I'm Coming Back!!!

  • Hi there all you groovy chicks!!! I sure did miss you all!

    Well, I'm coming back! I'm so sorry to have dropped out of touch, but the honest lowdown is that I got some bad news fa while back from my oncologist which send me into a tailspin. I won't try to sugar coat things.....I was some kinda sick and had to have a good hunk of my intestines sent to the trash.

    BUT....on the more positive side, things are looking good... even though I'm not. I've gained a major portion (but not ALL) of my weight back, but I'm cleared by the doctors for takeoff. After my checkup this week I should be good to go. I'm ready to get back control of my life and that includes control of my weight.

    Looking back, I should have never "dropped out" just because I had to stop Atkins. But that's looking back and I'm all about looking forward these days, so look for me soon on a chat near you!
  • Welcome back Paula! full speed ahead!
  • Hi Paula!

    You have such a positive attitude...nice to meet you.

  • Welcome back Paula and sorry about the news. But you sound like you have such a positive attitude--and that's great Can't wait to chat with you more
  • Welcome back Paula....please stay healthy!
  • Hey Toots !!!

    Welcome back
  • Welcome Back Paula and I am glad you are feeling better!!
  • Yay! Welcome back, Paula! Glad you are back and feeling great.
  • Welcome back! I was wondering what had happened to you. I hope things are ok now and you are much healthier.
  • Hi Paula! Welcome Back! Sorry to hear you've had to go through that, but so glad you're back. ~Barbie
  • Paula!

    I missed you! I am so glad you are coming back!

    I have been MIA for a while myself! But I am coming back too!
  • WOOHOO!! Karen's coming back also!!

    Umm....where are you guys???? lol
  • Welcome back! I've missed you!