I'm Doing the Happy Dance!

  • My official WI: 2 lbs. down! I changed my signature to show my new weight: 160 lbs. This is so easy, it is unbelievable! I am so happy I found this plan. This is the last day of my week and I have 22 WPAs left over. I reached my 20lb. milestone last week so that means I get my new outfit from the Coldwater Creek catalog. I've picked it out and will order today. But what is more exciting is that I have picked out the next one that I really want and DH has promised me that one as a combination next 10lb. loss + Christmas present. That way I will be able to order a size smaller!

    Hope everyone has a good day today. I'm going garage sale hunting. Just wanted to check in and tell my newest best friends the good new.
  • Congratulations!! Enjoy that new outfit -- you deserve it!
  • YAY!! Skinny clothes!
  • Janette, congrats!!! You are doing so great!!!
  • How exciting!! WTG!