying to read the book ASAP too since I just got it yesterday.
  • I have been having trouble with teh 6th day w/o. What I have done this week is to do 3 extra w/os during the week. I know that I am letting intoo many carbs. But teh intensity of the w/o have me leaner.
    I like the idea of teh commitment to mysefl, teh simplicity of the plan. The results keep me motivated!
  • I am doing well with the carb part, but really need to step up my work outs. So today off I go to do LOTS of cardio!!!
  • Way to go
    I see you are doing trek miles. What are those?

    I am hoping to eventually be able to pull all the componemts together and be able to say I had an OP boot camp week!
  • Sorry I have been MIA we have a new computer system at work and it took up all my extra computer time....

    ON the Atkins board we have a monthly equator trek where we log the miles we do in exercise, it is nice to see what you have accomplished on the trek and to have other people treking with you. If you want to log trek miles you can too, just pop onto the Atkins board all the ladies there are great!

    I have been about 1/2 way on my exercise last week, but my eating is still trying to get better...wheening off sugar is the worst!!
  • I got waylaid in a BIG way. DH and I found out that we are expecting another little one(YAY!!! ) so I got waaay sidetracked. I only worked out a few times. But I am ready to jump in again!

    Theo's girl...I hear you on the sugar. Man, it's hard!
  • Boy tha sugar and white food can get you! The trek thing is cool.

    Congrats on your news!

    I must be at a attitude plateau! STruggling. Have either a cold or sinus infection that isn't helping!
  • Dagny- CONGRATS on the baby!!! I have 2 little ones 3 and 5 yrs old.

    Pat-Hope you feel better soon, it is rough to work out when you are sick so take it easy.

    Well work is finally slowing down and we are pretty much finished getting the computer system to work. So I have to get back to normal next week, I have been doing "fairly" well but can do BETTER!! So I am gonna step it up a notch next week. I also have the OPrah show where she went over the plan on my TIVO so will re-watch on Sunday night to get PUMPED!!!!

    Have a Great weekend!!!
  • DAGNY Cograts on your news!!

    Theo's girl, Congrats on your progress so far! I am motivated by your honesty and feel I can do better too!
    So I see Monday as a regroup day!

    Let you know how it is going!

    Check in too!
  • Pat - I am there!!! It is Monday and I am re-grouping too!!! I watched Oprah last night and I am ready to go, I also started another bit of Oprah advice yesterday, I am cleaning out my house and yard of junk, lightening the emotional load that clutter has on you sure does help curbing that emotional eating!!