Thursday weigh ins--May 3, 2001

  • Good morning. The sun is shining here in North central WI and it is a beautiful spring morning. Just made for walking -- unfortunately I am stuck sitting behind a computer or in meetings all day long.

    I figured since Tina was out enjoying herself and I was the first one here, I would start the weigh in thread.

    I can happily announce that Week 2 for me found me losing 2.5 pounds for a total of 8.5 pounds so far. This time I feel better about this lifestyle-I think I am going to do it this time.

    How did everyone else do? Good luck!!!
  • Thanks for starting this weeks W/I thread Linda.
    Congrats on your loss this week, your doing great keep up the good work.

    I showed a gain of 2#, but Im not surprised since I lost so much last week, and I havent counted points all week. I need to do that this week.

    How did everyone else do this round?

  • Hi all. I haven't weighed in yet but I wanted to wish everyone good luck today. I haven't been able to visit for almost 3 week because my computer's modem got fryed in a storm I think. Anyways, we now have a new computer, and I am so HAPPY! I sure missed being able to check out this site to help inspire me along the way!!! You don't know how much it helps until you can't visit. Anyways, best of luck to all and I'll visit later and let you know my results.....Sis
  • Color me frustrated ....
    And the slide continues. Paid almost $30 (I missed two weeks) to find out that I gained 0.4. I weighed 3.5 pounds more there at noon than on my home scale this morning. Just the news that I wanted to hear.

    And to top it off, they gave me FF Ranch instead of FF italian on my salad at lunch today. I think I'm going to go dig a hole and jump in :: Sigh ::

    276 / 239.4 (ugh) / 144
  • Back again. Had a 1 lb loss this week. That + my 3.25 loss last week makes my total 84.25. Only 16 more lbs to go to hit that 100 lb mark! I'll make it yet! Hopefully by the end of the summer at least. I would really like to be below 200 by then. I will give it my best shot. Hope the scales were good to everyone this week. Have a great week end ......Sis
  • My weight is holding steady. I'm relieved after all of the food they fed us over the weekend and because I am in the crampy stages right now. Waiting for some relief in that area, believe me!!

    Congrats to the losers!

    Those that gained, get em next week!!
  • Hello all! Sorry that I have not posted in so long. I have been swamped with work... and busy hanging out with my new man. Well, I joined the gym last week and have been working out on a consistent basis. I really think that I am going to be able to keep this up. I actually look forward to going to the gym. It is also nice having someone to go to the gym with because it keeps me more motivated. If I am not in the mood, he drags me... if he is not in the mood, I still drag him. I think it has already paid off. I am down this week... and I can actually see where I am starting to lose some inchses. I really wish I had something I could use to measure so that I could really see inches start coming off. I have a feeling that the inches will come before the weight will. Well, I think I have kind of broken the plateau that I have been on. I weighed in today, and was down... lowest I have been since my last WW run. Now I just need to keep it off... This weekend is going to be a challenge. We have our music festival this weekend, and I am planning on going everyday. There will be tons of food there, and I plan on partaking in many o' beerverages. At least I have already made the commitment to work out Saturday morning. I hope that this will keep my motivation up to watch what I eat this weekend.

    Sis, great job on your loss! 4.25 lb in 2 weeks is awesome. you are getting so close to 100 down... you will be there before you know it.. just keep it up!

    Laura, hang in there girl! After not going to weigh in for a couple of weeks... that is not bad at all. I think consistently weighing in tends to keep one more motivated.

    Dee.... next week those 2 lbs will be gone.. just stick with it

    Loodie, congrats on your weigh in!


    restart stats --> 171.5/164.5/157(ww)/150(personal) 7 down, 7.5 to ww goal, 14.5 to personal
  • Hi,
    I just finished writing this long message and it went off my screen.
    This is disgusting.

    Kimmy-jo, congratulations on making Lifetime. You've worked so hard and we are all so proud of you.

    I was up 2 1/2 pounds this time. I'm surprised I weighed this morning. I drank lots and lots of water but the weather/humidity in the Caymans took it right out of me. they have fantastic ways of preparing seafood with green, red, & yellow bell peppers and spices. That part of the meals weren't problems--I pigged out on desserts.

    It's back to journaling.
    I can't remember everything I wrote to everyone.

    I still must catch up on the Chatters thread.
    Linda, thank you for starting us out this time.
  • Hi,

    Well, I'm up .2 this week. I actually thought I would lose this week. However, .2 gain isn't that bad. Next week, hopefully I'll be going the other direction.

    Congrats to all of the losers this week!