Rears in Gear for the New Year - September

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  • Holy COW where is this year going!?!?! Welcome to the 9th month!

    Well I started off last month with a bang, and life blindsided me and knocked me right off my track. I didn't gain, and in fact managed to lose enough to get me back into the 170s, but there I stayed.

    I'm moving the horses AGAIN today to another farm, and this will give me more time to work out in the morning and actually work with the horses. But the last week has been very stressful. The last three weeks have been very stressful. I want very much for this month to yield better results, and I guess that means I have to be willing to work harder and focus more.

    Four months left in the year. Wow.
  • Here I am, it's September.... I always feel like it's "New Year's" in September vs. January 1st. School starts, it feels like a new beginning time of year for me.
    I shall make this month really count!
  • I really need to strengthen my resolve this month. I have been dealing with a lot of work stress, which has led to some old coping habits - food. I haven't been doing a lot of binging on junk food - chips, chocolate, etc - it has mainly been just eating a lot. But it is not good. My exercise is good. I need to stay focused, and make this month count. I am still on track to be below 225 by my birthday, and at 200 by the end of the year. I just need to focus. And find better ways to deal with stress.

    The good thing is that I am getting better at not putting myself in the middle of the road to be run over by my bad habits. This morning, I did not stop for soda, as I knew I would be tempted by other junk. Last night, I did not stop for the chocolate I was craving. It is not 100% of the time, but slowly getting better.

    Here's to a great month.
  • Hello Lovely Ladies!

    Back from one day off. Mom left yesterday afternoon. My house was cleaned and scrubbed free of all the crap food by last night. No more crud in my house. No more bad influences, no more slipping back into bad habits. NO MORE!!

    I'm back to WW tonight. Will probably show about 10 pounds up, but that is better than the almost 15 I gained back. I was up this morning about 9 or 10. I'm okay with that, since September is really going to be my best month ever!

    Had my 2 week post-op checkup with the surgeon. He said I looked "magnificent" and that he was not going to lift my light-duty restrictions. He said what he has found is that people push it anyway, and if he lifted my 10 pound weight restriction, then I would probably do deep tissue damage and not even know it, therefore setting myself up to have a longer recovery period.

    He did say occasionally I could go without the bra at night, but not during the day. Might try that this weekend. I'm still scared of rolling over and smashing my nice new chest!

    Some of us have been faltering a little bit here. I have been pretty much absent due to surgery last month, but feel the "needing a kick in the butt" vibes we so freely give out. I am determined to have a wonderful month of September. Here are my goals for the month:

    1. I weighed 226 this morning at home--up 10 pounds post surgery. I can get that gone without a problem by the end of the month, but I want more. When the end of the month comes, I want to show a loss of 40 pounds on WW scales. I was 219.6 the night before surgery, that was 35.4 loss so far. I need to be at 215.0 by the end of the month on their scales, which weigh me 3 pounds heavier. That would mean 212 on my scales at home, a loss of 14 pounds. Aggressive, yes!!! Attainable, maybe not. Gonna try??? OH YEAH!!!

    2. Get back into my morning routine of exercising on my Gazelle. I've been walking outside in the morning, but it's turning cold so that probably won't hold until the end of the month. We will probably have snow on the ground by month's end. So, exercise goals are Gazelle 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I can't do my Pilates or any other tapes until my October 5th post op check up. Walking at work, as weather permits.

    3. STAY OFF THE JUNK FOOD!!! No more fast unhealthy food and crap food. I've lived my life full of it up to this point and I just don't want it anymore. I will allow little bites here and there, but not whole candy bars, and three or four handfulls of crud anymore.

    We have all worked too hard to backslide now. I would be interested in a mini-September challenge if anyone knows of one they would like to do. Nothing too complicated, and maybe we should all just get focused and back in gear this month, starting challenges next month? Let me know.

    Jolly: Okay, we have done well, no more bad habits and old lifestyles creeping back into the mix. Head up, dust off your shoulders, and get back with it! We can do this together, because we need to!

    Raven: When is Ian and dad due to arrive? How is your weather? My friend in Savannah says there is a big storm brewing down there. Why did you have to move the horsies again? I was hoping this would be a great move for everyone!

    Red: Welcome back. I hope the job front calms down for you.

    Happy: I'm still keeping fingers crossed for you and your job situation. The mailing gets really crazy here once the PFD posts and people start shipping stuff out. You can stand in line for over an hour at the post office and not make any progress. Just a mad house and I hate it.

    Linda: Great job on the 140's. I'm so happy for you. I go tonight. Halfway there, huh? Keep up the great job, as I have heard the last 10 pounds are the hardest to lose.

    Have a great day and HAPPY SEPTEMBER you lovely inspiring ladies!

  • Sounds like the butt kicking has begun! I'm "there" with you guys. Blew it yesterday with a huge oatmeal raisin muffin and coffee cake at my quilt meeting. I have this problem with social occasions, obviously. I have another meeting today and will bring microwaved 94% FF popcorn. I have to be good! We are heading away for the long weekend and I need to pull in the reigns here.
    Haven't exercised in two days, this afternoon will be a "marathon" on the treadmill, probably about an hour????
    Think like a cat.... still my theme for this week. The cats only eat when they are hungry, if they get together with other cats their reaction has nothing to do with food!
  • Tomorrow is Friday, and it's a three day weekend! Very cool. We got the horses moved without incident, thank goodness. They are safely ensconced in their quiet little pasture now, and looked very comfortable when we left last night. Of course we'll be going over tonight to spend some time with them and enjoy the peace and quiet.

    Food for the last several days (weeks?) has been dismal at best. Too busy, too stressed to care. Just grabbed what I could when I could, and left it at that. Most of the time it was food I didn't even LIKE, but it was convenient and fast. Yech. So I think this is a GREAT time to start getting back to the healthier eating patterns.

    Chach - You sound like you are taking the bull by the horns, good for you! I'm not sure at all when Ian and his Dad will be arriving in GA. The last time I heard from my ex, they were in Canada and making their way to Oregon to see his folks. His dad wasn't doing so well - apparently had to undergo heart surgery. I hope to hear from them soon. Frances is the name of the latest hurricane barreling towards Florida. It's a Category 4 monster already. It's making me nervous, not for myself, but for my friends with horses down in FL in its path. They went through Charlie and survived, now they're looking at this thing wreaking havoc. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it changes course, loses power, something.

    Jolly - You have a lot of resolve, I'm so impressed. I know things get really stressful, but you keep thinking instead of just tuning out and giving in. I need to join you in that boat.

    Linda - I dunno.. I've sure seen my fair share of FAT cats. Offer any animal unlimited food and generally speaking you've got a fat animal. Especially if you limit the activity. My daughter and I were actually talking about this the other day. How in a different time, people who could get fat easily were the ones who survived the best. We have very efficient metabolisms, nothing goes to waste, all of it goes to waist!! Ha, I made a funny. ANYway... Hope you enjoyed your treadmill workout.

    My treadmill belt tore. *sigh* Can't afford a new belt. I guess it's taebo for my aerobics, or *gasp, horror* I could walk outside. If it ain't one thing...
  • Hello Ladies,

    I was up 9 pounds at my weigh in last night. You would think I was stressed about it, right? Nope, not at all. It was actually one pound lower than I thought it was going to be. My leader said I did good considering I haven't worked out in a month and have been on light duty for about three weeks. Honestly, a gain like that would have devastated me a few months ago. Now, I know why it happened, and how I can correct it and know I just have to let my body take it's time and heal.

    So, that is me in a nutshell. I'm off tomorrow and have the long weekend to look forward to. I probably won't be checking in a lot, but know that I am on program, ready to fight this weight battle and ready to kick my own butt back into shape. I have new boobs, just need to get this tummy gone so my hourglass figure really shows!!

    Linda: Have a great long weekend, wherever you end up going. Don't worry about your quilting day--I know that has always been a struggle. Be good the rest of the week and you will compensate for it. Count the points and move on. I'm on Core this week. I'll see how I like it. No portion control scares me, as I have a tendancy to binge eat.

    Raven: My relatives are in Oregon, so if you need anything for Ian, let me know. See, I got people all over this country that are there if we need them! I'm glad the horsies got moved and all is good on that side of things. I'm sorry your treadmill broke. Looks like it's time for quality time with our man Billy Blanks. Love that man! Can't wait to do his program again once I am off light duty. Did I tell you I bought a Pilates DVD? It has over 15 workouts on it for all levels of fitness and for all different time intervals. I can't wait to use that also! I just need to get a mat for it. Think I'll make a trip to Sport Authority.

    Alright ladies, I'm outta here for the weekend. I expect to hear wonderful results that everyone is right on program all weekend long. Jolly, I know you are weighing in on Monday, so good luck with that!

    Hi to Happy and Hippy and Red!!!

  • HEy all. Raven - e please!!! What happened with the horses??

    I am trying to keep my mouth closed this week, in more ways than one. Not to say negative things, and not shove food in. I have been letting things get to me way too much. I am getting a very negative attitude, and I don't like it. Maybe I need to get the "serenity prayer" tatooed somewhere. I don't want to be negative. I don't want to be a glass half empty sort of person. And I don't want to eat my troubles away.

    That said, I hope to use this weekend to regroup, relax, and get a much needed attitude adjustment.

    Have a good one all.
  • Jolly - I sent you an e-mail yesterday? To your work e-mail, I believe...

    To spare everyone the gory details, basically things had been deteriorating at the new barn. Rocks with trash (piece of board with nails in them, metal strips) dumped in front of my pasture gate to "stop the erosion" of the little stream... "oh sure, your horses can walk across that just FINE!" *scream* My gate being accidentally left open. Horses being turned out with mine when I'm not aware it's going to happen. Then more horses being turned out with them on a daily basis, but who knows from day to day which horses it will be.... And the unfriendliness of the barn owners towards us was palpable. When I finally called Josh about the strange horses in the pasture and Shadow's leg issue, his whole thing was "if you don't like it, leave, we need the pasture." So... I did. *sigh* I found a nice little place. Quiet, private, small, very pretty, comfortable. I hope this one works out. Of course it's 30 minutes away from my house. And of course it's more expensive. And of course my boyfriend is now threatening to leave me because of the expense of the horses. I'm not joking. Sadly. Ok, I did say I'd spare the gory details, right? I'm sorry! So they're moved and I'm happy. Er.. sort of. *weak smile*
  • Heh, I just found you again. Wasn't getting any email notifications so didn't realize there were posting. Am at the dreaded workplace now so can't write. Just wanted to say hi and I hope September is a productive month for all of you.

    I'm barely keeping my head above water but am definitely trying. The 10-day challenge I started up on the support forum is a big help. Keeps me feeling obligated and accountable. I haven't forgotten you here though. Miss you all and hope to be back posting in the near future.

    Take care!
  • Hey all. Just posting from third shift. Raven, I never got your email. I will not be at my work computer again until Tuesday, so send stuff to my home. I am sorry things went bad so fast, and hope things turn out ok at the new place. Please "e" when you can. REd, I am glad your challenge is helping you get back on track.

    Right now, I am just trying to work on my attitude problem. Then, the food. But, the mindset is more of an issue right now.

    Ah well, one day at a time. Hopefully the 3 1/2 day weekend will help.

    Have a good one all.
  • Hey all .. I'm much more relaxed at this point. Heard from Ian, the horses are doing great, and I can actually sleep in this weekend. Wow.

    I'm still in the 170s, that makes me happy. This month I'd really LOVE to drop that so that I'm in the 160s by October. I gave myself yesterday and today to just enjoy being back on a "regular" schedule, and this weekend I'm going to start working out daily again. I don't even know what, precisely, I'm just gong to make sure I do SOMETHING. Since my treadmill is out right now, I guess I'll probably rotate the taebo, pilates, and weights. Who knows, maybe I'll even be able to start riding again soon if my saddle comes in!! woo! And it fits my horse.

    So I guess that's my biggest challenge to myself right now, is just exercise every day. Something. Doesn't matter what, just do it. So tomorrow I expect to be able to report in that I did some exercise.

    As far as food goes, I'm finding myself seriously tired of junk and crap. Now that I have a bit more time, I think I'll start looking into recipes again. Wow. What a concept.
  • Lots to read about with you guys. Raven, I am so sorry about what happened with the horses, but am glad they are in a new place now and hopefully that will work out?
    Maybe you could trade off some work with the barn owners for some reduced rates? I have a friend who trades off riding for working, she's quite happy around any horse and doesn't mind the work, she considers it exercise! Sometimes they are agreeable? Sounds like your boyfriend just doesn't understand how these creatures have captured your heart. I hope he can.
    Red, I hope this new 10 day thing has you more motivated. I have another thread that is going on in the ww general section and I totally understand that "ownership" of a thread gives you certain responsibility. You just can't lose interest and "drop out". People arrive on the thread and they begin to depend on you. I like it, though, it keeps me accountable. I also consider it very good practice for when (not if) I reach goal and when I can be a ww leader!
    Chach, I am glad you were so positive about your gain, you know that it couldn't be helped post surgery and you are so motivated to continue on your path to self improvement, you'll do it!
    Jolly, what can we all do to help your attitude? I'm here if you need me! Just put a smile on that face, it's contagious I think!
    I stayed on the core program, no cheating, all day yesterday. I was on the treadmill for 40 minutes as well. I felt good. The scale "flipped" down to 146 for a brief second or two this morning when I got on, but settled back at 147. This is the scale that is always 3 pounds less than the one at ww, so who knows? Also, don't even know why I bother getting on it as I know it's different, yet I do!
    We are unsure of weekend plans. We are going away for some of the weekend, but we are unsure of when as we are not wanting to leave my son alone overnight. He has to work on Friday and Saturday nights, so we might go away on Sunday and Monday. Weather reports look good, at least.
  • Hello all,
    I am still in a holding pattern, waiting to hear something about a new job. I know for sure I won't hear anymore about one until the end of the month as they go through th necessary motions but I thought I'd hear something about the other by now. Not taking any chances and still looking at want ads and the like to drum up more leads. It would be nice to know which way the path will run but I guess at this point, I'm still tromping through the woods. I have gotten much more done and I do feel better having spent less time on the computer and more time setting goals for myself to get various tasks done. I'm even exercising regularly again. Food was exceptionally good this week having gone shopping again. And all I need is some fresh meat for next week as I still have a good stock of fruits and veggies. My one foot keeps swelling which is annoying. I'm trying to watch the salts as much as possible. It's nice to have the 3 day weekend ahead of us even tho this is my least favorite holiday (because it means that summer's coming to an end, days get shorter and winter will be here all too soon). I'm hoping to spend one day having fun, one for chores and one getting the treadmill up and cleaned off. I must knock off my post smoking weight gain or I won't fit into my winter coat and I'm NOT buying a bigger one. Nope, no way, nada, zip, zilch.

    Raven, sorry to hear you had to move the horses yet again. I hope things work out with all things in your life right now - don't forsake everything for your dream - sometimes we're too close to make good decisions - know what I mean? As you've said may times, it's all about balance.

    Linda, I think that's a great goal to be a WW leader some day. Many of them are just not that great and motivating, I think you'd do well and it gives you something to shoot for. Have fun on your weekend away.

    Jolly, hope you get some good R&R time to restore the good attitude. Sometimes the mental demons find all sorts of ways to knock us off our thinking. I think you have a good handle on your triggers and you're getting very strong in not letting them get to you. Make this week a no bad attitude challenge for yourself. Did you make loser of the month at TOPS for August?

    Red, good to hear that you're doing ok on your 10 day challenge. Bits at a time. Don't get overwhelmed, don't try and do 8,000 percent all at once. Kaisen - continuous ongoing improvement...

    Speaking of which, I like your goals for September Chachee - I may tag along and borrow some of yours. Glad surgery worked out well for you - enjoy your long weekend!

    My goals for September. I'd like to be down 8 pounds by month's end. My food is back on track - I need to plan ahead and focus on portion control. Exercise - bike and walking along with weights again 5 days a week. I should do the Pilates again too because my mid section and posture could sure use it. I have to force down the water again - not drinking enough and I don't want as much as I should be having. I've also starting drinking a few more sodas than I should be having. Maybe only about 3 or 4 a week but I should limit that to 2 of them. And start drinking green tea again.

    Hope you all have a safe and happy long weekend!
  • Good morning to you all!
    Just a quick post, I think we are leaving for the lake later on this morning, still not packed, so have to get rolling.
    We are awaiting a chat with my son to see how he is doing before our final decision to leave. Having a kid suffering from depression sure modifies your life a bit.
    He's been better, of late, however he's had a bad couple of days. If we left today, we'd leave him alone for one night and we are not sure we want to do that.
    Happy, I hope that news of this job comes quickly. I hope it works out whichever way is best.
    Red, I'm "off" the 10 day challenge again. I think it was making me worse or something! I blew it with ww ice cream last night. I should have had about a half cup and then ended up re-filling my bowl. I was really stressed out yesterday and I could have eaten an entire half gallon.
    Have to get control.... control is my goal.