I'm back!

  • Hi gals!

    I've been away from the forum for a few weeks and thought I should get back to it! The diet has been a bit off and on over the past few weeks ~ overtaken by house selling/buying; car hunting and all the stresses that goes with it!

    Diet hasn't totally gone to pot but have more off days than I would have liked! Luckily the weight has stayed pretty much the same but am getting back into food optimising as from tomorrow (I'm having an angel delight and dream topping later!)

    We've bought a new car, accepted an offer on our house and made an offer on a house in Swindon, all this in one week! So no more excuses, I'm being strict as from tomorrow!
  • Well done HB for getting back on the wagon....and how good are you, managing to have all those stressful things going on and not have too many bad days? I'm proud of ya...cos until yesterday I was so off plan it wasn't funny....I'm back on now though, I wnat to lose this gain by Christmas...AND I CAN DO IT< SO I SHALL! (i'm not shouting at you though, just myself)
  • One more post to 1000, Brit!
  • Yay welcome back there are a few missing hopely they will return too.
  • Welcome Back Heavensbug

    Only 1000 post Chris sheesh I thought you'd done a lot more yapping than that it certainly feels like it
  • LOOK!!! 1000 POSTS!!! I DID IT! TO ME!

    @Cat..... cheeky about my gabbing!!!
  • I'll come back too

    Just been real busy...but will make time for posting from now on

    Still plodding away on diet....4lbs to go til 5 stone mark - but dont think gonna make it before xmas,,,but hey ho theres always next year!!

    Hope you all ok!
    Kelly x
  • he-he now 1005 Chris

    Welcome Back Kelly WOW what a fantastic achievement nearly 5sts lost