Weekend Chat - December 4th and 5th

  • Good Morning,

    I'm just gonna start this baby up and get to reading whats been happening here the past few days.

    Today I have to clean my house, I've been so tired this week at night I haven't picked up a stich, and it shows LOL.

    I have to plan 2 christmas dinners, one for my inlaws who come around noon and my sister and her kids wanna come and relax in the afternoon around 3. Its gonna be challenging but I have the week of b/4 christmas and after christmas YAHOO!!!!

    Whats your plans for the holidays ?
  • Good morning everyone !

    I am on my way to work so I will see everyone later !

    Have a great OP day !!
  • Good Morning Leenie: Missed seeing you around here the last few days! How's things going at work with the new boss? Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned! As far as the holidays goes, I don't really have to plan very much. We go to my Brother's house the weekend before Christmas for my family. We usually have homemade chili beans that my SIL makes, and I usually bring the fudge/Christmas candy. Kind of a non-traditional Christmas meal, but we get so tired of the turkey/ham during Thanksgiving/Christmas. My nephew came up with "Lets have chili beans" a few years ago, and it stuck. My SIL makes the best chili! On Christmas Eve, we go the my DH's parents with all of his family. We usually just have snacks/appetizers. The kids are usually so excited no one can eat much anyways! Christmas morning we always go to my DH's sister's next door for breakfast. Usually Christmas night everyone comes here for dinner and we throw steaks on the grill. This year though, we are doing it at the in-laws. They don't don't want to put too much on me with the baby on the way! Hard to believe that this is the last Christmas that our house won't have the pitter patter of little feet! My last day at work is Dec 17. I am getting excited about that. I have worked since I was 14, and never took any time off except for a week here and there for vacations! Plus, I always work Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas! I'm excited to be off this year!!!

    Dawn: Hope that you have a great day at work and that it's OP!!!!!!

    Well, it's off to start the weekend! Nothing major planned. We have our Christmas parade today here and I am planning on going to that. Tomorrow me and DH are going to get the baby's crib. Other than that, nothing else planned. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

  • Leenie: A whole WEEK off? Aren't you the lucky duck! Because it falls on the weekend I'm lucky to take off Christmas Eve day. Well, I COULD take the whole week off but couldn't figure out a reason to tell DH that I needed it off

    Dawn: Have a great day. The animals in this house KNOW what time they get fed and on the weekends INSIST on me getting up to do their bidding. This morning at 6:00 I had a cat patting my face w/his paw to get me awake. I just pulled the covers over my head

    Lisa:OH!!! Baby crip shopping! How exciting!! Time's getting closer and closer. I can't wait!!! lol. Bet you all can't either!

    Well, stayed OP yesterday except the 1 breaded cheese curd and the 1 breaded mozzarella stick I hate. We went to the state capital (Madison) and roamed the building. Was that ever COOL!!! I'd never been there before but would definitely go back.....w/out kids Then on the way home there was a fiasco w/the bus driver. Some parents thought she was drinking so we had to pull over to a gas station and a state trooper had to come and give her a breathalizer!!! OMG!! Luckily she seemed to be a good sport about it and of course she hadn't been drinking! So we were 45 minutes late getting back to the school. Then of course was our short drive home. Then we had to quick eat because we had plans to go w/out neighbors bowling. What a blast!!! We bowled 5 games and were the only ones there. I worked off the cheese curd & mozzarella stick. Now the hard part....making cookies @ my moms house today!!!
  • Hi Girls!

    My husband's birthday is on the 11th. We are totally broke (but spiritually, relationship, etc.. totally happy and healthy) this year. He is kind of bummed about it. He doesn't know it, but I am surprising him for his birthday. Jeremiah (my hubby), has a twin brother(Josh). His brother has a son, and his live in girlfriend. Josh doesn't know it either, and is equally bummed. His girlfriend and I have been planning that she is going to surprise Josh, and their son with a trip to our house. They live out of state, so this is a big deal. Jeremiah has no idea. He is sulking, but I am so excited!!! I am horrible at keeping secrets, especially with surprises. Just being able to type this here helps! HAHA! Josh's family is going to stay with us for 4 days. Nobody has a clue! I am so stoked. Both my husband and his twin brother are cooks. Both as a job and as a hobby. We will have a great time.

    As for Christmas. I am hoping that we don't develop any big plans. I like to do the big thanksgiving thing, but Christmas is a different story. I want us to do a great home dinner, of course presents and stuff.. but not over the top. I love that my kids are all at the age where they are old enough to enjoy what we have, and the little ones love holidays. That is such a blessing. We are going to bake and make more orniments for the holiday, and decorations to go around the house. But that's pretty much it.

    We are doing a low carb Christmas. My hubby is so supportive with this. ..And who doesn't like meat for the holiday! Mmmmm... roast turkey, roast beef, ham.. ALL IN ONE DAY!! MMmmmmm!!!
  • Hey all! Finally got my in here to post...went on fitday this morning to put my carbs in...first in awhile and geez! I didnt realize espresso had so many carbs!

    Leenie- I had to pick my way around boxes just to get to my computer...and thats from the car show 3 weeks ago!

    Dawn- I hope the day goes fast for you!

    Lisa- Just think next Christmas you'll have new little hands to pull things off the tree!

    Brenda- I can't believe that happened...whoo good thing she understood...out here in Cali that would have been a total lawsuit!

    Carrie- how fun! Can't wait to hear his reaction!

    Well, we have a full plate this holiday....to my Dads house at the beach on the 17th, Christmas there (we already know he's giving us a trip to Scotland but he doesnt know we know...Im practicing my **SURPRISED**!!!! face as we speak) then we fly out to the southern states on the 19th--land in Nashville and a big thing there with all of Dales country music fellow musicians at the Opryland hotel....from there across the smokey mountains to Gatlinburg to a resort and then to Georgia so we can have Christmas with my new family! We fly back to LA on Christmas eve, Christmas day at home and then the next day to San Diego to spend the rest of Christmas in the sunshine!....Home new years eve and back to work the following monday....whew.....(I'd really like to just stay home and veg)

    Im off to the market- I commandered the last 2 eggs for breakfast this morning...The DH and DD got bacon, fried potatoes and grits so I figured they better keep their little paws off the only eggs!

    Have a great day!
  • Hello ladies!!!

    I have been swamped at work and then when I get home the DS's are all about the computer games so they have been taking over my posting time!! Dang kids! hahahahahaha Anywho... I am still totally in the Xmas spirit which is sucha change from previous years, the last 3-4 yrs I have been dresding Xmas but this year since we are financially alot more stable, I feel great. I am almost cone with Xams shopping and it feels great to actually be able to buy friends and family what I want to buy them instead of whatever is cheapest!! Not that I ever buy anything expensive though I am mush more a sentimental person. Although I did get DH a playstation 2, he has wanted one so bad since it came out and he really thinks I am not getting it but HA HA!!! I have been good staying OP, maybe a little too much LC Bread but as long as that is it I am not killin' myself and I have been getting to the gym so all is good!!! I also cannot believe my babies (the DS's ) are going to be 3 yrs and 5 yrs OMG they are not babies anymore!!! Whaaaaaa

    Hope all of you are doing great it sure sounds like it from your posts, I will try to get back to my regular posting, i am gonna kick the kids off the computer!! ahahahaha

    MERRY XMAS!!!!!
  • Good Afternoon Ladies!!!

    Brenda: Sounds like you had a great time yesterday, and an "interesting" bus ride home! And you are correct. We can't wait!!! Seems with all of the baby stuff coming into the house lately, it's finally seeming REAL! DH is getting so excited as is everyone else in the families. Everyone in my family and his family thought we would never have kids after being together 16 years...but we surprised them!! My SIL goes yard-saleing every Saturday morning, and this morning she got a crib bumper, crib sheets, and a mobile for me. Everything looks brand new!!! I was so excited! She's always getting me something or the baby something!! She's the best SIL anyone could ever ask for!!! I think she's the one that is the most excited about the baby..except for me that is!

    Carrie: Happy early b day to your DH. Sounds like he is going to be really surprised! Also your low carb Christmas sounds great. It's nice when your family supports you like that!

    Marie: About time you got back into here lady!!! You've been missed!! We are already used to the tree getting things knocked off! Our black lab Rocky wags his tail constantly, knocking every thing on the bottom off Takes him a few days to get used to the tree, but after that he usually just lays around and looks at it. We have a little snowman that dances and plays "Frosty the Snowman" He hates that thing!!! He's scared to death of it! It's funny to turn it on and watch the 100lb macho dog go running with his tail between his legs Sounds like you have a very busy Christmas planned! A trip to Scotland????? How nice!!! Me and my mom were in Nashville one year the week before Christmas, and the Opryland hotel was absolutely georgous!! They sure know how to decorate! Gatlinburg is always nice!! That is one of mine and DH's favorite vacation spots! You'll only be about 8 hours from here....so drop by for some hot chocolate

    TG: About time you got your butt back in here too lady! Sorry that you have been so busy at work lately! Great job of going to the gym though. Sounds like you are doing great! I know what you mean about dreading Christmas. This is the first year that I ever really remember dreading it. I think it's I am just dreading getting the tree and decorations up. Usually I have them up by the weekend after Thanksgiving. Not this year. Seems like I just don't have the energy to do it, and DH has been working some really long hours at work. Next week he will be working first shift, so he is going to help me get the tree and decorations up one night. He's being such a sweetie lately as he knows I have no energy to do anything!

    Well, nothing much happening here. DH worked today and I think he has gone deer hunting this afternoon. He said he was if he got off work in time. I took a nap and when I got up I could tell he had been home, so guess he's off rambling in the woods. Went to the Christmas parade here today. Had a pretty good time. My neice and nephews were there and it was nice to see them having such a fun time. People were throwing out candy like crazy. My 2 nephews were grabbing it like crazy and my neice couldn't get any! They were being mean to her, so the pregnant lady had to step in and get the candy for her. One of my nephews said for an old pregnant lady I sure could get down good to get the candy! Told him many more comments like that and he would see how good an old pregnant lady could beat him up Needless to say though, at the end of the parade, my neice had 2 pockets full of candy, and the boys didn't have half as much!! Well, I guess I better get my butt in gear and see if I can get a few things done before DH gets home. He doesn't know it yet, but he's taking me somewhere for dinner. Unless of course he wants to cook! Hope you ladies have a great night!

  • Ok, as I knew I would I totally blew it today. WHY do I do this? Not going to sweat it too much. Going to be good again and pray I manage to stay OP next weekend. All I can do is my best and if I slip up I'll just get back OP and start again. Told my mom come January if she's not going to make LC stuff to eat to let me know because then I'll bring something for myself to eat while I'm there Did I mention we made Christmas cookies today?? OMG I made a pig of myself! Can't wait to get OP again. Oh....I should remember this for later reference...the cookies really didn't taste that well to begin with. So why'd I do it? I should stay away from them and eat something I really enjoy. It's amazing how my tastes have changed since starting this WOE. It's just the not being "normal" that makes me try and eat "normal".
  • Awww Brenda, just be good today....no more cookies !!!

    Tonight is the town tree lighting service and the kiddies get to have coco w/santa, other than that its laundry day and I must figure out what to cook for the week.

    Right now my coffee is starting to take control, so i'll bbl
  • Leenie: Coffee makes you ambitious??? Maybe I should start figuring out how to swollow it! I could use all the ambition I can get. Enjoy the tree lighting.

    Well, other than cotton mouth (which I get after eating carbs) I'm feeling ok today. Calling it a "do-over" and starting from scratch. I'm going to do my best to avoid all that junk, but knowing me? It'll happen again. I'm going to start from scratch in January like planned. Maybe after the holidays will be easier for me to get back on track for good instead of the "slips" here and there. Time will tell!!!
  • Well I can see quite a few of us have slipped up over the weekend. Me, I havent had pizza in like a month & its my favorite food. Its not that I was craving it as I have been doing so great OP & feeling energetic waiting for ketosis. So what did I do ? I downed some of those carb blocker pills & ordered a pizza & ate 7 slices !! I was full after about 3, but just for the pure pleasure, knowing I wouldnt see pizza again for a while, I ate almost the whole **** pizza !!! Thank God it was just grilled chicken & cheese but the sauce I'm sure wasnt covered by the pills !!! I felt sleep afterwards & fell asleep at about 11 pm & slept almost 10 hours !!! Arggggggggggggh !!

    Btw Carrie I have had those Russell Stover Candies as well, & they are no longer allowed in my house, bc I cant stop at one or two or three or four..I stop when the bag is empty..To me chocolate is the most beautiful thing in the world & I must touch it & taste it..As my weight shows..lol..So trust me we all screw up...I screwed up one time by eating half of a half galloon container of low carb ice cream. So at this phase & point I try to avoid sweets bc even having a normal serving of it, makes me crave sweets. So I just dont buy them at this point.