300+ And Ready To Try Again...#632

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  • WELCOME !!!

    We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

    Motivational Monday
    Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
    Thankful Thursday
    FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
    Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Share your Success Sunday

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

    We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have a bi-weekly 2x2 Challenge.
    Our goal is to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
    We have a long term goal of losing 300+ lbs within our 300+ group in 2005.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
    we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.

  • Well I got to the gym tonight. We stayed for about an hour. I did a combination of cardio and weights. I did 10 minutes on the recumbant bike and 20 on the ski machine. That is my favorite. Then I did about 25 minutes of weight machines working arms, legs and abs. I feel really good. It hasn't been too busy in here today. I can remember going through a couple threads in a day before. I guess everyone is busy. Well I guess I'll say goodnight. I'm going to go watch CSI in a couple of minutes. I have hubby taping it for me. I love that show! See you in the morning.
  • Hi ladies,

    Just a quickie post tonight. I've had three terrible nights of sleep this week and I'm exhausted. Too much negative stuff clouding my mind I guess. I'm hoping to pass out here in just a few minutes. It sure has wrecked havoc on my exercise and productivity goals. And no, I didn't get as much exercise done last night as I had said I would - but I did do some of it. I can still make my goal if I get a goods nights sleep tonight and work hard this weekend.

    Its Thankful Thursday. I am very thankful that we have a very positive group of ladies here and that we've got a very upbeat, 'can do' attitude going. Let's keep working hard and inspiring others. Just reading what you all are doing keeps me motivated not to blow off this week.

    Sorry no replies tonight. I got my new glasses tonight and I'm bleary-eyed.

    Goodnight all! Tomorrow is FUN Fun Friday!
  • ok, I am up for this challenge, the years keep going by, and I gain weight, alot of it since high school, and that is not good!!!
    So here I am, spilling my guts, literally, to kick my own butt into action!!!

    I hope I can help inspire, and be inspired!!!!

    This is going to be a long journey, but one I have put off for far too long...and time keeps ticking by, and I have taken way too long to do something aboout it.....

    and here is my "thankful thursday",I am thankful to have found this site again, to have an active account, to have goals set, and to be alive!
    my Long term goal

    my Valentines challenge
  • Just got a minute to let you know I've been reading, but my internet has been out all night, just got back up. I'll check in tomorrow.

  • Jennifer, I hope you're checking in to collect your birthday wishes. This one's for you!

    Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday, dear Jennifer!
    Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! And many more!
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
  • No Pudge
    the cones are made by NO Pudge
    is the website that talks about then i dont know if i can post the web site but i will try to send it to you if you want it just let me know and i will email you guys the page the cone was delish and there is a lot more kinds will be checking in again later have a good day
  • Oh Thin!!!!! You are too much!! I just got your birthday card. Thanks!! You're so thoughtful. I usually read almost everyday, but just don't feel like I have anything to post. I've missed a few days though and see that I missed your birthday!!! Happy belated Birthday!!!! You always manage to draw me out of hiding LOL.

    Since I'm here, let me give you the quickie update. On Monday the 24th I am scheduled to have my tummy tuck and augmentation. I really never thought it was going to happen but here it is, just over a week away. I am scared to DEATH!!! I won't be home until that Friday, but I'm taking my laptop with me so if i can "hitch a ride" on a nearby wireless network, I'll post from there. That is if I'm not totally drugged out. I just hope I wake up and everything is OK. I'm just glad my DH is here to help me through this. He was in Iraq when I had the bypass.

    Anyhoo, I have to run to the store before I pick up the kiddies at school. Having a bday party at my house tonight so I must be ready!!
    Hope everyone is doing well!!
    Talk at ya later,
  • Here again

    Steph - GREAT job on all the working out! Geeez, it sounds like so much thats awesome I always love how I feel after working out - its just starting it that is hard for me to do! Keep up the great work.

    - I'm sorry to hear about your sleep problems I've been quite the insomniac lately, but I've always had problems (since childhood, due to constant nightmares) so I'm semi-used it but I completely know what kind of pain it is. I hope you get to catch back up on your sleep and send whatever is troubling you to another place. I'm so thankful at how positive we have all been lately as well Positivity is definitely a key to success.

    - a long journey definitely worth the the time! I'm sure you will be a great inspiration and I hope we are the same to you

    Memoe - I'm going to have to check that one out I was trying to look for slimfast "bars" the other day because I know I have a horrible time snacking or skipping meals and I figured I might as well by diet-geared ones if I'm gonna snack. They're so darned expensive though.

    Jennifer - Happy birthday! Oh boy.. I fear now even at just the thought of post-weightloss surgery! I will definitely keep you in my heart and mind with best wishes.. I hope so much that everything goes well.

    As for me.. oi stressed to the max! Yea, everything was supposedly okay with my schooling/financial aid but it turns out that was a lie I was academically dismissed (kicked out of my school) for certain and no one told me. I went to a week of classes, bought all my textbooks - if I hadn't of called over a concern of mine I wouldn't of found out that I wasn't even supposed to be in school.

    So after so much chaos, it seems that if everything works out I'll be taking all online classes at a community college this semester. Its upsetting because I'm losing my job (its through the school financial aid and I don't have a car to travel to the new school for one) and I didn't want to take all online courses (no socialization) but I'm trying to look at the positive - and I'm telling myself that this is my chance.. I'll be home for a semester and though I will need time to do internet classes .... I know have tons of time to work on my weightloss.

    I really need to do this. I really need to take advantage of this "mess up" of mine. It is going to be so hard because I'm such a procrastinator - but if I'm going to be home every single day I want to work out as much as possible. This is my chance! I want to work up to working out twice a day again, and possible doing three times.

    This also means I'll be around a lot more to respond on our forums. I know that I shouldn't and I should do other things - but I know that posting here keeps me on track so much and I want to be here for all of you. As much as I feel the passion in my heart telling me I need to lose this weight - is as much as I feel for all of you hoping and wishing you all succeed with me.

    So we're going to do it this year ladies! I want to be a great motivator and supporter- so that I can remind myself of my own need for motivation and support and keep on gearing towards this goal.

    I've been searching sites all over for all kinds of things.. foods that will help me be more energized, have healthier skin, feel healthier... different exercises that tone certain areas that I dislike... I'm loving it! SO if you want to know about something and don't have the time to research it or look it up - let me know, and I'll post what I find

    Okay thats it for now ! I need to go return my textbooks. Hope you all have a GREAT Friday!
  • Happy Birthday Jennifer. Well wishes on your surgery
  • Good morning ladies!

    I do feel better this morning. Its frigid outside and I want to crawl back into the warm bed. I doubt that I'll be out walking in this cold. 20's I can handle but not zero.

    I took a peek at the scale this morning. It was very nice! I'll make it official on Monday. This is the lowest I've been in at least seven years. That inspires me to quit moping about being tired and get working even harder.

    This is our last few days of the 2x2 challenge. You can still make a positive difference in the scale by Monday. If anyone weighs in on other days, just report your loss on Monday.

    CD - That really sucks about the school. It will take discipline to stay motivated and upbeat when you're at home so much. But, as you said, you have to make the most of the mess and if you are determined, you will. A sign of maturity!!!! Sucks to be growing up sometimes!

    Jen - Happy Birthday! We'll all be anxiously awaiting to hear how you're doing after the surgery. I'm so excited for you. I'd love to have a boob job myself when I reach my goal weight. Not that they aren't big enough now, but would like to have them repositioned so to speak. Have fun with the party!

    Mary - I've never tried the No Pudge stuff. Thanks for the info. I may have to try that as DH and I do enjoy a treat after dinner and do miss that occassionally.

    Blissful - Welcome to the group! We've got a few challenge things going here in our sub-group. Every two weeks we start a new "2x2" which is to focus on losing 2 pounds in 2 weeks. Our first of 2005 ends on Monday and the next begins on the same day. We also have a January snowflake challenge that helps us to focus on changing behaviors. There is a separate thread that has the info. Plus as a group, we have challenged ourselves to lose a minimum of 300 pounds this year.

    I'm not sure what "fun" I'm having today. I haven't seen the girls since New Year's because of work and the weather. DH and I may drive out to the barn tonight. No riding though. I am so thankful to have Cherie taking care of them now.

    I signed up for the Discovery Health Channel's National Body Challenge. Its free and begins on Monday. If anyone is needing help with what exercises to be doing or with menus, you should check it out. It gives you a free gym pass to a Bally's plus a few account over on ediets.com. I think it runs for 8 weeks.

    Have a great day!
  • Just checking in before I leave for the club. Nothing new here, and I don't feel like this will be a FUN Friday at all, but that's a whole different story!!!

    Jen this is for you!!! And you will be in my thoughts and prayers while you are having your surgery, and be sure to keep us informed.

  • I am going to try and do a few replys today. I may not get to everyone.

    Jen... HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!
    I will be praying for you on the 24th !!! Good luck !!!
    My "ladies" stare at the floor and I wish they looked people in the eye.

    CD ... I am sorry about your school situation. Maybe you could consider your exercise program as a "class". You have to attend class... no excuses. Alot a certain time each day just like you used to have to go to a school class.

    Blissful... WELCOME !!!! Your avatar alone inspires me. I love it !!!

    Grannie//Mary... I know that treadmill will make a difference for you. You will be out of the 90's before you know it. Keep up the good work(out).

    Terri... it that on the "Discovery channel" or the "Discovery Health Channel" ? I don't know if I get both ?? But either way.... I do have the "CAN DO" attitude going !!!!

    Barbg... You are such an inspiration !!! How long do you stay at the gym daily now ?
    I won't even recognize you at the Spring Fling.

    Steph... did I ever welcome you back ?? I do that ski machine... in the pool.. without the machine.
    Great photos !!! I tried to make your photos bigger. I thought you just had to click on them to enlarge.. but it did not work for me.

    Memoe... those cones sound yummy !!! I agree, we need to allow ourselves some nice treats now and then.

    Angela... did you exercise as you promised ??? You are doing GREAT !!!

    Michelle... don't know if you have left town yet... I hope you have a wonderful trip. You will be missed while gone.

    Thin... Hope your dinner was wonderful. Jealous , jealous, jealous. LOL

    Okay... I gotta get going. Been here too long.
    I have been staying on my food plan very well.
    I need to add up my snowflakes. I started so poorly there is no way to win.. but it still keeps me more honest. I do journal my food I eat daily. I should get my 2x2... but I still have a weekend ahead of me.
  • Hi all. I'm reading, but don't have much to say. I'm taking it easy today physically because of my sore back. I hate it when pain gets in my way! Grrr!

    I did walk for 30 minutes and did 50 crunches of various kinds, but I think I'll stop there.

    Welcome Blissful!

    Happy birthday, Jen and mellow and healing thoughts for your upcoming surgery.

    For fun Friday, I'm going to start a new sewing project. And best of all... it's something for me!

    Later, all!
  • (Oops...sorry - posted this in the wrong thread! lol - Here it is again. )


    Hello ladies - I am just popping in today to see how everyone is doing and update! I am so busy here at work - that I don't have much time to reply to everyone - but everyone seems to be doing great! (And that's always good news!)

    I have been OP 100% and you know what.....it feels great! I do not have the desire to cheat, or go off plan, because I know this time, I am doing it for myself! This weekend though, my father wants to take my brother and I out for a "good" dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. I'll probably order a salad.

    Good News! Today is my weigh in day! I last weighed in on January 6th and I weighed 315 lbs. Today I weighed in at 310 lbs. I am more than happy with my first weeks results! I know that the first lbs are usually water weight, but I don't care. It's gone...right???

    Also - today at lunch - my aunt and I made it around the mall twice, and I didn't get tired! Usually my legs burn a little, and I feel like I am over doing it - but not today. I was fine! I must be getting used to walking again!

    Food has been good today. A bagel w/low fat cheese & tomato slice for breakfast. Two slices of Turkey, 3 baby dill pickles, 1 low fat string cheese, and some fresh fruit. (double ) lol. I'm not sure exactly what I am having for dinner yet. Probably some type of chicken. I feel like I need some more protein today, and chicken definatly has it.

    Well ladies - I am off for the rest of the afternoon. I may pop in later tonight and check back in! I hope you are all having a splendid day! TGIF!

    ~ Kari Berry ~

    P.S. - I was just curious about the Detroit thing. Are people planning a trip to Detroit?