Question! Menstrual Cycle vs. Eating!? LOL

  • Ok Ladies am I wacko or not! I have only really had a couple menstrual cycles with just having a baby 7 mo. ago and birth control pills. Anyways! LOL I am wondering if your cycle has anything to do with craves which I know it must! And how do I control it!

    It seems like everytime I am Ovulating, for about three days I eat everything in the house and can't get full! I am going to start recording it on the calender every month and see if there is anything I can do about it.

    What do you think! It is not when I am on my period but about a week to two weeks before it! What can I do, any suggestions??? I have tried water and more water today and I still ate everything!!!! THanks ahead of time! Penny

    It is really bothering me b/c it is putting a damper on my success!
  • I do the same exact thing. All this week I think I am starving to death and want to eat. Also I will usually crave chocolate or something sweet. I found for me the fat free hot chocolate helps me. Popcorn air popped, angel food cake with lite cherry pie filling mixed in it. All these work for me as I crave the sweets. Also if I really cant stand it and have to have the chocolate I will have 2 hershey kisses. Also exercise seems to make the cravings less. Hope this helps.

  • Got the same problemo....
    2 wks. b4 my period I get cravings for salt mostly on and off and toward the end of the 2 wks. the sugar craving. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    I've noticed though when I've been regularly excersizing, the cravings and rest of the PMS crappola is lessened. And also, when I'm on the pill it is lessened.
  • Me too. About a week before. I want everything.
    Big fat juicy hamburgers, chips. ect. I find that for chips. and chocolate the cravens take turns. But that hamburger thing. Exercising does help. Eating veggies, cal, and such, it's crunching and I'm eating.
    Sometimes I give in too.
    take care
  • i've heard that eating more protein can hellp.
    also, eating things that are less processed.
    or going off of dairy type things....that really helped me. or just buying the organic stuff. i think the hormones they give the cows affects me more than most women, and i get worse cramps and breast tenderness when i eat a lot of non organic dairy.
    you may also want to try getting more calcium into your diet, either with vitamins or foods. that helped my sister quite a bit.

  • Thanks for all the replies! I am really going to prepare myself the next month around! Thanks again and I still think I am Penny