Chit Chat #98

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  • ... and welcome to the Jaded Ladies!

    We are a friendly group who share all the ups and downs of our daily lives... not just weight loss. Come on and join us!
  • Hiya ladies,

    Marti - I sent you a PM.... hope you're having a good weekend with Jhanai.

    Cristi - I'm still waiting on a recent photo of you!! I meant to have Neal take my picture when we went out the other night, and then forgot. But there will be holiday photos and if I think any of them are flattering enough, I'll post one. Btw, on Saturday, are you (and Ellen) going to be saying 1 more day til Christmas, lol? About the church service, I know just what you mean! Our substitute pastor doesn't make a lot of sense either, and is so boring it's all I can do to stay awake. Thankfully, he isn't there very often!

    Hi to everyone else reading this.

    Had fun with the kids and grandkids today. Saw Terry and Gina's tree - it sure is beautiful! She has quite a collection of gingerbread men ornaments that fascinated me! Ready for some quiet time now, though.

    Have a good evening, everyone.
  • Ladies, Ellen (TeaRose) posted this after the last thread was closed. I'm sure she was working on it while I was making the new thread... anyway, wanted to share it! Ellen. look for an apologetic PM from me for losing your original! So sorry!!!


    Hi Jane I'm like Cristi I count the big day, The house sounds like it would be a wonderful project it would be a lot of work but it would also be so exciting and the end result would be beautiful. I know renovating is emotionally challenging ,so its a huge commitment but well worth it. It sounds like commitment is something you do well considering you haven't gone of program for almost a year , thats amazing, congratulations. I wish I had that in me,but its been a struggle.I'm happy that its been so successful for you ,you should be very proud of yourself,Was Mackenzie really excited when you got there,I love the innocence of little ones ,if only it lasted a lifetime,I was wondering if you know if I'm on the good list or not , I did get a birthday card and christmas card posted from the north pole but they weren't signed anyone get those I thought it was strange since they had my name and my kids names, :lemonade cake huh sounds yummy, Katy makes lemon shortbread to, mmmm I hope your having a wonderful day and yes its 6 days till Christmas

    Hi Cristi Oh my gosh you and I are a lot alike, I didn't want to say anything , thinking that no one would understand , how we could be so involved in the Christmas decorating and enjoying the music and have no Christmas Spirit, I have been struggling with this to for many years now ,its such an empty feeling for me . I try so hard to make it happen but it comes from within. not an easy feat for me, Its something I do for everyone else, but no matter how much I want to feel the way I used to its not there,I feel tremendous guilt feeling this way.I love the feeling on Christmas Eve and when everyone gathers at home on Christmas Day but up to that point there little if no excitement.Its a sad way to feel for me and I'm sure its the same for you,Its not that I dislike the season I Love the season and everything about it ,but something is definitely missing inside. I unfortunatly don't get a lot or any sun in my kitchen because of all the big trees and I do miss that,big differece from my other house, I have been trying to think of a way to get more light into the room somehow by adding windows somewhere, but where is the problem , when I moved in there was no windows on the stairway wall and it was dark as night so I put those two windows on the landings and changed the front door to all glass and that made a huge difference in the amount of light that comes in. I have the fireplace on daily. I love the way it makes the room feel, like candles, and dimmers. Well hopefully you and I get a little spark of Christmas Spirit, it sure would be nice for both of us , it really should'nt feel like another day.Well I hope you had a nice day today catching up on your reading and relaxing.

    Hi Marti
    How are you today? did you and Jhanai have a nice day , Did you get the fudge made , what kind do you make, nosy huh. I love fudge but I haven't had any for a few years. I know they have so many different kinds now . When I was young my best friends mom used to make maple fudge every halloween, thats when you were still allowed to make homemade things . I used to run down to her house first and make sure I got some before it was all gone, ahhh memories. I hope you had a really fun day ,

    Hi Mindee
    How was your Christmas party , was it a lot of fun,I haven't been to or had one for more than well to many years How many people came , and what did your serve inquiring nosy people like me want to know I hope it was successful and you all had a great time . Is Bradon still trying to get at the presents, make sure you send pictures of his little face on Christmas morning.I look forward to seeing them. I hope you had a great day, or did you spend it cleaning up after the party

    Hi Katy
    What happened to those skinheads did you chase them out of town, Did you get your Christmas tree up, your running out of time , after all its 6 or 7 days till Christmas depending wether you go by Janes method of counting or Cristi's and ,mine Well no matter which way you count its coming faster than bedtime,I hope you had a nice day decorating the tree

    Susan where are you I can't see you anywhere, I really hope everything is alright ,I miss you

    Hi Angie
    That female version of Scrooge sounds like a lot of fun , I used to go and see plays with my Aunt sometimes but haven't been for years . I used to enjoy them so much , a lot of fun and a lot of laughs , I sure could use some of that in my life,I am so happy to hear that Brandon is doing so well, and his spirits are good ,great for recovery. Tanners school band must have been wonderful to watch, you must be happy he is so interested in theatre,well it sounds like you are going going going , when is it you sleep, Hope your having a good night.

    Hi to Everyone else Katie Julie Ann Sue hopefully I didn't miss anyone I hope every one is well and having a great day ,or I guess it would be night now
    Christmas is so close I can smell the turkey and pumpkin cheesecake and I'm really hungry,

  • Hello, I am back freezing my butt off at home. (well it would be nice if the butt would be gone...) This is a real shock to my system!
    I had to drink the solution for my scan, ugh! And to think I have to drink another bottle of it in the morning. Then get the scan and a battery of blood tests again. For this I left the sunshine?
    It doesn't even seem like Christmas to me. No tree or decorations, but I am hanging stockings and decorating the mantle tomorrow. I have to get a little of the feel.
    I will cook Fri. and then have DD and family here for Christmas Eve day. We will sure miss the other kids and "grands."

    Thanks for all who asked if I was doing okay. There has been alot going on for us and some things are sad. We will be okay as we believe everything happens for a reason. We just pray for the strength to get through.
    We have just found out that BIL has cancer and it is not looking good. HE is very close to us, so this is especially hard.
    Then DD2 out west is working now for DD1 who has her own business here. So far it is going well, but time will tell. She is lonely being away from home and that breaks my heart. I am going there in a couple weeks, so maybe can take her some cheer.
  • Hello girls...........

    Jane--Got your PM. How silly of me. At least you got your card!! James ended up taking the cards to the mail box to get mailed BEFORE I was able to put return addresses on them. But....looks like everyone is getting their card.

    Ellen--I made the traditional/original kind of fudge. I don't like fudge so it never hurts me to see it go! I made it for Jhanai's dad. It's a recipe from my grandma. TOO much sugar in fudge for me to enjoy it.

    Sue--My heart goes out to you and your family. Always know that we are thinking of you. I hope your BIL has good results w/getting to the cancer before it's all over. My prayers are w/you!

    Hello to everyone else! I'm sorry I'm not exactly doing all the individuals like I intended, but this is a start. Been busy running around that it's really hard to keep up. I'm leaving here in about 10 mins. to take Jhanai home.

    Jhanai & I spent well over an hour in Walmart today...SO crowded. Only this time of year will you see such chaos. Why must we think that we have to spend spend spend our money rather than spend quality time with our family? And instead of buying....why don't more people make things? Seems more special when something is made. I'm hoping to do better next year w/making things for my family.

    Well, I need to get going.

    You all have a wonderful night...hugs to you all!
  • hey ladies....quick post because I am getting ready to head to bed. I finally got Brandon to fall asleep early tonight.

    the Christmas party went great. things outside the party, well that is another story. a friend of ours, who happens to be one of Brandon's godmothers, has been avoiding us at all costs. well Friday, she called and asked what we were doing. We told her that we were getting ready to go do our Christmas shopping, she then asked if we minded if she came along. We both said no, so we went. Well, the whole time we were out, all we kept hearing about is this new guy she met, that she basically had a one night stand with and now he won't return her calls or anything.

    fast forward to our party, and here she is sitting in our kitchen saying that she has forgotten to take her birth control pills twice this past week, had two oopsies (sex encounters) without any protection, and now she feels sick to her stomach. she has since caught up on her birth control pills, but is still not feeling well. to me it all sounds like she over loaded her system on estrogen since she is on the pill, and she thinks that she is pregnant now all of a sudden. (granted it is a possibility) but we have already gone down this road with her, and has spent many a nights over here telling us that she is not sure how she would be able to handle having a baby of her own. a friend of ours asked her "if you think you are pregnant, are you going to call (the guy) and tell him that you think you might be pregnant?" and immediately she said "nope" I mentioned to her that just because her boobs are sore, doesn't mean that she is pregnant, and that some women get sore boobs when they are about to ovulate.

    ok....I believe I am done with my rant. I just had to get that all out of my system. Oh yeah....she called here at 11:45pm (Sunday night) and asked what we were doing. Tommy goes "well, we are about to go to bed. why?" she goes "well, I am bored. so I figured I would call and see what you guys are doing." the only time she wants to come over and hang out is when this guy is working or when she is bored.

    anyways....back to our christmas party. it went great! everybody that we invited except 5 to 10 people didn't show up. but it was all a great time! we pulled out our kitchen table and got some games of Texas Hold 'em Poker going. we must of played five or six games by the time everyone had left.

    sunday we went out to my in-law's house to exchange presents. I have to admit it was a good time until Tommy's sister's boyfriend opened his mouth. For a little background, my parents have adopted 10 or 11 kids, with all different backgrounds and ethnicities. Well, somehow we got on the topic of the schools in our neighborhood (Tommy's sister's boyfriend lives about a half a mile from us, if that) and how there were more ethnicities moving into the area. Well, he said the one word that I absolutely HATE with a passion. (he used the n word) and I figured that since it had been a nice uneventful day that I would let it pass. but I kept my distance from him the rest of the time we were there. we brought our poker chips with us to play, but after he said that I told Tommy I wanted to leave right away. Tommy's sister's boyfriend said the word very loudly and repeatedly, in front of me, Tommy, Brandon, Tommy's brother Tim, Tommy's other brother Al, Al's wife Wendy, Al and Wendy's two sons Michael and Jason, and his own daughter. Anybody who knows my family knows that I don't like that word, and he just was very rude and very ignorant.

    so needless to say, he will be one person that I will be avoiding on Christmas Eve at my hubby's Uncle's house. And actually, I will make sure that Brandon doesn't go anywhere near him again. I don't need someone like that saying and using that word in front of my son.

    ok....I believe that is everything for now. oh yeah....I forgot my digital camera at my in-law's house because we were in a hurry to leave. Tommy locked the keys in the truck while it was running so we had to get that taken care of and then in all honesty, I had forgotten that I had taken it with me. but Brandon did get a LOT of cute things! he wore one of his christmas presents from his Uncle Joe over to my in-law's house.
  • Good morning ladies,

    Ellen - yes, your name's on the good list! I heard it from a very reliable source. I sure hope you get the Christmas spirit soon. If not, I have enough for you, me AND Cristi, lol.

    Marti - I avoided Walmart like the plague this weekend, lol, but am going to have to go soon for milk and bread. I truly don't mind the crowds unless people are rude, though. Is it your turn to drive the car this week? Bet you just love it!

    Sue - I've got a BIL w/cancer, too, so I sure know how you feel. He looks really bad, and I think after Christmas he will go downhill fast. Hope things strainghten out for your family. ((((HUGS)))) to you! Have fun on Friday with your DD.

    Mindee - your friend sounds a little high maintenance, lol. Glad the party went well, and everyone had a good time. Don't blame you for being upset at the N word. I'd rather hear the f word than that - at least that doesn't target any specific race. Hopefully Tommy's sister will wise up and dump him.

    Hello to all other Jaded Ladies and elves reading this.

    Well, I'm going to make 1/2 batch of sugar cookies. Was going to order 2 dozen unfrosted from a local store, but did a makeover to my recipe to cut it in half. That will give us about 2 1/2 doz. Then the DGDs can come over one evening this week and frost them. Won't that be fun?

    Hope you have a great day!
  • OK - the tree is finally up!
    ..and it's real purdy! I put on the lights and the beaded garland and the kids did the rest - it's so sweet!. DH and I learned our lesson about we had to pay about 2x as much as we are used to paying to get this little tree. I joked that we should go buy a fake one -don't their prices go DOWN as we get closer to Christmas? DH would never hear of it... a fake tree... in OREGON?! we would have to hang our heads in shame...we're already wimps for not going up to MT Hood and cutting it down ourselves!

    Marti - I am so with you about the chaos of Christmas! We really try to single out the three or four things that bring us the most pleasure and just focus on those....funny, spending the day at the mall isn't on the list! I did most of my shopping online this year.... However, I do need to do some grocery shopping for the various gatherings this week, so I probably won't be able to avoid chaos entirely.

    Ellen- Our community has organized a unity rally to promote the positive values of our community as opposed to running the skinheads out of town. After all, they DO have a right to gather and to free speech. Their goal is to generate calls to the police, so members of the community thought it would be best to just ignore them and take the time while they are here to remind ourselves that we are a welcoming community to all races and religions. It will be a wonderful event with many religous leaders of the community ( including our pastor) speaking, activities for kids.....Too bad it takes the threat of a hate group to prompt such a gathering...but it is happening and it will make us a stronger community I think.

    Jane - good plan on the cookies! Cookie baking was one of the things I dropped off my list, as I do not enjoy it all that much. However, DH loves to bake and this year will include the children in the more power to them, I say! ((((hugs)))) to you and Sue.. holidays are hard with ailing relatives. but hopefully there's extra time to be with them over the holiday.. I pause and remember my loved ones who aren't with us anymore several times during the season - it's bittersweet

    Mindee - glad your party was fun - I'll have to check out Brandon's page and see him all dolled up in his new clothes. I'm proud of your response to the hate speech uttered in your presence. You just keep to your values, girl. And remember your son and the great example you are setting for him by not tolerating that language. Hate is taught - we are not born with it....

    Sue - hope your tests go well and you can be done with them for awhile...

    Hi to everyone else...
    Today is a busy one. I have get back to the hairdresser for a few extra snips. I did get the highlighting done last week and I really like it - a nice change of pace...cut needs a little tune-up. Today MIL is watching the kids so DH and can go to lunch and the art museum. Yay another date -two in one week...can I stand it? Saturday we went on a volkswalk around downtown Portland, timed with the Christmas ships on the Willamette. So we got to see the ships and .... the displays downtown.... and walked 10k besides! It's become a tradition for DH and me. We don't particularly like to shop, but the city is so pretty during the holidays...this is our lo-stress way to enjoy it.

    Then this evening the ILs are coming over for pizza dinner as DH's stepsister is in town...need to see her before she skedaddles back to Houston.

    Oh - and today the piano arrives! The best present ever....

  • Happy Monday Morning~

    Ellen~yeah, know what ya mean about the Christmas spirit. I do all the decorating and cooking for others also. Last year was one of the worst years and V kept telling me don't decorate. But I can not decorate-it would be too weird. I know that it will be this way every year and I think that is probably one reason I go thru all the decorating and such, you know to get into the spirit. And hopefully stop the feeling before it comes on. But once all is done and the big day is near....nothing-it is kind of a sad day for me but I try not to show it as I don't want to ruin it for everyone else. And it doesn't pass till New Years is over. Anyway...about the windows...that was one reason I loved this house for all the windows and light. Hey, I remember those days when people handed out homemade goodies at Halloween! My friends mom always made popcorn balls and gave them out and every one loved them-including me!

    Jane~I am making an appt. for a New Years pic today so you will get a pic soon! Penneys has a 2005 card that I thought would be nice since we missed the Christmas pic that I always send every year. This was the first year I didn't do a pic. Getting some pics together to add to the yahoo photos. I had taken some back in June and then will have some from Christmas also. When Jan. 1 rolls around I am getting down to business with this weight and will be doing a before during and after photo album. Wanted to ask have you ever used Splenda when baking? I have been seeing all these commercials for it and was curious. Of course I don't really do any baking from scratch, haven't since we had V's mom over for Thanksgiving in '98 (she passed away the next June). I think I will just get some from the cookie shop in the mall-they have the best snickerdoodles and think Wanda would prefer those over mine.

    Katy~glad you guys got the tree decorated. That would be kind of funny getting a fake tree in Oregon! CA always has the harbor parade of lights and that is one thing I miss every year. It was hard getting used to Christmas in sunny CA but loved the boats all decorated for Christmas-soo cool and cold! But we always took the kids. Two dates in one week, what's a gal to do? V will be home this Friday till after New Years, oh joy! Kidding...or am I? Have a GREAT day with hubby! And enjoy that new piano!

    Mindee~that is the one word I HATE also! Don't know why people have to be so ignorant. Glad your party went well. Sounds to me like your friend is needy and needs attention all the time. Didn't think too many people had casual sex anymore in this day and age. If she doesn't want to get pregnant she should be thinking about that before doing the deed without protection. One of the managers at DS old job went out and had a one night stand-she told everyone "It just happened" ummm, yeah right! Well, she has twins now from that one night stand and no help from the donor. So now she has three kids to support because it just happened.

    Sue~(((((HUGS)))))to you and yours. Sorry to hear about your BIL and the rest of the family. I do hope things get better for everyone. Bet it was a shock to go from Vegas to IN! It's cold here also but not too bad. Supposed to get up to 55 today which is nice for Dec. here. Hope you can try and enjoy your holiday in IN. Just keep thinking you will be back in Vegas where it is warm soon.

    Hi to everyone else

    Don't have much ont he old agenda today, just catching up on laundry, a lot of laundry. Have to run to Walgreens a little later and get some packaging tape. I passed the post office this morning and like I thought, they were packed. So will mail my package in the morning first thing, should get there by Christmas I am hoping. It isn't really a Christmas gift per se but I help out a friend with her site once in a while with a gift drawing for a sad mom who has lost a baby. Did that for a while but took a year break from it. She's going to offer holiday drawings again so will help out with a few gifts. Anyway..that's about all I have for now.

    Take care ladies and have a FANTASTIC day!

  • Hey Girls!!!

    HELLO TO KATHY!!!!!... sorry I forgot you in my last post.....

    Well didnt get a chance to post over the weekend, had a lot going on, trying to wrap up last minute running around, baking, wrapping gifts.....etc..
    Trying to get some info from my employer...I found out that my DBF and I might be able to have my insurance cover things because we are donsidered common law married in RI, we've lived together over 5 years... So waiting to get word on whether they will cover me .....trying to keep our fingers crossed.

    CRISTI: As far as your advice on waiting the year, thats not a problem, but right now we cant get married because DBF has some family issues that he needs to straighten out first...and I dont want my name tied with them in any way that could hurt me later... We have little contact with his family because there are alot of issues involved with them...and we haven gotten married kind of because of them....its just a long story....

    Everything else here is the same, nothing new....its snowing today....I guess we're supposed to get 3-6 inches.....I have to dosome baking tonight for work tomorrow, we've been taking turn bringing in goodies since its xmas week and we've already had our xmas needless to say the diets on the back burner...
    Hello to everyone else..........Hope all is well
  • Good morning gals!

    Julie--We've had Christmas goodies sitting in the office at work all week last week and the week before. I've felt pretty good w/not getting into it at here at home-----a whole 'nother story!

    Cristi--I've used Splenda for my coffee and cereal before but never baking. I don't taste a difference really. But I also went back to regular sugar! I hope you get to avoid the chaos at Walgreens. I need to get to walmart today now that Jhanai isn't w/me.....last minute stocking stuff.

    Katy--James has mentioned a fake tree the last couple years too! But I'M the one who wants the real deal. Not sure why I feel I need to have a real one.
    I need to go to the grocery store myself and pick up some Christmas dinner items. I may just leave a list and have James pick it up.....he's working days all this week.

    Mindee--Sounds like your friend is needy of attention. And it almost sounds like she DOES want to get pregnant rather than not. Why talk so much about it?? And the SIL boyfriend---OMG!! I would not have kept my mouth shut! I hate that word and think it's just terrible that some people say it so freely.
    I'm with you....avoid him at all cost during Christmas Eve.

    Jane--You must take some pictures of the girls frosting the cookies!! That's going to be sucha great memory to look back on! Sounds like so much fun!! Jhanai and I bought a gingerbread house kit at walmart (I'm not a good baker so had to get a kit) and I "glued" it together while she decorated. I didn't EVEN think to get my camera out for that!!! Would make a great scrapbooking page!!

    Well ladies..... I'm happy to say that James called last night to put a hold on a job this week. Which means, that he'll have Christmas off!!! (and he'll be off early on Christmas Eve) I was happy with that.
    Today on my agenda is to try and do some laundry...unless I can get Cristi to add mine to hers.....clean up my house, and maybe head over to Walmart to get some stuff.

    I better get myself cleaned up and out the door....that way I can come home a relax a little before work.

    Take Care!!
  • Hiya ladies,

    Katy - so glad you got the tree up. Bet it's very nice. It's fun to have dates with the DH, isn't it? Now that the kids are grown, Neal and I have more of them since we ever did except before we got married. Have fun w/the ILs tonight.

    Cristi - if I put on my Christmas hat and sing and dance, would that cheer you up? How about if I throw a snowball at you? Darn... no snow, so that's out, lol. THANK YOU so much for the potholder and the prayer coin!!!!!! You are a sweetie to send it. Also got your thank you card for the light... you didn't have to do that! Btw, my mom made popcorn balls at Halloween, and yikes, they were so good! A little hard on the teeth, though, lol. No, I've never baked with Splenda, but I have used it for other non-baked desserts. And in other stuff, too. They make a 1/2 sugar, 1/2 Splenda mix that ought to be pretty good. Btw, I will be so glad to see a new photo of you. I truly will have Neal take one of me to share... soon.

    Julie - speaking of baking, what are you making tonight? Hope your insurance does end up covering you.... I bet it will.

    Marti - you should've hollered and we could've gone to Walmart together, lol. I just got back a little while ago. The other shoppers moods were ok, but the clerks are getting a little testy, lol. Speaking of candy, I had an egg white and vegetable omelet for lunch to work in 6 points for 5 Resse peanut butter bells. MMMmmmmm!!!! It was worth it!

    Neal is on vacation for 3 weeks now. I just love having him home! He's been out in the wind and cold today, tearing apart an old combine. It can't be moved the way it is - has to be taken apart. I worried about him getting too cold, but he comes in every once in awhile to warm up, and says he's fine.

    Since we're having such a fattening array of food on Christmas Eve, I'm fixing herb roasted chicken for Christmas dinner. The kids will have ham at the in-laws anyway, (except Katie, lol) and I just don't want ham and all the fixins here. Toooo tempting! And none of us want turkey. But don't feel sorry for my family, because we're having "good stuff" Christmas Eve, lol.

    Take care,
  • Is it just me or are Mondays the days where you just don't feel like getting things done that need to be done?!

    I haven't budged from my house yet and I have only half of my makeup on!! Talk about procrastinating about getting out and getting some of my errands done in town!!

    I was reading the paper today and saw this article of an accident that happened on the railroad last week.

    A 14yr old boy was walking along the tracks....a single engine had hit him (it was foggy out) and didn't even know it. They were setting up to add more train they backed up....back over the poor boy!! They proceeded to do their job, with no way of knowing that they had hit this kid! Then, another train came along and hit him again...but this time it was noticed and they stopped. They seen the boy laying there and had no idea how long he was there (they eventually figured out it was about an hour or more) they thought he was dead and got all the security (police, ambulance and such) out there. One of the police was taking photos and notice that the boy was still alive!

    Well....lets get to OML...that night, one of the girls answered a call to one of our carriers saying they had something for us. She went and got the specimen and realized it was a pair of legs!!

    This boy lost his legs in the accident and was no one thought he would survive.

    Now....the article in the paper.

    The boy is improving! And will make it. That was such a good thing to read! James came home that night and was just sick thinking about the family who may have lost thier son around this time of year. Made him feel awful. I've been trying to contact him to let him know...but he's not near his phone. So I'm going to leave the article out for him to read. Unless he read it at work.

    Such a sad sad thing to happen! I hear so many horror stories about the railroad that it just scares me that James is working there....but of coarse the stories are about other people and not the workers.

    SORRY for telling such a sad story, but it has a happy ending.

    I better get ready to go to town.
  • Julie~oh it wasn't advice, just a thought I threw out there...I guess I took it you saying the insurance would pay if you were married as you guys were thinking of getting married soon. Guess that post was so long ago I don't remember what was said. I do hope you can get the insurance to pay.

    Jane~you are welcome for the little gifts. I saw the coin/medallion at Hallmark and thought of you. Of course I have one also that I carry around. I buy a lot of those and give to people. V has two he carries every day in his pocket-never leaves home without them. I am glad that you enjoy having Neal around. Yeah, the 1/2 splenda 1/2 sugar mix is the commercial I saw and was just wondering if anyone has used it.

    Marti~I don't use sugar either, use sweet n low, have for years. The only thing I keep sugar around for is for kool-aid I make once in a while. Was surprised that walgreens was busy, man the post office was horrible so will be there first thing in the morning when it opens.

    Anyway...was just checking in for a few minutes to say THANK-YOU KatieCat for the adorable card! I love angels-how did you know?

    Oh Jane I did cheer up for a while-opened the mail box to a few cards which was nice and I received pics of my nieces (my middle brothers DDs). I have three brothers all who are younger than me by 1 yr., 3 yrs. & 10 yrs. between the three of them I have 11 nieces and a nephew who died at 3 days of age. It really is nice seeing family and my how they have grown since I saw them last. It really was nice to see their smiling, cute faces! I think that is part of my problem, missing my family. Oh well...have a good rest of the day ladies.
  • Hi again ladies!

    I'm done with my running around. I decided to go to walmart tomorrow since I go to my grandpa's on tuesdays to help clean house and Walmart is on the way.

    Jane--I honestly can say that I would never want to work at any place that I was a clerk and had to deal with the moods of customers. I think it would just stress me out too much and I'm no good under stressful situations....when it comes to people. You never know if you're going to push the wrong buttons w/someone! I feel for anyone who does have that kind of job and give them all my respect for being able to handle the holidays!

    Cristi--I got your gift in the mail! You are such a wonderful person to send that out! I have it sitting in my kitchen w/warnings of "don't touch".....too special to use right now! I had idea's for everyone that I was going to add to my cards....but didn't have time. So I have decided to send them out on birthdays starting next year! So whose birthday is coming up first this next year??......oh goodness, that would be me.....well forget that, whose after me? Thank you so much Cristi!!

    Hello to Ellen, Angie, Susan, Katy, Katie, Julie, Mindee, and Ann!!! (Hope I didn't forget anyone)

    I have an hour and a half before going to work. On my way to town I have discovered that my car is waaaayyyy smarter than I am! It does so many things that I know I will never use. One cool thing I learned last night....the windshield is rain sensitive and so when it rains the wipers turn on...when it slows down to a will stop. So if I keep this one button on to where rain is in the forcast, I don't have to worry about it....or, if I pass someone and get a huge splash......they'll come on. Am I making any sense???

    Oh please forgive me if I'm bragging about my car....I'm just in aww of all the things it can do.

    Ok...I'm going to browse around before I plop my butt on the couch before work.

    May be back again!! (just a little warning!)