Desperate Housewives #303 ~WEDNESDAY~

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  • Welcome all to a thread full of wonderful women taking on the responsibilty of raising a family and trying to take care of themselves too. We look forward to a new day with members, new and old! Please feel free to jump right in and say hello Here is a little bit about who we are ...

    MichelleRae: Michelle sahm to Taylor 8-25-01 & Teagan 10-13-03 Married 2 years to Zhaun. Plan I'm following is a combined WW and South Beach Diet.

    Spryng: 24 y.o. married 6 years. Kids- Ava 4, Bubba (aka Joseph) 3 & Tanner 1. Currently on ww, hit goal in April.

    Mompen: Penny 24 y.o. Happily Married & SAHM Momma to three active boys, Hunter 5, Nicholas 4 & Andrew 18 mo. Taking what I learned from WW & South Beach is my way of life.

    Loveliam: Leigh SAHM to Liam 10.21.03 & happily married for 2 years. Doing the Weight Watchers thing.

    Sydsmom: Kristin SAHM to Sydney 09-27-01, married almost 2 years to wonderful dh Began Weight watchers mid-July

    Cheri: married to Donald for 8.5 years, SAHM/homeschooling momma to Nathan, 5 (9-11-98), Daniel, 3 (8-29-00) & Elijah, 1 (10-16-02) & doing the low carb thing kinda, lol

    Cindi: Mom to 6 boys & 1 mean girl. Plan.. No diet for me! Portion control, exercise & lots of water (most days)

    Chubba: Geri..Mom to two boys, Will (3) & Tony (1)..married for 4 years to a great guy..following Dr Phil most days!

    Crystal: 27 yo sahm of 3 almost 4. Alisa 6, Ally 3, & Andrew 22 months. Due Feb 1st. Married 9 years, live in Texas & homeschool. My plan, when on it, counting calories & exercise.

    Ricci sahm to two boys 4 and 5, married 7 years, doing ww

    Jill: SAHM of 1 daughter, Bayley, born 9/19/03. Currently trying to lose some of the baby weight I gained with her & need some extra support to help me do so.

    Melissa: SAHM of 1 girl (4) and 1 boy (2). Currently watching what I eat and exercising 4-5days a week.

    Deana: SAHM of 3 boys and 1 girl. Counting calories, exercising, and drinking lots of water.

    Chris: SAHM of Tiana, Kayla and Nicole: ages 11, 5, and 2. Married for 5 years. I live in Billings, Montana. I'm a rheumatoid arthritis sufferer and trying using WW Flexpoints to lose weight
  • Good Morning


    I told Andrew last night that his real birthday was today so when he got up this morning, he showed me his fingers and said his version of birthday. I couldn't believe he had remembered. It was so cute.
    We slept okay. I've been awake since 520 and got up at 600. I knew he wasn't ready to get up now he's asleep on the couch. But I'll try for that nap today.

    How is everyone else? How did you all sleep?

    Deana, I'll let you know when I get it and like I said I'll get yours mailed out no later than Friday, before if I go to town.

    Alicia, WELCOME!!! I'm Crystal, 27 yo sahm of 3, almost 4. Alisa is 6, Ally is 3, Andrew is 2 (today), and I'm due with Allison Feb. 1st. I stuck around after finding out I was pregnant in hopes to make this the healthiest one yet. I love it here and it can be addictive. Tell us more about you. Where in Texas do you live? I'm in Terrell, about 30 miles East of Dallas. I homeschool Alisa in 1st grade. And this is my last pregnancy as dh got "fixed", so I'm hoping to lose all this weight after this one comes out, lol. I hope you like it here and I hope to see more of you.

    Spryng, glad work is going well. Has your new routine sank in yet? Is it still out of whack?

    Penny, hope you're having fun.

    Hello to Chris, Janiqua, Sherry, Geri, Ricci, Ginny, Jill, Jaymi and all you other desperate housewives. I've got to get back to doing my Christmas shopping online. here I come.
  • Good morning all! Bet you didn't think you'd see me again so soon, lol. But I got up early this morning and have been cleaning my house and thought I'd take a break. So here I am!! Of course the thread has been slow lately so I can kinda keep up, lol.
    Crystal, no my new routine isn't really sinking in yet, but my stomach is used to eating later now so I don't come home quite as ravenous, lol. I think I'm just going to go leftovers tonight. What are you all making? I see you are on your final weeks countdown! I'm so excited for you! Are you ready for it to be over with?
    Alicia, welcome!! I am Spryng, mother of 3 (4,3,1) and wife of 6 years now. I'm 24 yo and I just started going back to work full time about 4 weeks ago so I've been in and out of here lately. But prior to that I've been a SAHM and loved it and been with this group for 3 years now! I hit my goal weight back in april and since then have been trying to get to my personal goal weight, which as you can see is still eluding me, lol. I hope you feel at home here and post often!
    Deana, you were up awfully late last night, what kept you up? or are you a natural night owl? I was in bed at 8:30 pm and boy did 6 am come too soon, lol! My kids really need their rooms cleaned too, I guess that will become a weekend thing for us since my SIL doesn't make them keep it clean throughout the day, o-well.
    Cindi, enjoy the move!! What is the house like? I love old houses. How big is it? what does it look like? bedrooms, etc... I want all the details, lol. So glad work is going great for you!
    Jeniqua, yes daycares can be so expensive, but my SIL is watching them and it costs me half of what a daycare would charge so I still get a decent paycheck. Right now I'm saving up for a treadmill... I've decided I really want one and I'm putting money back for it. So proud of you for staying OP throughout a hectic day! Those days are hard for me too. I have to be good today too because I'm going out to lunch with a friend at work and I'm not sure where we will go so I need to make a good choice, lol.
    Well, better get my counters washed and my living room floor vaccuumed before SIL gets here! Talk to you all this evening!! Have a great day!
  • Good morning!

    Sorry I've been MIA since Monday I've been so busy lately. Tuesday I made Pasties (meat/veggie filled pies) and that always takes me longer than I like but it's a big deal to the family. No, I didn't eat one! Btw I am now totally off coffee! I weaned myself off gradually so I didn't get those big headaches. Now I am sitting here with tea. I need something hot! Need to get a wood fire going after I post. Brrrrrrr! This month I'm a house potato I don't have to drive children to or from school because of DH schedule so I glad I have you all to talk to or I'd loose my mind. I do have something wonderful to report we all officially potty trained for Celine (2) I am so happy!! Yippee!! Pardon the pun.

    Crystal glad you had a decent night's sleep. I was awake at 4:15 but decided to try and sleep a little longer. Sometimes that doesn't work for me as I feel worse then. Happy 2nd Birthday Andrew!! I love the twos! Yeah, they get into so much but they are so cute and love so much.

    Lady Spryng! So glad to see you this morning! Working before work, sheesh! I don't have the strength to get right up and clean. I have to talk myself into it first! I hope everything's going great! Glad you ae still OP!

    Alicia-welcome!! I am Roxy mother to 10...four boys and six girls just about all ages between 20-7 mo. I am currently nursing and doing the low-carb thing. You'll really like it here it's so much fun. I've only been here since end of Oct. so I have alot to lose. Tell us all about yourself and family and post often!

    Hi Michelle! I figure as soon as I post I'll have missed you! What are you up to today? You were flyby lady yesterday so must have been very busy.
    Are you feeling better? Did Aunt Flo come to town? Anyway, Hope you ARE feeling better!!

    Deana my evil twin, seems like we're constanly cleaning up after other people!Isn't that such fun? I have alot to do today too. Hope you get your Curves in and have some fun!

    Jeniqua- Good! I'll go out sometime today and write some things down. How old are your scholars? Just starting out? I see what I have for your age group. Crystal, you are welcome to whatever I have too! I just can't store it for ever. It will just go to waste out there.

    Hi to all you other moms I'm not getting personal with, have a great day!!

  • Good Morning everyone! Sorry, I haven't been around much. I feel like everything is slipping. My house, my eating and all. I feel like I have no motivation all of a sudden. PLease someone give me some words of wisdom to get back on my feet before I go in the wrong direction. I'm still going to the gym, and still not losing. I just want all this to move before I lose my motivation. ahhhhh! Anyway, enough complaining.

    HAppy Birthday ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Roxy!

    Hey Spryng!!
  • Checking in while we eat breakfast. I made blueberry muffins and cream of wheat.

    Spryng, so nice to see you around in the morning. Yes, I'm totally ready to have this baby. I told myself that being miserable was all in my mind and I would fight it. But I found out that's not so. It's not in my mind and there's nothing I can do with this huge ball in belly. I can't bend all the way over. I can't see my toes to clip and polish them. I can't EVER get comfortable, I can't breathe greatly. So it's not in my head and I'm ready for it to be over.

    Roxy, sorry you got up so early. I'm like you, if I go back to sleep I'll feel worse when I actually get up. Hope you get some rest.

    Mel, sorry you've been feeling this way. All I can say is that EVERYONE goes through it. Everyone hits a plateau, even Spryng did before she hit her goal. I remember her going through it and questioning it. Look at her as your inspiration and notice that she overcame that plateau. It's only up to you to stick with it. Also, being the holidays and having stress from it, it can make you lose sight as to what you're working for. Try to keep that in sight and don't beat yourself up over not doing well during this time of year. Think of the new year coming and what that can mean. Like other than having this baby, I'm looking towards my 10 year high school reunion next year. Don't even know if I'm going for sure, but it keeps my eyes focused on something. Plus I've got my new home coming along. So think about next year. Maybe a big family vacation or a big event. Or if you can't think of anything, plan something. Like a big July 4th blow out or something that can keep you focused. Think about how you want to look for that event or time and keep trucking along.
    Now, I'm sorry to go on and on about this but I hope you'll tell me all this too after I have the baby and I feel the way you're feeling right now. Chin up and know that as much as you need us, we need you too.
    Have a great day.
  • Good Morning Girls!!

    Roxy, I LOVE pasties!!! It's been a long time since I've had one though. What are you doing today?

    Crystal I hope you have a good day today!!

    Mel don't give up girly If you need to talk I'm here!!

    In fact I was just going to introduce a new challenge, The Biggest Loser Challenge, anyone who wants to participate needs to donate a $10 gift card to walmart that will go to the winner once the challenge is over, I'm thinking the challenge will run for 12 weeks and at the end the biggest loser wins a shopping trip to walmart. The fine details aren't worked out yet but I'm hoping we have a large portion of the group who wants to participate

    Jill and Deana, it was great talking with you last night!!!

    Spryng have a great day at work!!! I sent your package off on Monday so you should receive it today or tomorrow

    Taylor is ticking me off big time today, she is just being so mean to Teagan and it infuriates me!! So I yelled at her and sent her to her room to chill the heck out! Okay I'm done whining about my misbehaved child/ren lol.

    Okay I'm gonna get some breakfast! Love to all!
  • Hi Mel-
    Just look at your ticker sweetie, you are sooo close to being in oneunderland!!! I would be thrilled to be so close. If you need motivation, go to Mondays post and look at those adorable little cuties there on the couch! Don't forget everytime you make a meal, all of us girls are going through the same thing. Everytime you exercise, we are too. Everytime you are having a hard time, so are we. We're in this together!

  • Just a short hello....
    Chris the package is in the mail- hope you like it!!!!
    Ricci- thanks for the super comfy slippers and the mug. The slippers are the kind your feet sort of sink into.....great after a miserable day on the bus. So warm and snuggly.
    So now everyone knows what I got!!!!!!!!!
    Gotta go- sorry not to get personal......see ya later.
  • Crystal, Michelle and Roxy.......Thanks so much for your words of kindness and wisdom! You are all right. Michelle, I was thinking of doing a similar thing with the biggest loser. We have to find a way to prove our loss though. Maybe we have to weigh in with the digital in hand. Let me know. Hey last night did you see that the red team had to do 500 lundges, situps and pushups and squats? DO you think I could do that. that;s 2000 moves. I'm thinking to tell my trainer to help me accomplish this in a workout next week.

    Thanks again all I needed that.

    Roxy congrats on getting the little one trained. Big accomplishment.

    MIchelle, I know what you mean about the kids. Abigail has been fresh lately too. I do the same thing...send her to her room so I get peace. She told me the other day that if I didn't let her get her picture taken at Wall mart, that she would just scream all day. Unbelievable how they can be. Deep breaths. ahhhhhhhhh.....hhhhh

    Crystal, muffins sounds good. hope the kids enjoyed them.
  • Hey Y'all What happened to everyone's siggies? Did photobucket go off-line or something? Or is it just me?

  • That was weird! Everything's okay now. Huh! Oh well, I've been cybershopping for a while. Got a good deal on Rush Hour and River Crossing and been just looking at Walmart so when I go this week I have some ideas. I better go do some more LAUNDRY, the love of my life...can anyone hear me doing cat coughing up a hairball sound? I wish I had a wife! TTYL

  • Hi ladies!! Well TOM has shown up finally LOL thank god! Only almost 2 weeks late!! ARGGGGGHHHH!!!

    Mel, yep we can take pictures of our weigh ins if you like The only part that I am having trouble with is incorporating inches and pounds lost to make it fair for people who don't have a lot of weight to lose. I'm thinking that 1 lb will equal 1 pt and an inch will equal 3 pts? do you think that sounds fair?

    Okay well my mom just showed up without calling so I better go! TTYL!!
  • Hi ladies!
    Sorry I've been MIA for a little over a week but my internet was down until last nite. A friend came over and fixed it. I'm soooo....glad! I've sure missed chatting here w/you all! I'm going to be visiting as many days a week as I can though!

    Things are good here. We had a great thanksgiving! All went smoothly! Now we just have to get ready for Christmas! How's everyone doing w/their shopping? I've go some done but definately not all!

    The weather suddenly got chilly here today. Low 40's, windy (30-40 mle an hr. winds) and snow this mng but nothing stayed. We did have a coating for Thanksgiving too. My daughter Taylor went outside and built snowmen! Small snowmen but she did it all by herself...2 of them. Personally, I only like snow till Christmas then it can go away.

    Well, I'll check in in the mng!

    Have a good nite all!
  • Hi all. Now we're having dinner. Just beans and rice and cheese tacos or whatever you'd call it.
    Deana, I went to town today and had your gift ready to send, but literally at the last minute before we walked out the door my computer froze and your address was stored in it. So now I've got your package ready and let me tell looks terrible. I mean, it's not even wrapping paper, but it's solid white and thin. I covered it with tape to make it more sturdy. Your address is half written with a permanent marker and half with a pen. Don't think anything of it from the packaging. I'll get it mailed maybe tomorrow but Friday no later.

    Sherry, I knew we hadn't seen you around. Sometimes we all get so busy. Glad you're computer is fixed.

    Michelle, sorry you have to deal with TOM, but glad all at the same time. Does that make since?

    Okay, kids are going to watch Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer tonight, the old one we all watched as kids. They got the well house totally done, it's a little shed thingy to cover our well and will fit our lawn mower and 4 wheeler in there. They are totally ready to start framing tomorrow. They've precut alot of wood today and cleared off the slab. In fact they are all out there now in the dark doing something. Anyways, we stayed outside today, it was chilly but beautiful.
    Okay, I've got to clean the kids messes. TTYL