Diet Soda?

  • Can I drink Diet Dr. Pepper in the induction phase?
  • have you read the book?

    Caffiene is a big no-no during induction. A good rule of thumb for induction is "if you can't make it yourself, don't go near it"
  • Thanks! I got the book today on my lunch break. I will read it tonight. I am having a headache though and know it is probably because of the lack of caffeine today(just started Atkins today). Thanks for the info. I will tough it out!
  • barq's rootbeer doesnt have any caffeine........thats what I stick with....
  • Or you could go the Diet Rite route... their tangerine flavor is quite tasty!
  • Quote: Or you could go the Diet Rite route... their tangerine flavor is quite tasty!
    Especially when mixed with Bacardi Rum or Smirnoff vodka